Teenage Mutant Ninja...Aliens?

its like you forgot its one of the highest rated nick shows. not surprised one bit.

Is this Karai?

Nope! Cause I ain’t seeing this POS.

yall are some sheep I swear, grow up and watch shit yourselves before basing off a trailer/someones opinion/etc

I hate critics, but most movies that are sub 25% on Rotten Tomatoes are usually shit.

My homie who works at the theater saw it. He said overall its a solid watch. His only complaint was the Foot Clan but he says its enjoyable. But he also pulled the “better to see Guardians instead” card lol

Watched it last night. Wasn’t as bad as I thought. Whenever the turtles were on screen I was having a lot of fun. But sadly, the movie focuses a lot on megan fox. I mean, I didn’t expect much from her and she delivered even less. Turtles were rad though. Good humor, they ate some pizza said cowabunga and fucked up some foot clan so that made me happy. Over all it wasn’t as ass as I expected it to be. 6/10.

Just watched it.

I havent kept up at all with recent Turtles media;the 2007 cgi movie was the last thing I saw.

Anyway, while it doesn’t hold a candle to the 1990 movie, its nowhere as bad as Tomatoes,
15 percent is maybe for the MK Annihilation level of movies.
It is very over the top Bay style, but Id say its an ok matinee movie.

The turtles themselves - design, fx, personalities. Voice Acting. Raph reminded me of the 2007 version ,mild brookyn accent w/tough guy.
Jokes were decent.
Action especially the snow chase

Megan Fox seems to be trying earnestly to act , but it doesnt show enough.
Will Arnett needed better lines and his thirst for april seemed ill advised
The end scheme is very similar to the end of amazing Spiderman 1.
Karai , even though a bit part, was ill cast. Most Asian females look younger than their age. This bitch looks 45 and gets bodied easily. lol

The big problem IMO is with the Turtles/Shredder origin/relationship…

[details=Spoiler]The turtles and Splinters orign is DEVOID of Hamato Yoshi. There is no mention of Shredder being Oruko Saki. He is simply an evil ninja master who takes in Erich Sachs as a young man, as his father was a military officer stationed in Okinawa.
Later, The turtles and Splinter are being experimented by Aprils dad who is a scientist under Erich Sachs,who is now a scientist/businessman. They expose them to mutagen, and under a mysterious fire, the turtles are saved by kid April and released into a sewer.
also, April names the turtles and splinter as a young girl. Splinter learns martial arts from a book in the sewer.
It is revealed that Sachs killed Aprils Dad because he knew about his evil plan. so April can now have revenge as a motive…

Without the yoshi/saki rivalry, (and no tang shen ), there is no weight to anything behind Shredder. He is a simply the head of the foot, with no ties to , thus making the battles hollow.
What is funny is that after all the outrage over when Sachs/Fichtner would be Shredder, we see him 2 min into the movie adressed quite plainly as Shredder lol[/details]

Though the turtles use their weapons and not cold cuts, and the humor isnt as lowbrow as Transformers, 1 fart joke.
From best to worst… I’d say 1, 4, 5(this one), 2, 3

This is the first time I’m hearing of the show’s existence.

Grace’s review

Can we stop linking to reviews from grace…dumb cunt has already demonstrated she has no idea what the fuck she’s talking about.

On 2nd thought, maybe criticizing how these turtles look is being harsh. Just look at how they look in any of the Game Boy games.

Every time a mouser shows up in this game I’m thinking “WTF Snoopy?!”

Just watched it and i thought it was pretty good. Shreder was pretty cool; he had bad ass armor, blade projectiles/weaponry, and it was cool seeing him throw them off roofs. The movie had awesome fight/action scenes in general. However! The story was inferior in comparison to the very first TMNT movie, IMO. The very first TMNT movie had excellent plots (the sewer being invaded, spinter getting kidnapped, raphael getting his ass kicked on the roof, KC Jones) while this one didn’t have much of that. It was like the whole movie was speeded up in terms of the story; I thought the origin/relationship of the cast was pretty weak. Regardless, it wasn’t a horrible/bad movie and it’s something that nerds should cry negatively about.

oh boy, I thought it was pretty awful. Meh at best… Better than iron man 3 though. Thats still the worst movie ive seen the past couple years. We had a pretty big group that saw it tonight probably 12 people or so and no one really liked it lol one of the girls said “well I didnt fall a sleep at least” lol High praise.

Better than the 3rd TMNT movie, and hrmm… And I guess maybe better than the second? But thats pretty awful as well so~

Iron Man 3 is indeed an embarrassment but worst these last couple years is a bit of a stretch. There’s been some stinkers for sure

Don’t know who Gracie is. Sounds like a dumb bitch.

Also, to whoever said KC Jones. I hate you. Learn the fucking names before your criticize. Or at least how to spell them correctly.

To Jack Frost I think this is one of the few times we agree.

I’ve been putting off watching her review, I won’t bother now :rofl:

Her and comicbook girl have really gotten worse and worse.

I don’t recall a time Gracie was ever good though…I mean she literally said that CT would never have cancelled YJ if it was a good show.

CBG19 doesn’t seem so bad though…I mean outside referencing the bechdel test at least once during a review I don’t think she’s ever said anything stupid. I suppose there was that one time she mispronounced thanos even when claiming she played the the old marvel fighters…it was shrug inducing.

Speaking of Iron Man, how was part 2? Once I saw Mickey Rourke, I passed on it. Terence Howard ruined this series for me (no disrespect to Don Cheadle, who’s the MAN).

I thought IM2 was one of the worst marvel movies till I saw IM3.
