Tech Talk Shoot'em Up (Pro)Gear - arcade parts for bullet dodging

You don’t necessarily need one: there’s a few Japanese region free titles, DoDonPachi Resurrection UK is region free, and Deathsmiles got a US release. But, that’s the end of software talk…

Darksakul: I did an existing one. Converted an old TE-S with an Astro panel from blklightning. Pop in a TE Kitty and I’ve got a good nice MC shmup stick that works with my existing cables. I figure that will hold me for now.

Although I do have this empty Foe Hammer case sitting here I need to sell… oh, and look: a spare ls-32… hey, here’s a pile of OBSF buttons… dammit. I don’t need another shmup stick. :wonder:

I’d like to get some results from someone like emphatic that plays for score. I seriously don’t see the difference in an LS-32 and a JLF with a hard spring. And I like my shmups nutso where the majority of the screen is filled. I wouldn’t be able to tolerate a stock JLF. I also like the iL Competition for shmups. I can play fine on it as well. At one point I had 5-6 sticks lined up playing Mushihimesama on manic mode for comparison.

I want one (or two) of the LS-32 kits. That sounds fun and more doable than the Suzo. I wonder if we could get someone like Paradise Arcade to make the shafts.

Ikagi-chan - One you go CAVE you don’t go back. Other titles will feel slow and boring in comparison. I’m also a Psikyo fan.

Here’s Kowal’s specs for the Suzo 500 if anyone is curious. (Added to post above.)

The one in question is the 38mm version.

Woah, 6 sticks lined up at the same time just to play on Mushihime-sama? That sounds hella awesome! I’d love to get a picture of that lineup. :lol:

Speaking of which, Kyle, what’s your thoughts on the stock Namco stick for these sorts of games? I personally hated using the thing for SHMUPs and I attribute it to the stock Namco stick being a JLF clone.

On a different note away from the stick-side of things, what’s everyone’s thoughts on displays for these games? I assume a lot of the hardcore scene (at least what I know of them from SHMUPS forums) loves to play these things on CRTs, scanlines and all, but I want to know what you all play on. Again, I’m just a scrubby player myself, but I find it super hard to play on a display that has obvious scanlines even in less bullet intense games like Radiant Silvergun or Ikaruga. I don’t know why, but the scanlines make me feel “off” for whatever reason. I’ve tried really hard to enjoy the scanlines since that’s what arcade players would have played on, but it’s really difficult to do so.

What do you all play SHMUPs on? A tate’d CRT? A rotating monitor?

Stock Namco is too loose like a stock JLF. I haven’t tried playing around with swapping springs on it.

CRT all the way. For shooters, fighters and oldschool games in general. My PC monitors are my only LCDs. I may be in the minority that doesn’t like scanlines. They detract from the pixel goodness (to me).

With LCD’s, you get lag, but also perfect geometry. The game really needs to be @ native res though 'cause heavy blurring is like 8 buttons. Scanlines can be had with the SLG3000 but are only needed for low res games as the design is drawn with scanlines in mind. Also rotating stands are pretty affordable now so you can play vertical games as intended.

Even if your monitor can’t, it’s simple to either buy a rotatable stand.monitor arm, or make you own.

The fact that I named the thread this way should give you a clue.

I find the Namco Stick gives a fair bit more amount of resistance than the JLF which is why it currently remains my SHMUP stick of choice.

Then again, I’m just too poor and lazy to buy a LS-32 and try that :<

But CRTs have real scanlines! i r confus

That’s pretty 8-buttons.:shake:

I’ve heard that the LS-56 is very close to the Namco stick. I haven’t tried any of them myself, so I can’t confirm. Anyone else know this?

@ DarkSakul: If you’re going to do a dedicated shmup stick, I would recommend making it a 4 button stick, with Astro layout and button D beneath button A. Especially for CAVE games, this is the most comfortable setup as you often keep button C pressed the whole time then pressing A to enable laser/focused shot.

Having the NEO-GEO style 4 buttons in a curved line will get very tiring for your hand and might possibly strain your hand with prolonged use. Also it’s a 50% 8-button layout, so half-dick.

I cant believe I’ve had this suzo inductive sitting here since 2009 and haven’t gotten around to putting it in a stick. Does anyone make cases or do custom work that would work with the suzo inductive?

Supposedly, if you get a case made that can fit Happ/iL parts you can use SUZO sticks in them as well. I’m sure you can ask any number of the builders here to make you one. On that note, the Inductives are hella cool. I wish I got to use one longer than a few minutes. :sad:

This message was sent from my iPod Touch using Tapatalk so please forgive any spelling errors.

Sanwa stick is complete ass for any shoot em up…

On a scale from 1-10, how difficult would it be to swap the sanwa out with LS-32(I know I’m not gonna like that shit with FG’s but that’s not all I play)…

Which buttons feel better(American arcade experience feel)?

Sanwa, Happ, or Semitsu?

Swap out the Joystick from what?
The difficulty depends on what the Arcade Stick is.

Madcatz TE?

LS-32 is easy to install in a TE. Get the LS-32-01 with a S-mounting plate.

Happ buttons require you to grind out plastic inside of the TE case for them to fit. If you want American style buttons, try and find short barrel buttons.

The TE already comes with Sanwa, which has an engage distance of 1mm and an activation force of 30g. Seimitsu buttons are slightly more stiff with an engage distance of 1.5mm and activation force of 50g.

Which buttons are better for shoot 'em ups? That is something that you will have to find out for yourself since it is mostly preference.

Fixed it for you :wink:

So I am looking at a modified Straight or Veiwlix Layout? Or would a modified 6/8 button Astro City, Blast City lay out work.

Either one works great. My Mame cab uses 6 button Astro city, for SHMUPS I’m using lp, mp, hp, and lk. It works well. On consoles and regular PC I use my TE in the same way.