TEAM NW SF4 Quals! Dates,Times..Ambition

Actually Mechanica…they will be playing at the same time. One starts at the top, other at the bottom of the player list.

As for the Portland tourney, I guess I have no choice but to make it June 6th. Ill be attending and it will be a good tourney to chose the portland candidates for the qualifier.


Wait I don’t understand, when you say what the roster should be are you saying there are certain characters you wouldn’t want on the team. For instance, if someone plays Vega and kicks ass at the qualifier would you want them to learn another character for evo? or what? Sorry Im sort of confused…

Ross: I think he is referring to the final 5 man team. The 8 players on the team will decide who the best 5 are to represent the northwest at Evo.

Cole, you’re still down for the ST:HD 5v5 side tournament, right?

Ah thanks, that makes more sense than what I was thinking. I suppose its time now I stop dicking around with other characters all day and only play viper…

pfft I’m not THAT great at 98. I know how to play but all the people on GGPO destroy me haha.

I’m 95% sure I’m making it to EVO this year so I’m definitely interested in both the SF4 and STHD (if that’s still happening) teams to rep dat Nurse Bison :sweat:

yes, we are still doing the 5v5 for HD remix. Not sure if i will just hand pick the team or have a mini qualifier the same day as SF4 qualifier.


Cole, so the qual tourney is on the 6th? And you have to be invited to enter?

It would be pretty sick to be invited, but I’m way too noob still to give much of a fight for a lot of you crazy mofos.

it’s zangief fighterIV.

mash buttons and win.


I don’t think I’ll ever change from Blanka. I don’t stop anything I’ve started, and I won’t be stopping my progression with Blanka until it’s the best out there (That won’t be anytime soon, but that’s my goal).

I like that mentality, but to keep the game fresh in your head, as well as maybe picking up things such as match ups and what not, another character is always good.

So what day next week will we see the invite list? Or is it going to be some fight club epic shit where you send ppl PM’s and do some fuggin “don’t ask don’t tell shit” :rofl:

I’m thinking about Honda, because lord knows we don’t need another Bison user around these parts. :rofl:

My Honda leveled up like…twice recently, I’d be down to show you some stuff this Friday :slight_smile:

Sounds good to me.

I know I haven’t been up in the scene other than the GS and GW tournaments. Buuuut, could I possibly get a shot at a spot on the team? =D

Gotta rape face at dem tournies and casuals my friend. Be sure to play your best, because Afrocole is always watching.

He raped face at the GW tournament already…

Then slap a wig on me and call me shirley, I’m blowing smoke.

blanka’s good but you should pick a character that covers blanka’s weaknesses as your second and i dont think thats honda. maybe a fireball character coughsagatcough then play someone you like

Naw, Sagat is not my style of character. I like unique/odd characters like Fuerte, Blanka, Abel, etc… I’ll definitely practice up on a secondary because it can only help to learn more about the cast by going in-depth on the characters.