So I’ve just picked up taskmaster recently after abandoning a wesk/hulk/sent team (team noah). I’ve been trying hard to get going with taskmaster really but my basic strategy doesn’t work. My current team is Wesker/Doom/Task, so taskmaster is basically always alone which I thought he might be good at w/level 3 xfactor. Unfortunately for me, I was wrong and I don’t really have a solid strategy for getting him in. All I do with taskmaster is use arrows to keep spacing, wave-dash in, try a block-string and hope that I can hit him with an overhead after mighty-swing. Other than that basic idea of playing tasky I’ve got nothing. Does anybody have any good tips for playing taskmaster, or maybe even a better team lineup/substitute for another character?
Doom, Taskmaster(horizontal arrows),Wesker is a good order if you want to rushdown with Doom. Arrows assist covers Doom tri dash pressure better than you think.
Taskmaster,Doom (missiles or beam),Wesker is a good order if you want to play more zoning/lame chip you to death with arrows and missiles.
Wesker is still a ridiculously good anchor so he should be last on both teams. His assist will also open up pretty good unblockable setups for both characters.Spidey swing, call wesker low shot then do jumping heavy is hard to block.Box dashing with Doom then calling wesker is also good for Doom.
Taskmaster as anchor has no real ways to open people up like you said. All you can do is chip them, but if theyve still got xfactor then its pretty hopeless.
I think Doom,Task,Wesker is the strongest team possible here. Having Doom on point really liberates him and opens up new possibilities instead of just whoring him as an assist.Taskmaster is a good clean up character in the middle with an assist that also helps Doom, and Wesker is just the best anchor in the game for sure(apart from Dark Phoenix).
If you are going to anchor him with XF, your main focus should be on throws. Practice tick throw setups and air grabs. Also, realise Taskmaster is a very ‘basic’ character, and Advancing Guard kills him. You need some decent fundamentals to get him to work. I think he is an ok anchor.
Thanks for all of the team help. Based on that information I’ll probably switch around my team. But other than the team help, if taskmaster is second, what’s the best strategy for getting him in on somebody. I have a hard time hit confirming with him and just getting any hit string started. His light normals are garbage.
Wavedash into cr.M to keep peoples low blocking in check.Wavedash into cr.L is ok too.
Use Shield skills cancel into L arrows for pressure.Its pretty safe and does good chip.Also leaves you in range to do cr.L afterwards. This is probably the best tool task has to pressure opponents as your opponents wont advance guard the shield skills because it is normally punishable.
Cr.L, wait a second, Cr.L again is a frametrap. If they try and pushblock in expectance of a next set of normal attacks they will eat the second cr.L.
Utilise tick throws.Cr/St.L, pause, walk forward throw is pretty good.
Improve your air throw game and seek them out more.
Im having trouble againts Wesker and Iron Man team. The problem is Iron Man’s Unibeam and Weskers teleport combo. Basically he teleports as he’s calling out Iron Man’s unibeam and im stuck in between this bs tactic. I need some help. I know you guys run into this. How do you deal with it? I use Task,Hsien Ko, and Shuma, with Task on point.
Other problems i have is Weskers reset mixups. He either grabs me in the air or stands just outside grab range and meaty kicks me and combos from that. (Nasty when mixed with Pheonix meter building) so basically I can do nothing. Really help me because im tired of getting caught in his long boring but effective combos and resets. He’s like a freakin wall and im fustrated.
If hes outside of grab range I suggest you block