Tech to Punish People Mashing S in a Combo to Counter TAC's


Just came up with some new tech with Chris to punish people who mash “S” while they’re caught in a combo to randomly counter TAC’s. Not the most important tool in the book, but could be useful against Phoenix teams and to pressure people to stop mashing S, allowing you to go for more TAC’s, which could be a big part of a lot of people’s teams (Frank West says “Hi”).

In the video, I first show that Hulk is mashing down S, and, after letting him counter my down exchange, I show the punish, which is basically air reset with j.m and then immediately magnum. Not the greatest tech ever though since I’m pretty sure that if they’re NOT mashing S, you’re punishable on the way down. Still, if you know your opponent is the type to mash or if you’re just feeling yourself, try it out.

Also, if this isn’t actually anti-mashing tech, then my apologies. I never really researched on the stuff. Just saw top players doing it with Magneto, Storm, Viper, etc. and thought about applications for Chris.

Depending on the character’s throw range, Chris might be safe with an upback jump to get some distance.

Not gonna lie, that’s a pretty sick concept. I like the creative thinking. I guess the only thing to test is the different techs (will it work with a backwards tech, forward tech, or any tech from mid-screen) and if Chris is negative upon landing when they block, like you said. If anything I could test this stuff out myself. Nice find though man.

Good to see another mashing S TAC punish tech. I think Magneto punishes TAC S mashers the best though.

I’ve done some pretty extensive testing with this set-up and although the magnum will hit no matter what tech the opponent uses, if they block, the opponent can immediately air throw punish. I tried super jumping backwards into the reset to take Chris out of range but I couldn’t combo after I landed since Chris ends up too far away and the opponent recovers before he can get over there. I then tried replicating the set-up midscreen but it would fail against backwards techs. I really wanted this to be a reliable set-up for Chris but at the moment it seems too unsafe to be applicable. Still, maybe someone more skilled than me can figure out a way to work it out.

So input the magnum and then mash throw tech? Beat mashing with mashing!

Haha, not quite. It’s a punish when they throw so you’re still in the magnum animation and can’t tech it. I guess you could use this once in a set since I don’t think anyone would feel at risk mashing S against Chris, but once you use it, it’d be risky to use again. Shame because I really thought this might turn into something. Maybe it still might, who knows.

Another reset I’ve started using a lot off this set up is, instead of punishing S with the magnum, just tap them out of the combo with jumping light on the way up after the launch, then immediately grab them after they flip out.

Again, this is the kind of reset you can only use against a good player once or twice a match. Still though, one or two extra chances are all you need in a game like UMvC3 haha.

I also recommend doing this type of reset with other characters who can convert big off air throws, like Hawkeye.