Taskmaster combos - Anything you can do I can do better!

Can someone post the notation for his optimal relaunch bnb? Looking at all the umvc3 posts, I couldn’t find any sort of consensus.

thank you. i was just about to ask the same question. also, can somebody post tips on the timing?
seems simple once you get the timing down but the timing is weird when you first learn it…?

Why would I give what advice?

It being better to fire arrows when as close to the ground as possible.

DaFeetLee told me this combo last night. I don’t know how much damage it does off the top of my head.

c.LM, s.H, b+H, delayed S, immediate j.M, air f+H, j.H, air M Arrows (fully charged), b+H, delayed S, j.MMH, air f+H, j.MMS, OTG air H Arrows (fully charged) xx qcf+MH.

Here’s another combo that does only slightly more damage than his old bnb:

c.LM, s.H, f+H, j.H, air f+H, air M Arrows (fully charged), s.MH, b+H, delayed S, j.MMH, air f+H, j.MMS, OTG air H arrows xx qcf+MH.

And his old, easy bnb:

c.LMH, f+H, j.MM, air f+H, j.MMS, s.MH, delayed b+H, delayed S, j.MMH, air f+H, j.MMS, OTG air H Arrows (fully charged) xx qcf+MH.

In corners, the b+H can be dropped to make the combo much easier to finish.

That is not corner only and everyone does it. That’s basically the standard bnb at this point. Though I like to throw a standing heavy after the air M arrows because it’s more damage and still works on everyone.

Ok. I still need to go in the lab with these combos a bit more, but right now, I feel like Task’s combos have too many fail easy fail points. I can launch too early, hit j.M too late, relaunch too early/late… I would prefer sacrificing some damage/meter gain for an easier combo to drilling these tight inputs for hours on end, only to drop them in a match if the enemy’s positioning isn’t exactly right when I start it.

Okay. You can absolutely do that. There’s tons of easier combos that require less execution*. *That combo is not really one that I fail, however.

You could do what some are doing and use j.L instead of j.M for the sacrifice of bit of damage, but that’s up to you. It’d be smart to work on combos that come from awkward situations. I really only end up using the relaunch BnB as a punish combo, but that’s simply because my playstyle means that I’m only close enough with Task to do that combo if they’re in close and just did something unsafe. Most of my combos come off a Doom beam or Dorm hole hit confirm, unless I’m playing super offensive. Just got to work out as many situations as possible.

I can’t get the relaunch to save my life. Is there a tut vid that explains the timing? I’m way too high when doing the arrows. Too high to connect b. H. Haven’t even landed after the arrows.

Bleh, I’m confused. I was advising to OTG with the arrows as late (I think that’s a better word) as possible before the L+H arrows to make the TK’d down arrows a lot easier.

How long are you waiting after the swing? It’s quite a long time. Maybe switch to j.L, swing instead of j.M? J.L hits sooner, keeping you low. I had a problem with that at first. Now I’ve got the j.M down, but I use the j.L every so often if I’m online and my execution is spotty.


trying to do it consistently right now is kind of difficult but i’m getting more consistent with it… its possible to do multiple supers after the last S, right?

Yeah, it’s possible. You can do the full j.M, j.M, j.H, j.f+H, j.M, j.H, j.S launch combo after the relaunch, so you get max damage, but I assume you’re just doing that to practice the relaunch. You can get both supers if you do the OTG a bit later. Or, if you’re using assists like Doom beam or Frank’s cart, you can do both and get a bit more damage, and they won’t fall out.

Thanks, I appreciate it. I’ll def be practicing.

I don’t know if anyone has said anything about this, but I discovered something fun in training mode today. I haven’t got the means to record this yet, but hopefully I will soon. Anyway, this utilizes Taskmaster’s new ability to cancel the Web Swing (Forward H) to arrows. What I found is that you can do a basic ground series (s.L s.M s.H) or anything else to lead to Web Swing. This is where the Arrow cancel fun comes in. As soon as the Web Swing connects, you can cancel to arrows, but DON’T shoot any arrows. Continue to hold the button as if you were charging the arrows until you land on the ground. Taskmaster will land quick enough to get another attack in, my preferred attack being s.H.

So it would be something like this. s.L s.M s.H f.H [Arrows (whichever, just hold the button until Taskmaster lands)] Immediately upon landing you should be able to link s.H into whatever. I went ahead and experimented on all of the cast to find appropriate combos utilizing this. As expected, there are slight variations for certain characters which I will put below.

Starting with the basic combo that I came up with:
c.M s.H f.H [arrow charge] s.H f.H j.m j.H b.H(charging star) S j.MMH f.H j.MHS

^This combo works on a majority of the cast, though there are exceptions that I will list now, along with combos that I found can work for them.

1st Variation (Hsien-Ko, Arthur, Zero, Haggar, Ghost Rider, She Hulk, Iron Man)
For this group, the s.H f.H (after landing from charged arrows) will not connect since the opponent is knocked a little out of reach. Instead of s.H to f.H, you will do s.H to b.H(charging star) S j.MMH f.H j.MHS

2nd Variation [1] (Sentinel, Nemesis, Hulk, Dormammu)
This combo is slightly different than the basic one. When performing f.H on these characters and canceling immediately to arrows, Taskmaster does not build up any momentum in his swing, pretty much leaving him where he was. However, he also ends up a little higher, allowing him to shoot a few charged arrows. This combo WILL require an arrow, the light version to be exact. There is a tricky timing to landing the arrow after the Web Swing, but Taskmaster will land quickly after firing it, allowing him to continue the combo after the arrow connects.
c.M s.H f.H [L arrows (1 arrow)] after firing the arrow, Taskmaster can dash up and link c.M s.H f.H j.M j.H b.H(charging star) S j.MMH f.H j.MHS

2nd Variation [2] (Tron, Ammy, M.O.D.O.K.)
This combo starts off the same way as the 2nd Variation [1], but after the arrow links, the character is left higher in the air, so c.M does not connect. The only difference here is to replace c.M with s.M. So the combo will look like this:
c.M s.H f.H [L arrows (1 arrow)] after firing the arrow, Taskmaster can dash up and link s.M s.H f.H j.M j.H b.H(charging star) S j.MMH f.H j.MHS

The damage is nice and it looks very cool (to me at least). This may be easier for me to show it in a video, but I don’t have the means right now. If there are questions, please ask, or maybe someone will hopefully test these out and upload a video. I haven’t seen anyone use this, and I’m hoping maybe this could be viable in competition. Please give me thoughts on this too.

Also note that I practiced these as midscreen combos. They should lead to the corner too.

EDIT: With further training, I believe using this also makes Web Swing safe on block. Feel free to try it yourselves.

Try delaying the arrows for a bit. Let Task get some velocity on his swing, so he lands closer. This lets you hit st.H, b+H on anyone, Tron included. I tried doing the swing cancel and going right into the relaunch BnB. With some mods because of HSD, I can hit a full combo on anyone from anywhere.

cr.M, st.H, f+H xx L arrows [hold to land], st.H, b+H, S, immediate sj.L, f+H, delayed j.H, delayed M arrows [full charge], b+H, delayed S, sj.M, sj.H, f+H, j.M, j.H, j.S

Does 546,200. From what I can tell, this combo seems to push the limits of the HSD. Starting with a j.S got the combo dropped, unless my timing is just bad. I do tend to delay the attacks after the swing for some reason. If Stark doesn’t get around to putting it on video, I’ll try to do so soon when I get my camera battery charged. If you fined lady(ies?) and gents wouldn’t mind a recorded LCD screen.

it definitely pushes the limits of hsd. you have to specifically drop out certain parts of the combo if you change it up at all- hitting j.m for example instead of j.l causes the last j.h to whiff. so does adding in a st.h during the relaunch portion (unless you drop out the initial st.h from after the swing)- even then doing those makes it do less damage in the long run despite having the same amount of moves so i think that might be the optimal variation of that combo.

starting with j.s does work though and makes it do 563,700

omitting the cr.m makes it do 571,200

starting from st.m (since this is the general hitconfirm used in footsies) if you omit the st.h after the swing you can complete it for 477,800- which isn’t much over the 473k off just doing the relaunch directly from the st.m

So from wat i am doing (the standard bnb) has it changed bec u guys are talking about a lesser damaging combo.

If you mean the relaunch combo, the above combo does a few grand more in damage and gets you a bit more meter. It’s not as meter building as, say, the standard swing combo, but it is an increase. But the timing of the swing cancel is a little tight on characters with weird hit boxes like Tron (hate her so much). Still, don’t see why this would be that much more difficult than anything else we’ve found with Taskmaster.