Tekken Gathering #2 Jax, FL 04/07/2007

Empire Coffee
9527 Regency Blvd.
Jacksonville, FL 32225
(904) 891-5102

                                   ****Tekken 5 DR**** 
                                    Saturday April 7th, 2007 

The tournament will start at 12pm. The registration will go from 10am to 11:30am. Try to get here at 10am so you will have plenty of time to relax, practice, or do whatever it is that you do before a tournament.

-Registration will start at 10am and run until 11:30am. The entry fee will be $17 + $3. Tournament will start at 12pm.

-Double elimination, best 3 out of 5 rounds and 2 out of 3 matches.

-Championship will be best 3 of 5 rounds and 3 of 5 matches.

-This will be a PS3 tournament. I already have confirmation on three PS3’s.

-Random stage select

-Turbo and programable controllers are not authorized.

-If you have a converter for the controllers please bring them. If you don’t have one then you may want to get one before the tourney. Also if you have a PS3 controller make sure you bring your USB cable for it.

-Once the tournament starts if you are not present when your match is called you will forfeit your match. If it is your first loss you will be placed in the losers bracket, if it is your second loss then you are out of the tournament.

-Players waiting for their match will be placed “On deck”, players waiting to go “On deck” will be placed “In the hole”. This will help us to run the tournament smoothly.

-Prizes will be determined after registration is complete. Cash Payout percentages will be 70% 1st/20% 2nd/10% 3rd.

-Money matches can be played during registration or after tournament (time permitted).

-Possible team tournament afterwards. It would be 2v2 or 3v3, whichever works best.

***I will only add your name if you post up that you are coming, or i speak to you otherwise. I do not want to waste my/anybody elses time by putting up people who do not plan on making it.

List of people attending:

Rey - “KingRey” Jacksonville, FL
Smitty - “The Real Don” Orange Park,FL
Sida - “Seeduhh” Jacksonville, FL
Charlie - “DevilSJin” Jacksonville, FL
Alston - “DaBossMan904” Jacksonville, FL
Rocky - “SuperSayain” Jacksonville, FL
Colin - “Kab” Gainesville, FL
Jason - “Trunks (TNS)” Fort Walton Beach, FL
Rashid - “ShinkuuR” Savannah, GA
Ahmed - “Bacon’s Extra” Charleston, SC
Wayne - “Waygamble” Miami, FL
Edson - “Onistompa” Miami, FL
Adonis - “Guardian” Tallahassee, FL
Greg - “GTX” Jacksonville, FL
Horace - “WildCat” Jacksonville, FL
Steven - “CPR” Jacksonville, FL
Brandon - “GoStupid” Jacksonville, FL
Brandon - “Priest” Jacksonville, FL
Rob - “DarkHedgehog” Jacksonville, FL
Travis - “LTrav2k” Somewhere in GA
Devine - “Incognegro” Gainesville, FL
Adam - “Psb” Gainesville, FL
John - “Evilskip” Gainesville, FL
Dan Golden - “Nipplesan” Gainesville, FL
Jimmy - “Gymeestylez” Gainesville, FL
Dan - “IMugkids” Gainesville, FL
Emmanuel - “No L” Jacksonville, FL
Nathan - “Wildfire (TNS)” Fort Walton Beach, FL
Thomas - “Bones (TNS)” Fort Walton Beach, FL
Cameron -“Chessmen (TNS)” Fort Walton Beach, FL
Norm Stovall - “Final_Cut” Jacksonville, FL
Marvin - “Blake” St. Mary’s, GA
Steve - “Underoath” Augusta, GA
Luis - “Upgrayedd” Jacksonville, FL
Andrew - “Devil Reborn” Charleston, SC
Shawn - “Southtown King” Charleston, SC
Thomas - “TheHurricane” Charleston, SC
Issac - “TheOnlyOne” Tampa, FL
Ron - “RonKazama” Tampa, FL
Ben - “Shonuff” Jacksonville, FL
Scott - “Neuronaut” Tampa, FL
John - “JKD Cobra” Tampa, FL
Will - “WillsJulia” Mobile, AL
Lance - “Fuzzy Nuts” Mobile, AL
Zen - “Knocturnal Ryder” Hell:confused:
Andrew - “Regulator” Jacksonville, FL

To be added, put your name - “Gamertag” and city,state

Please add me.

Norm Stovall- final_cut- Jax, FL

Anyone else?


You have been added.

Anyone else?

Player list has been updated!

god damn jacksonville tekken scene is serious. you guys wouldn’t happen to recording any matches would you. i’d like to see how you guys play.

I have matches from past tournies and casual matches up on youtube. Just look up KingRey. My username on there is corpsmanrey. I will be recording matches at this tourney too.



Can’t wait!

Here is the TZ thread:

Thanks for putting up the TZ thread link.

No prob. Thanks for swinging by to play some Tekken. Your homeboy (Ben I think was his name?) Showed me some cool shit with Asuka. It was fun, too bad you couldn’t stay. We do it every week. I’m gonna move my Regular TV back to the Living room so we don’t have that lag problem anymore.

I don’t think there will be any problem bringing that PS3 to the tournament, BTW.

Announcement in EU:

Yeah man, I enjoyed it. Sorry I couldn’t stay longer. Thanks for putting that article in the magazine. It turned out great.