Tekken 4: Steve Fox thread

says you, and perhaps its true…

but I on the otherhand have liked him since the beginning, even before the game came out, I told myself, I am going to try him out.

besides, I’m a big guy fan…I was a Zangief man in SF2, a Rock fan in Soul Edge, Seiger fan for Samurai Shodown 2. and my MvC2 team was Zangief/Hulk/Juggernaut…come to think of it, that was my MvC1 team too :smiley: altho I mostly used Collosus actually, but once in awhile threw in Juggy as the assist of MvC1.

Ive tried to use Jacks…but its not worth it, Paul and Heihachi can do more damage than them, Jacks are slower, and more grabs isnt anything special, as their grabs do as much damage as any other grabs as well, and on top of the extra juggles, it just made them unplayable in my eyes :frowning:

altho in TTT, I liked to use Ogre/Ganryu quite abit :smiley: since both of em have that Jack-like stamina, but not their comboed weaknesses.

Don’t forget his ph4t training mode juggle: f, f+1+2, f, f, n, 3+4, 1, 1, d+2, 4 with option of f, f+3 or run up and d+4 as okizeme. That shit is too good, especially when they decide to stay on the ground. With f, f+3 tacked on that’s like…what…70% damage? Sweet monkey fuck. Too bad it’s techable…would make people make themselves MUCH better at throw breaking.

I have played Tekken for years to the point where I thought I achieved complete mastery over Kazuya, I go to an arcade and go, “whoa, Tekken 4…” I play and have fun for a bit, and a kid walks up and plays just about every character in the game, rather impressively. I stomp them all (barely beating Steve the first time around), only to get trounced by Steve in the end with no sweat.
Is there anything Kazuya has on this new button masher?:bluu:

Well I myself think Steve is a scrub character. It amazes me how one of his UPPERcuts can hit you while you’re laying on the ground. He is the fastest puncher in the game and I can understand that, but it’s to the point where his punches are some magical bullshit. I remember last week I was playing against the computer with Kaz and the I lost 3 times to him. It’s like all the did was punch me out of almost my whole arsenal. So then I restarted the game and picked Jin. I also play with Craig. He’s pretty decent but to me it’s hard to beat a Steve player with him.

It possible to fake a Steve Fox with Kazuya? Anything out of that 1,2,1 that has lag in it at all? He may be a scrub character and all, but I tend to do alright against most of them. It’s almost like this guy was designed with no weaknesses. I have to pray to get in for a 10-hitter, and that fucked up sweeping punch of his pisses me off when I try.

See I would play with Kaz more if I knew how to master the electrics. I do mine’s every once in a while.

I won’t go into the lightning screw upper as we’re dealin with Steve here. It’s cool though, I plan on gettin the game soon. Between my brother and I, I’m sure we can figure out how to take out Steve. Just wondered if anyone knew any specifics to watch out for.

ay hellion i am from fremont to whats up with some t4 matches.hit me up.

as far as the steve starts. go this is what u got to know d/f+1~2~1,- 1,2,1+b(get into the flicker stance),-f+4,2-4,2-3,1,1* and mix-it up with d/b+2 or d/f+3.thats pritty much steves best moves just mix-them up and u will have a good steve.(but not better than mine lol).:cool:

Hey, what up? I’m broke, but I get paid on the weekend of the 1st and was planning on hitting Tilt at New Park Mall on that weekend. Maybe you’ll see me there all day long on Saturday most likely, probably around 3-6 P.M. with my bro. Wouldn’t mind playing some good Steve players out there.:cool:


j00 is teh sux0r

so i heard you wanted to fight cause of my rockin avatar.

#awwjeah, BE THERE!!1@

the steve structure:

121 as an offensive move-

pushing your opponent to where you want him to go.
121 punishing it people thought, you wait to block it, dash throw or go into a jab pressure yourself, but you can tack on the extra 2 to catch eager opponent’s, even then you can still 3,1 or f+4~f+2 off of 1212. if i remember framedata steve is open for 10frame moves after 1212, but only mid’s.

121 as ch primary(meaning looking to use it to interrupt kinda like jeet kune doo)-

besides 121 being safe, 121 on ch is horrific and puts tears in the eyes of small children because of the incredible dmg you get. then they whine when they say “hey daddy!!! why does that stop everyone else’s moves?” “well son, people just don’t take pride in their work anymore.” 121 will break into just about everything, like most jabs do, but since this tacks on good dmg and is safe…you figure out

121 as defensive-

punish a lagged move, or to reintroduce your pressure. taping people with the first 12, and the 2nd 1 gets blocked most people have trouble getting back on their feet, so even if the last 1 is blocked generally you will have adv and be able to goto flk pressures.

flicker- just pressure with the flk 1, ch with f+1_d+1 or get creative with sways and albatross spins out of it.
don’t forget the flk b+2…if you play bryan players whore this at them(unpunch parriable, not just for that its a great power move)

d/f121~b- i quit using this move, i replaced it with iWS+1, see below

instant while standing+1- great mid move, use it to poke, if someone is foolish enough, you can just 121 them if they try and come at you. if ws+1 is CH 12 is comboable, see above on 121

d/b+2- maybe once or twice a game, best time to use it is to go under stuff, like way under, but really its slow enough to were its seeable by good players to where they can duck and punish, i’m not very for this…but your playing your way right?

f+4~f+2- aww refreshing, if like poppin people in the jaw, this is the move. goes under alot, can cancel off a block into another sway, and it sideturns on block, beautiful move. oh but its high…

3,1~b- its good against jabbers, stuns on ch, safe, keeps people from ssing right(lee in particular), got neat setups like 3,1~flk~flkgrab(flk+b+1+2) just neat stuff all around, plus it has a jf, but boo that its only on hit, stick to setups.

4,2- faster version allowing you to stun opponents on ch, quickly do ff+2~1+2~2 for great dmg. also keeps people from ssing left

pick out spots as well to punch parry with steve, it can really add mind games to your opponent

there, create your own steve. but steve is structured around 121 and how you use 121, some moves appeal to the different ways you use 121.

so have a fun time learning steve, he’s a fun character against other people, forget all that razmataz that everyone else says, play and have fun.


Sounds like Steve is damn near unstoppable…

If steve is played right he can be.

Nin (korean tekken player): displayed many powerful tactics to kill even lee and other characters. Nin has the best steve i’ve seen up to date. He turtles and have good flicker set-ups and d+1 setups.

His flicker 1, d_u+1 is really good and it tracks for side walkers and side steppers. Leaves you at 0 frames so you can go for a punch parry or low parry or beat out 10 framer jabbers by 1,2,1 it or other mixups.

I Don’t think tekken4 or cvs2 is a newbie game. If it’s a newbie game then they should be able to even beat all the high level players.

Steve’s weakness to me is his lack of lows but that’s when you mix up and don’t become predicatable with his 1,2,1’s. I never abuse 1,2,1 against Lee. You have to turtle and becareful not to eat his ss+2, 1,2,4:4

note: I haven’t looked at page 3 of this thread… so if someone posted then my bad.

his combos.

d+1~b, 2, d/b+2 (it’s much better than flicker 2 because due to levelations of stages it misses often times.)

dck+2, U/F n 1(it’s an air jump jab). then 2,1~b, 1, f+1, d+1(when oppenent is grounded) this is an advanced combo I came up with :smiley: It works and you have to time and practice the flicker 1, f+1 and d+1 also.

here’s an easy wall combo. if you linear and alligned with your opponent. pressure your opponent with 1,2,1’s. Pressure them so they can attack. then bait them and do 3+4~2 into dck+1+2, 1,2,1,2…etc.

I’ll post some other strats and stuff later on. but i’ve been rusty with my steve cuz i haven’t been playin tekken4 heavily for bout 3 months or so.

Too much cvs2 =P

WTF?!?!? :confused:
Are you serious? :mad:
Where did you hear that?

Jin can be stopped.

Well I think that Jin is more powerful and a better character than Steve.:stuck_out_tongue:

Well yes, jin is a more powerful character but can be stopped with the right steve. :stuck_out_tongue:

It depends. I’ve seen NIN’s (korean steve player) steve take out really good Jin players (kor jin players).

But then again, that is best Steve player vs. Top jin players or maybe in fact… the best jin players.

Well to me, Steve is one of those characters people run to when they want to be lazy and not learn the game. And alot of people don’t know that axe kicks kill Steve when he goes to duck or does a ducking punch. Now this NIN guy, has he played any other character besides Steve?