TE PShome button combination?

Does the Tournament Edition have a pshome button combination? I’m thinking of adding artwork that will cover up the turbo button area.

If there is no button combination, how hard is it to rewire the home button to start + select while taking out the entire turbo panel?

Not hard if you’re comfortable ordering logic chips and sodering them to protoboards and wiring them up from a schematic.

You can also replace the board with a Cthulhu, which has the ability to set the home button to start+select by simply shorting the DISABLE_HOME pads or connecting the home button to a ground.

Kinda funny that Toodles didn’t mention that.

he probably going for a unbiased opinion, very professional behavior if you ask me.


I think it has more to do with completely blotting out there ever was a PS3 version of the fightsticks :slight_smile: When I read the question for some reason I pictured a 360 TE.