Technical Execution Difficulties on Pad

Hey guys, Max here, I made a few posts for LTP but I guess he hasn’t logged in yet. I am a pad player with pretty decent execution, and I’m trying to perfect Modok’s midscreen corner carry loop that involves jump canceling low heavies ONLY. The standard BnB is obviously more reliable, however this combo in particular speaks to me and i NEED to have it under my belt. I’m having an issue where i’m accidentally plinking into aerial HPB and sometimes when I look at the input display, it looks exactly the same as if I did the loop correctly.

This loop is available to watch on youtube, type in Science Modok, click the first vid, and go to 2:26. Most of you modok players know about this loop though.

(Sorry, not sure how to embed video’s yet, the youtube generated link wasn’t working when i pasted it here).

I’m usually able to pull off two loops, and then while mid triangle jump, aerial HPB comes out. I play high execution teams and I find this loop to be 10/10 difficulty wise. Any advice would help - even if you aren’t a pad player.

On a second note, there is an additional combo at 10:19 on the same video that shows a super jump anti-air hit confirm involving a :df: H, jump up forward, addf, :df: H after a slime puddle (while opponent is at jump height) and it’s NASTY. If someone could additionally break this combo down for me as well, I’d sure appreciate it. Having trouble linking cr.m after s.j.l, s.j.h, adf, s.j.h. Again this combo seems impractical but it looks SUPER grimey and I gotta learn it.

Last thing. After wall bounce and assist 1 are used, it is very difficult for me to get a Forward H + Assist 2 in after a short hopped ground bounce + Light “Watch your step.” Timing seems super strict - this just comes with practice I suppose?


Most of this just comes with practice. cr.H hopping took a long time for me to get consistent with. Something that might help is that both 1H and 2H give you cr.H. So you can do (2H, 8, 3+2atks, 32H or 321H, etc) for your cr.H hopping.

I can’t help you on that second combo.

The (f.H, IAD j.S, L bomb, f.H) combo piece has links that depend on how fast you do each one. I guess this is the combo you are talking about? In the end, you just want to do the combo as fast as possible. The higher the opponent is when j.S connects, the more time you’ll have to get L bomb out. The sooner you get L bomb out, the more time you’ll have to link f.H afterwards.