actually the absolute best way to get gold is to play the mokujin stage and equip both of your characters with max item drop rate and max fight money increase. in case you dont know how to get the moku stage unlocked you have to beat hte leo stage on hard. I average 3 million gold everytime I play moku stage… doesn’t get easier than that.
Here’s a general console question.
I’m looking to buy a copy of Tekken 6 for PSP, but don’t know if it will play on my CFW 4.01 M33-2 PSP. Can anyone confirm or deny that a Tekken 6 UMD will play on my CFW?
EDIT: Somehow, I always find answers on my own AFTER I ask. Anyway, Tekken 6 UMD can not run on anything other than 6.0 firmware and above.
Might as well OFW my PSP.
yeah they havent cracked shit above 5.03 and its looking like they never will. this thread
What’s different between the PS3/360 versions to the PSP version?
Gold Rush Mode:
30 second rounds, deal damage to the opponent to earn money, take damage to lose. -
No rank limit in ghost mode
No Team Battle
No Replays
Rest is pretty much the same thing, enjoy Tekken portable.
I had the same problem on release day. Couple days down the road however, a working ISO popped up. Game runs fine on my PSP.
what model psp and what cfw?
Is there a way to change the resolution in game? My PS3 is set for my shitty little TV, but T6 still has black bars on top and bottom and small text. Any idea?
If you are playing on a standard definition tv there is no way to escape those black bars. SDtv is naturally 480i, T6 is 720p native resolution, so that would happen. Namco should at least have taken a similar route to Capcom with SF4, since there are no black bars with sf. Someone more tech savvy than myself would be better able to explain why black bars are present with some hd games and not in others.
Seriously, why the no replays? Very odd thing to do and takes away a big part of the game.
probably too much memory or somethin like that
what do you guys feel is the easiest character to pick up?
itd be nice to point people towards an easy character to get proficient with.
my vote is bob.
Meh, not really. Bob’s juggles require crucial timing and spacing to pull off consistantly. Plus a lot of his mix-up strings have high hits that are duckable and hop-kick punishable.
For the most part Lili would be the most beginner friendly character. She has super easy 60+ damage staple juggles. A 10 frame wall splat that’s relatively safe on block and decent frame traps for good mix-ups along with decent lows to break turtles’ shells. Overall she’s an above average character that’s simple to use as far as input and all that jazz. Only problem I can point is that she’s rather slow and linear making her side-steppable like no other. But on the other hand her electric side-step is the best in the game.
Feng Wei also comes into mind for the same reasons as Lili. Although he’s not slow like her so he can somewhat pitbull his opponent if you know what you’re doing. Plus B+1+2 stuffs the shit out of almost any whiff and it covers some pretty good range. Very unsafe on block though.
feng almost seems good but most of his juggles over 60 dmg are either hard to do or harder to set up right. Fengs non juggleyness is kinda gay, then again you get alot better at spacing and countering with him.
Ive only dicked around for a bit with lili… she seems like a good one.
So just to confirm before I spend the money on a second copy (I already have it for PS3): This translates well to PSP?
No man. Believe me. Not at all. I **wish **he was as easy to pick up as lili, I really do. I love his moveset, but you’re always constantly thinking.
After 6 hours of playing Bob against tourney players, your brain will be so drained it’s not even funny. Whereas with someone like Lili, her move properties are so forgiving, you can take a few hits, toss a few back, and then throw out a launcher (of which she has MANY) for an easy as pie wall carry juggle.
this actually sounds pretty good, ive been playing as feng since it dropped on consoles and im looking to pick up a more technical character that isnt devil jin.
Bob will remind you of a Mishima initially… until you realize that he’s not dependent on his cd moves.
I didn’t want to post this anywhere else for fear of getting negged…
What are the applications of mishima “wavedashing”? Seems to me it would just bridge space gaps while air-comboing and comboing in general.
Also, what are the general changes btw Tekken 5 and Six on the fighting engine? I heard there was some sort of “universal pop up move” but I really don’t see it… And did anyone get any new moves?
well thank you for posting here.
wavedashing is a good way to get into someones grill quickly while limiting there options. Example: Kazuya is jockeying for position with jin, theyre sidestepping and back dashing back and forth. Kazuya sees an opening to WaveDash in, with wavedashing Kaz has a 13f launcher at his disposal and he ducks high’s during the animation of the WD. this limits jin to trying to time out a jab perfectly, or go for a high crush, the problem with that is while WD’ing kaz also has his hell sweep which whill beat both a high crush or jab.
The big change from 5.0 to 6.0 is the bound system, its basically a way of prolonging combos and adding damage to combos. There are also changes to combo damage scaling i would suggest going to for more info on that.
And everyone got new moves from 5.0 to 6.0 if you tell me your character im sure i could tell you his/hers best new moves or most useful.
What button configuration does tekken 6 arcade cabinet have?
What do you set on arcade stick ?
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