SomerSALT everything. With coldstar makes sure strider or vergil are never safe on the ground. Be always in all of their faces. Punish all of their helm breakers and rapid slashes and everything with somerSALT</div>
What if Strider fights back or even worse gets space? At close- mid range st. light is 4 frames, and medium is 6. Hiryu’s lmh and f. H can catch Jill and assists due to their ranfe and If Jill starts blocking at all Strider gets at least 2 mix ups with weasel shot coming out, orb cancels, teleports, instant overheads blah blah. Just as bad, getting caught by a rapid slash assist blocked or not sets Jill full screen and gives Strider ample time to set up an obstacle course/ mix ups or combo
<br><br>I’m actually asking this because I had some hype matches against Jill players with my Strider team lately and being a former Jill player (way back) I was brain storming reasons why the matches were so much fun. Strider v Jill was just wtf mix up pressure vs wtf pressure omg somersault reversals. Your answer was exactly what I was dealing with from the Jill players but the somersaults started getting beat out at close range on the ground and was relegated to mix up deterrent.
I’m interested in the Strider v Jill match up and picking Jill back up so i was wondering what else she’s got to deal with another rushing char with good pokes and hi/low/left/rights
SomerSALT everything. With coldstar makes sure strider or vergil are never safe on the ground. Be always in all of their faces. Punish all of their helm breakers and rapid slashes and everything with somerSALT</div>
What if Strider fights back or even worse gets space? At close- mid range st. light is 4 frames, and medium is 6. Hiryu’s lmh and f. H can catch Jill and assists due to their ranfe and If Jill starts blocking at all Strider gets at least 2 mix ups with weasel shot coming out, orb cancels, teleports, instant overheads blah blah. Just as bad, getting caught by a rapid slash assist blocked or not sets Jill full screen and gives Strider ample time to set up an obstacle course/ mix ups or combo
<br><br>I’m actually asking this because I had some hype matches against Jill players with my Strider team lately and being a former Jill player (way back) I was brain storming reasons why the matches were so much fun. Strider v Jill was just wtf mix up pressure vs wtf pressure omg somersault reversals. Your answer was exactly what I was dealing with from the Jill players but the somersaults started getting beat out at close range on the ground and was relegated to mix up deterrent.
I’m interested in the Strider v Jill match up and picking Jill back up so i was wondering what else she’s got to deal with another rushing char with good pokes and hi/low/left/rights
Against vergil, somersalt first frame cancels are a must, because then you can’t get punished. Just make sure he’s always in blockstun, always be applying pressure, NEVER give vergil room to breathe. Also, as a point strider player (b team) I can say that he’s a slightly bad matchup for jill. Jill will have problems getting in without assists, you need to be careful about your poking and feral dashing. Always stay in feral stance so you have easy access to double somersaults. Against strider, call strider assist, and just rush in, once you get the first hit, you have momentum. Once jill has momentum, you can’t stop her. Your goal is to get that first hit and to make damn sure you confirm.
Does anyone know how to deal a Good X-23? ¿ She is really Fast , I was trying to attack her with only L and M attacks, but she can combo me if they are blocked. D: and She can even get me while I’m Feral crouching >.<
I think Somersault just flat out beats this character. Don’t forget that you can cancel the ending lag on not only normals, but also specials with your feral crouch, keeping you from being punished for certain blocked normals or specials.
I always see X-23 messing around in the air, in which case she has little response to feral dashing around looking for a Somersault or your anti-air assist if you have one.
My experience with this character is extremely limited, but I can’t imagine she would be much trouble as long as you have the right assists for Jill. The only potential problem I could see is that X-23’s normals are I think better than Jill’s, but I don’t think she should even get the chance to use them. If you end up forcing her to use her specials, they’re all very telegraphed and just asking to get somersaulted.
As with anyone else, if you think she might take to the skies or start tossing normals in response to your feral dashes, try mixing it up by dashing in an upward direction and falling with air S.
I’m pretty sure Paulo had some pretty nice videos vs an x23 player, @drazet009w should check out his videos on youtube, his account is “paulo junior”. I still feel like a complete dick for disrespecting him like that, I didn’t realize how great of a player he is. If paulo reads this, I’ve wanted to apologize about that for a while now.
While her Specials (Talon Attack, etc) don’t give me much trouble, her normals yes and a lot. Is one of the few characters I’m afraid to go Offensive with Jill. Her M Attack is amazingly fast and with good reach, plus the assists she may have. (the worst one was Dante Jam Sesion and Nova Rocket Punch, which is more faster than I thought)
My assists with jill are (Low Voltage) and (I can’t Decide which assist with Modok).
Currently i’m doing Axe Kick (with c.L c.M c.H before) + Low Voltaje to get her.
The real problem is that he knows of Somersault, so he don’t use Specials without Assist.
But I will to use more Feral Dash Upward and Air S. Thanks! (hope he don’t get me while i’m feral crouching xd)
Thanks, He is my favorite player, he’s awesome. I think the fight you are talking is vs Ratex. But I will check again his channel, Thanks!
I think your team is keeping you down. It would not surprise me to discover that your difficulties come from your team’s composition.
Low Voltage, while probably the best choice here, is slow and weak. You want something quick and/or lengthy to let Jill safely get inside and do her thing. I don’t think she works well with Trish, either, especially since the two of them I think are best on point.
I don’t know much about MODOK, so I won’t say anything about him except that I think Balloon Bomb would probably be the best choice for either Jill or Trish. It’s hard to confirm from, but it’s extremely tricky and annoying when coupled with Jill’s movement or Trish’s traps and flight.
Working with what you have, though, I would suggest abusing Low Voltage more to help you be aggressive by using it before a feral dash in. That way, you don’t have to be as afraid of eating X-23’s normals. Using the Sickle Kick after a crouching normal is an interesting reset, but not one you really need, especially not when your damage gets scaled so hard after the fact by Low Voltage. It’s a total mess, but you might want to brush up on your combos at the combo/strategy thread as well.
Does MGS clear the screen of all hidden missiles? Basically if I throw it out there, should I ever have to worry about missiles hitting me? Also, does it clear out Morrigan AV crap? Just curious
It won’t clear all missiles all the time, but if you call it early enough, it won’t be a problem and you may even get to combo the assist if you XFC. It will clear all Soul Fists, AV or not, but watch out for Shadow Servant and instant blocks after an un-fly.
Yeah I don’t mind her being able to block. I’m confident if I mgs > xfac, that ill be in her face and can open her up. My mixup game is usually pretty decent. Very interesting that it will always clear all soul fists…thank you gangie
Soo…I was just talking to Justin…and according to him, Zero shouldnt be one of Jills worst matchups. " Zero actually has gaps in his stuff, people are just too scared to get hit. " " She can Somersault his pizza cutter free" " If he screws up once, Jill wins". He agrees with Mags being horrible for her though.
Just saying lol. I also asked FChamp last night what he though about Jill and he said " She’s untapped…and I think shes top 20, but will never be top tier"
Justin also said shes definitely top 20, and probably within top 15.
Just sharing lol
OH, I also mentioned im using Jill / Hawkeye / Strider, and he said that my using Strider is questionable because she doesnt have good OTG options…I then explained that it help sets up her tech chase mixups, then he said thats true, but he doesnt feel that Vajra is being maximized like that.
Vajra isn’t maximized by putting jill on point, but jill is. IMO her best assist in the game is missiles or jam session because she can combo off of both.
Im running Jill / Hawkeye / Strider because it deals with run away pretty well (Vajra + Hawkeye), it gives Jill good options (Vajra to set up her tech chase mixup and to keep them out of the air, and Hawkeye Arrows to give Jill a decent way in) and against characters Jill has problems with (like mags) I can have point strider, try to get a touch with teleport + arrows assist, then TAC to Jill, do my infinite stuff, then keep her on point for incoming mixup. I like the team and think it works well. I like Hawkeye more than Ammy and I feel like Hawkeye + Vajra really destroys people who play a runaway game (like trish). This team is kinda weak against hardcore rushdown, but im working on being more consistent / reacting better with Somersault. I really really like the team right now though. Working very well for me =)