Tatsunoko Stick and Mayflash PC Adapter

Hey, I just recently bought a TvC Stick for the wii and a mayflash classic controller to usb adapter. I thought it was a good idea because any post I come across says its an easy plug and play with Windows 7 recognizing the stick right away. I got my stick and adapter in today and it wasn’t so pleasant. Windows isn’t recognizing the stick, and the drivers from the mayflash site or the disc that came with aren’t working also. I’m getting a code 43 and its always an unknown device in device manager. I was wondering if anyone else came across this problem or could offer up ideas or solutions.

I’m leaning towards the thought that I got a bad stick because it wasn’t recognized on my deskop nor my laptop.

It’s just as likely that your adapter is bad. Try testing the TvC stick on an actual Wii to make sure the stick works, and then try plugging a regular classic controller into the adapter to see if it’s just an adapter problem.

Hey there,
I got the same problem.
@JowBow - got any solution for this?

I am running Win7 64bit SP1

I wasn’t able to solve this problem directly as I just returned my stick and adapter. However, I was trying to play an old game on both my computers and it wasn’t working, so I changed my system locale and region to English (US) and the game worked. It’s possible that it may have been the problem for the stick and adapter, but I don’t know.

It suddenly registered the Hardware - changed the USB-Port and… dunno … installed the downloaded drivers with vista 64 comp mode…
but I already did that several times and then suddenly it was working.
very strange behaviour.
But I am happy that it is working now :slight_smile: