TE stick not working on 360s menu...but works in game?

I’m not sure if this started recently, or if it’s always been like this (maybe I hit the switch by accident?) but I can’t navigate the 360 dashboard with the switch at LS and RS, only at DP.

LS and RS works perfectly fine in game however…

anyone else with the same problem?

i’m pretty sure that’s how it is.

Thats normal

Yeah the switch has to be at DP…

I’m having this problem with my 360 TE stick, but the trouble is i cannot use the stick at all whatever it’s set to. Whether set to LS/DP/RS, the stick does not function at all in the dashboard, but is fine in-game. It is not switched to locked either. All buttons work, just the stick does not.

Can anyone help?

I think that’s supposed to be that way.

Might have something to do with the stick registering as the D-Pad and not the analog stick.