Tekken 7 at Replay FX - July 27-28 2018 - Pittsburgh, PA ($5000 pot bonus)

Looking for Group Pittsburgh is hosting our first major fighting game tournament at Replay FX. We are keeping attendance limited to make sure this tournament goes smoothly, so there are only 128 tickets. With a $5000 pot bonus, we’re expecting some of the best players on the east coast to come and be the next King of the Iron Fist.

This is also a great warm up for Evo, which is the next weekend.

When July 27th - 28th, 2018
Where David L. Lawrence Convention Center
1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Event Fees Replay FX is $30 a day to attend, or 4 day passes for $100. The Tekken 7 tournament has a $20 buy in that goes fully to the pot.
Prizes $20 per entrant and $5000 pot bonus means we’re expecting a total prize pool of over $7000
Games Tekken 7 is the primary game we are running, there are other, smaller tournaments as well, such as Dragon Ball FighterZ, Street Fighter, BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle
Pools on Friday, July 27th from 10am - 8pm (pools are scheduled in 4 hour blocks, you will not be expected to be there for the full 10 hours, just to get your pool and then during your pool time)
Double Elim Tournament on Saturday, July 28th from 10am - 8pm
Stream We will be posting the tournament streams on Replay’s website (I’d straight link, but I can only put in two links as a new user
Facebook Link https://www.facebook.com/events/303048583494359/
Tickets https://replayfx.org/competitions/tekken-7/
Additional Info Replay FX is a huge arcade plus more and definitely worth whether you are in the tournament or not.

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