Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

I can’t get this to work without doing xx :f::h: j.:m: j.:f::h: j.:m: j.:h: instead of xx :f::h: j.:m: j.:f::h: j.:h: at the start. I also assume there’s supposed to be a :b::h: before the first launcher. But doing it this way, I only get 829K, not 841K. Also, I can only connect the :m: after the spidey swings in the corner, if it was started midscreen I can’t get them low enough. But that may be related to being unable to make it work without an extra j.:m:.

If you go to evo I’m buying you a drink

Gonna record it an show u! will edit this post…

edit: [media=youtube]WyMyqZc-a60[/media]
[media=youtube]nVoZyaKmd5w]YouTube - Tasky mid screen BnB[/media]

The vid came from my phone and i dont really upload stuff bec on this horrid quality, but just showing if u can see me connecting it on joe, the :f::h:, j.:m:, :f::h:, j.:h:, :qcf::m:.

>.> couldnt finish the combo bec of me doing it alone and have the 10 record…

Oh. You charge j.:qcf::m:. That part was unclear.

Sorry, the notations was alot…

Well, whatever. It’s godly. I can’t believe how easy it was to learn, and yet it’s so consistent!

Here’s this HD video of it.


Of course I’ll be at Evo. I’ve gone to the past three thus far.

Wow, this is nice. I’ll have to try it.

I came up with another combo too that’s a little easier than the double relaunch for roughly the same damage as the combo above, but it’s a little tighter.

I love you guys. I am going to try rape some faces with these combos. Good job :smiley:

Little Wolverine…come here.

If possible across characters, my new BnB easy. Thanks a lot.

Lol this feels more stable than the one I use to use, wtf. So good.

To add to the excitement, with brief testing, this makes it much easier to confirm many air hits; take for example, a jump height jam session confirm. jump forward H delay mighty swing instant jMH instant charge M arrows will bring keep opponent to a decently low height ideal for hitting the charging star relaunch. Now there’s an option for all air confirms within reason,(implied to be after jmighty swing) jS 4H relaunch for when they’re far above, jH 4H for when they’re roughly the same height, and jMH236M 4H for when they’re below you. This is an incredibly useful combo filler! Thank you very much.

Wow! The proration stays high enough that if you’re godlike, you can add a 4H S jS 236H 4H S jS to the end of a standard confirm! This is ridiculous. That does 910k WITHOUT DHC or double super.

HAHAHHAHAHA! To sweet, didn’t thought of those things but wow… Np guys… But dont u find it easier than the usual BnB, to me it is… Also builds two bars O.O

wow, this combo is awesome! I’ll get straight to working on this combo!

I doubt you’ll have to work very hard… it’s easier than the previous one. Lol.

Yeah, it does work on every character. I made sure to check before recording it.

I am just shocked at how easy it is.

Yea me too, kind of cheap IMO lmao…

oh damn o_0. must learn

nappydude you created a monster

That new BnB is so sweet. I wonder if any variations will come out of this find.

I hope so!

Thanks Honzo!

The new BnB is the shizz. I’ve been practicing to unlearn the old BnB and it is really much easier to do and keeps the characters the right height better.

Great find/creation/invention.

Well you shouldn’t try to forget the old one. The old one is still useful since this will fail if the opening has enough hits, for example confirming off of Jam Session or Cold Star or from a long combo into the DHC trick.