Team and Partner Discussion

Chun/Paul is amazing.

Just try it, don’t take my word for it.

Gat/Paul is a really good team… I mean really really good!! I am having good success with the team (tournies only no online play)

The team is simple but they are also a little different as well… and LP sway is stupid when you have a life lead and want to gain meter!! I will do stupid shit like…

Gat on point, chuck plasma from full screen, tag in paul, do 2 LP sways, Standing MK, 1 LP sway, crouching MK, 2 more LP sways. Stupid meter build. It is really good because ex sway is god like and if you are always doing LP Sway you can begin to setup the ex version.

I do not know why people are saying paul does not have good moves to TC off of, I mean yes Shredder has a stupid weird hit box, but that does not make it bad. The only bad part is knowing when to TC that move. (on second hit not first) But what about raze? and MP sway on hit(+2) and HP sway on block(-6) or mortar punch on block (+3) all of these seem to be working very well for me. Though the HP sway is only because I use LP sway soo much that they never know when the attack is coming, and I really only use it to tag out safely, and spacing is also important, but that is the name of this game, space it right and it is hard to punish!!

Paul is like Murduck, once he is in the game you really need to think about getting him out, but most of the time when you do if you are smart about it, you will be on the advantage with your other player!!

Just some food for thought!

that’s because only multi hitting moves are effective on block to switch cancel. single hitting moves, even with block stun advantage are only semi-worthwhile. if you need to tag out it’s okay, but it’s nothing you’d do normally. and to swicht cancel with shredder on hit you have to be upclose. that’s only really possible after a jump in, in which you also trade off damage most of the time, unless you have a partner that really can use that chance to deal some damage.

I mostly tag out after a smasher or depending on the character I face in a safe distance.

in general paul seems to fit (only?) to zoner partners like sim, guile, sagat, ryu that can zone well and have to resort to cross rush to do damage.

I’ve been running Chun/Paul myself - very dope if you ask me! Chuns got plenty of zoning tools with her amazing normals, her sbk is great for switch cancelling, and Pauls damage is icing on the cake.

My team right now is Nina/Paul, and it is meant to pair the two to be very offensive minded, rather than compliment Paul with a zoner. I think it has good offensive synergy. Both characters have high damage output, and Nina’s usual combo that she does out of EVERYTHING carries the opponent at least a screen’s distance, more with tweaking, which means she compliments Paul’s corner game very well. So yeah, my main thing is hit Nina’s combo once or twice pushing them to the edge, tag cancel Paul after her overhead, and combo. If those things hit, just one correct guess with Paul on their wakeup should kill nearly anyone. Also, Nina uses little to no bar.

The combo seems weak defensively, however, with neither of them having good reversals or anti-airs.

Balrog / Paul - simply because I main Balrog in SF4 and have mained Paul throughout the Tekken series. Balrog on point has damaging combos that end with rush upper -> switch cancel to Paul’s, -> smasher / super ending. Same combos could also be started with Paul’s boost combo into launcher, then switch cancel from Rog. Not sure about synergy from a matchup perspective though.

Juri and Paul. I feel like they balance each other out. In my opinion Paul has flaws but Juri makes up for it. Paul has alot of combos that juri can finish off a tag cancel. Also juri pinwheel can be tag canceled to paul mortar punch from anywhere on the stage and its a ground bounce afterwards!:smiley:

I’ve been working with Marduk and Paul. Marduk can tag in and do an air grab after i combo into upkicks.
I can get some solid damage with this team, but the only problem is getting in. Both of them have a hard time getting in (paul struggles more than marduk)

Paul & Guile, i feel like they can work together grealty.

I’ve really gotten into Poison lately, as she straight up outclasses Cole, and Pau’l’s risen to my top character so I’m wondering how the team would work. I think it has some strong potential: Poison builds lots of meter and finds an opening for Paul, who proceeds to just Smash them to death with EX Smasher combos. Also, as was said earlier, I can tag cancel off a Smasher without feeling remorse because it leaves Poison in good position.

I am a little worried, however, since as a zoner Poison gives up ground to the opponent, and Paul shines best in the corner game. I guess I can retreat as Poison, Smash them with Paul which gives me more room to retreat again…

I think I’m working with Sagat/Paul now.

Concerning Paul as a friend to zoners. When you say Smasher gets good distance, I assume as in the zoner character gets more room to walk back with later. I had thought that you could tag cancel off a Smasher and end a full screen away, but your character just charges in. Is there anyway to cancel off a Smasher and not run headlong like a derp?

smasher xx switch cancel on block leaves you at +9. so just do a safe block string or tick throw or something. you should do an attack tho, or paul will be vulnerable for a brief moment.

after a smasher on hit you can usually raw tag back into your partner and your opponent will be full screen away. if they roll you can most likely cross them up.

but everything depends. zoning is rather hard in that game anyway, seeing that anti airs are not as good and reversals have a rather short amount of invincibility frames. plus the fact of rolling and a crapload of moves that avoid projectiles flat out. that said, no zoner but sim has a real lack of offensive tools to be viable up close / mid distance for footsie. take guile for instance, he has a great c.lp / s.lp, overhead string, has huge hit/blockstun and is an amazing poke that leads into decent damage due to cross rush. in sf4 was rather useless because you couldn’t do anything afterwards.
with sagat you need to find the right tools for every distance. xx tk or ts or in a chain combo seems good enough for footsie along with seems like a legit gimmick, and prevents neutral jumping and jumps in general in mid distance and is the most damaging switch cancel options. (,, hp tu xx switch cancel).

Amen. Running the same team myself. No technical/synergy reasons. I just love Juri’s design and have been maining her since her release in SF, and Paul… he shares my name and I’ve been playing him since the first day they rolled a Tekken machine into the local arcade 18 years ago. If you really wanna accuse me of being geek about it, my initials are P.J.
Need I say more :smiley:

Thats awesome actually, what system do you have? Xbox?

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Best Team is Law and Paul
my team is Guile/paul but now i play Law/Paul
Paul is combo Finisher, I like synergy of them, and Law Fury Fist punch tag cancel to Paul Super Punch is delicious :slight_smile:

I think I finally found a really solid team with Poison/Paul. People often laugh at it due to the perceived badness of the characters, but Poison is criminally underrated and Paul gets the job done.

Poison is relatively self sufficient, controlling the match in whatever capacity the opponent is weakest. Paul comes in for added damage and mad wall carry, because not only is his corner game rather exceptional, but also Poison’s is one of the best in the game. Also Paul appreciates all the meter Poison builds up for EXCADC oki where he shines the most and/or ex smasher/super to secure the kill

there are simply characters that do what poison can do but indefinitely better. :3

I don’t know man, I also think that Poison is heavily underrated.
She got enough unique tools to make her outstand from the rest IMO.

  • 3 different fireballs with each there own uses and properties.
  • A great backflip that gets her to safety.
  • Typical rekkaken to end your combos with.
  • Good DP with enough invulnerability.
  • A chicken wing move, which is a great frame trap and she can even combo with it on hit.
  • Great front and backdashes.
  • Great reaching normals that can be hitconfirmed to cross rush.
  • A fast enough overhead that goes over lows and a reliable AA (cr.HP)

She is really great and unique if you ask me. The only downside is that her damage output is really low and that she is floaty.

And her corner pressure really is one of the best in the game.

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I really hope this works for you ^^
At the beginning of SFxT I played Poison/Paul… an I really lost maaaany times. No really, no good team (for me).

Perhaps I did something wrong, back in the days :smiley:
I did not make it over 1000 BP xD Then I switched to Poison/Hugo and a few days later I was at 5000 BP.

Now I play Cody/Law, you can imagine :wink:

I really hope it works out for you. Last time I played with a friend of mine I chose Poison again and really hit the shit out of him in the corner. She can be pretty good, yeah. I just can’t do it consistently with her :wink: