Team Selection-And BNB Selection

Hi Guys! This will be my first post EVAR so excuse me if I broke a rule.

I started playing UMVC3 about 3 months ago.

That may seem like a long time but this is my very first fighting game.(0.o It took me like a solid 2 days to learn how to do the shoryuken motion)
NOTE: I barely learned what SUPER AUTO JUMP IS LIKE A WEEK AGO! Took it off and still adjusting.

As of Now I’m playing:
Point-Cap: Shield Throw
Mid(What do you call the person in the middle?)-Spencer: Slant Shot
Anchor: Sent: Drones

Cap is awesome and user friendly, so to speak.
Spencer allows for good DLC’s. His assist looks like It could extend combos, but I dont have anything solid just yet.
Sent Drones make things safe. Also Good DLC’s

I can do really basic stuff with Sent and Cap. I can do Spencer’s BNB but it’s not solid yet.
Going to learn sent last. So right now it’s time to focus on the Cap himself.

All I can really do is the DAY 1 midscreen.
For the corner I can LMHS+MMHS+OTG+HCS, but that’s about it.

I saw Honzo Gonzo’s Cap Video and I Attempted to do this:
L, M, H, S, M, M, H, Delayed S, Land, Backdash, L Shield Slash, Dash, S, M, M, H, D+H, S, L Shield Slash, Super

I keep missing the timing on the Delayed S or Canceling my backdash. TIPS?

In the future I would like to learn these two:

L, M, St. H, S, Neutral Jump, H, M Shield Slash, Land, Dash, Neutral Jump, H, M Shield Slash, L Charging Star, S, M, M, H, D+H, S, TK L Shield Slash, Dash, L Charging Star, H Charging Star, Super


L, M, H, S, H, L Shield Slash, Land, Jump Forward, H, M Shield Slash, Land, L Charging Star, S, M, M, H, S, L Shield Slash, H Charging Star, Super

Are These optimal?

Thank You For Your Time!
Again sorry If I broke the rules or something.