Team Canada Qualifiers on 06/25/2005 (CvS2, MvC2, 3S, AE, CFJ)

CAPCOM VS SNK 2 (20 Entrants)
1st - JS Master (Team Canada Toronto)
2nd - Gerjay (Round Robin Entrant - Team Canada Wild Card)
3rd - Flightwing (Round Robin Entrant)
4th - Arcade Legend (Round Robin Entrant)
5th - Tigerlee
5th - Hihihi(1)
7th - Nagata Lock II
7th - Poke Guy
9th - Krasshole
9th - Hihihi(2)
9th - Jiggabry
9th - RPGv2
13th - Psychochronic
13th - Phastestpig
13th - Dogberry
13th - Kymah
17th - Chr0nic
17th - Noodleman
17th - Fobhunter
17th - Angel Of Rage
Round Robin Results
1st - Gerjay (4 points - defeated Flightwing and Arcade Legend)
2nd - Flightwing (2 points - defeated Arcade Legend, lost to Gerjay)
3rd - Arcade Legend (0 points - lost to Gerjay and Flightwing)

MARVEL VS CAPCOM 2 (8 Entrants)
1st - G3nn (Team Canada Co-Captain)
2nd - Gerjay (Round Robin Entrant - Team Canada Toronto)

3rd - Blackestheart (Round Robin Entrant)
4th - DarkDragon (Round Robin Entrant)
5th - Krasshole
5th - FobGuy
7th - The Hobbit
7th - ???
Round Robin Results
1st - Gerjay (2 points - defeated Blackestheart, lost to DarkDragon. Defeated DarkDragon in playoff)
2nd - DarkDragon (2 points - defeated Gerjay, lost to Blackestheart. Lost to Gerjay in playoff)
3rd - Blackestheart (2 points - defeated DarkDragon, lost to Gerjay. Forfeit the second playoff round)

1st - Kymah
2nd - DarkDragon
3rd - Noodleman
4th - RPGv2
5th - Tigerlee
5th - Ratio1beatdown
7th - Psychochronic
7th - JS Master
9th - Nagata Lock II
9th - Dogberry
9th - Chr0nic
9th - Cruxay
13th - Fobhunter
13th - Coveguy

1st - Ratio1beatdown
2nd - Dogberry
3rd - RPGv2
4th - WB!
5th - Psychochronic
5th - Fobhunter
7th - Nagata Lock II
7th - Jiggabry
9th - Gerjay
9th - Krasshole
9th - Kymah

A couple of notes…

I need the results for 3rd Strike. MARC!

Hot as fuck in ORBIT. They only put on the AC at like 7:00pm after everyone sweated off a few pounds. :tdown:

Tigerlee defeats JS Master & Psychochronic to take the 5th spot in Team Canada Capcom Fighting Jam. :tup:

Gerjay wants to put up $20 vs G3nn’s co-captain spot 4/7. :wow:

AE results:

1st: R1beatdown (loses 1st set 4-3, wins 2nd set 4-3)
2nd: me
3rd: random rey
4th: WB
5th: psychochronic/vanny
7th: jiggabry/curt
9th: kymah/ex-matt/gerjay

awesome matches roger, why doesn’t curt ever tape this shit instead of cvs2?

Gorgon, welcome to the team!

that was a good set :tup:

Psychochronic def. TigerLee 3-1 to take the spot.
TigerLee challenges me for the spot.
TigerLee def. Psychochronic 3-2 (very close ending) to take the spot.

Teams Used:
Psychochronic: Jedah/Rose, Jedah/Urien
TigerLee: Zangief/Guy, Various SF2 players

GG’s to those played today:
TigerLee, Kymah, DarkDragon, Roger, John T.,Dennis, Nagata, Dogberry, Rey and Ian

fun tourney today :smile: :tup:

I think Gerjay got 2nd place not 3rd.
GG to everyone i played

gg people.

i like how i didnt get to enter AE tournment even tho i placed FIRST last tournment, i didnt know who makes the brackets, who to talk to to sign up, when is the sign up. very nice.

someone please explain to me…
18 people join cvs2
$5 per person to enter cvs2
pot was only $70

first place gets $55
second place gets $10
third place gets $5

now here is my question…
what is 18 x $5

how the flyin’ phuk can 4 people did NOT pay entrance fee but joined the cvs2 tournment.

this goes to those 4 people.

you are phukin useless.

still a good tournment.
taste of asia (cantonese) suk shiet.
nothing compare to taste of asia (taiwanese) in metro.
there was a hair in my food today at hollywood cafe.
holy shiet.
i almost got OCV by yuhin’s iori
nak saved me. woo hoo.
justin is right.
my nak can never sits in the corner like a phukin lil duck.

See what happens when you don’t let me get on marvel team by default… I take marvel spot AND CvS2 spot.

Anyways, good games today. JS… I hate your Sagat, but I think I got a hold of it during grand finals, but still lost to your A-Groove after that.

g3nn, good job holding it down against me in marvel, enjoy the money cause Bry will be taking it again from now on :frowning:

WTF why? What does a “co-captain” get to do?

Seriously… I won the tournament, and I just left cause I’m so used to Bry taking everyone’s money. I was at the end of my 10 minute hike through mainland China to get to my car when I realised.

Orbit really needs AC for T6, I found myself struggling to breath in there.

Nothing, I think it’s just a pride thing.

They turned on the AC at like 7:00pm and you could feel the difference (aka not sweating like you’re in a sauna).

Wing; I don’t know how the pot got fucked up. I know it was missing $5 because Yuhin asked me to cover for him and I forgot to put back into the envelope so I’ll drop $5 to Eric when I see him next but aside from that it should have been squared up.

GGs to everyone. This sauna trip was alright.

I played really irregularly. I can’t believe I OCVed Dennis and then lost the next 2 games to him really bad. I’m not sure what happened there. This is the 2nd time you made a magical comeback and take my spot. Either way, you are a combo machine!

man 3s was gay. there was a huge ammount of time wasted cuz ppl decided to just walk out and not say anything. I know its hot and all but shit tell someone that youre leaving so we don’t have to sit around waiting. I hate chun (not the character, I love chun) and js is gay too.

cfj sucks. If you want to know whos cheaper than turtle kenji, look at turtle dimitri. GG and wheres my 2nd place money?

congrats to nathan for taking the tourny for the spot. Good shit.

So g3nn, you’re telling me bry kept the money? HA, go Sauga.

Hahah. Rushdown Terry is scary and I had no idea how to fight him. Good games though Tyler and everyone else. Too bad I had to leave early like the last tournament I went to, and settle for fifth yet again.

No. I came back for it and Justin had to rip it away from Bry haha.

Orbit has no air-conditioning? Or do they just turn it on after a certain time?

I hope it’s on all day for T6 because that’s going to be a huge sweat fest if there is no air-con…

Also, Dennis and myself are accepting challenges in TFT (2-on-2) for money or food. Hopefully this time we’ll have time to play.

gg to all

as i’ve said over and over again

our a/c is controlled by pacific mall management

and they seem to love having it “break” on fridays and leave it broken for a nice while…

i’m gonna be sure to talk to thme about making sure it %100 good to go for T6

3s results will be posted shortly… when i can find them

3S (not team canada qualifier)

1st - JS Master
2nd - Chun
3rd - DarkDragon
4th - Kymah
5th - Ray
5th - Gerjay
7th - Bobby
7th - ChaCha Man
9th - Cruxay
9th - Coveguy
9th - g3nn
9th - GiggaBry
13th - Psychochronic
13th - Kevin (Dogberry?)

good games. sorry about the heat guys, but… yeah, i’ve said it enuogh times…