"Target Sighted"! Jill Valentine Matchup Thread V2!

i played a chris i got swept so fast there wasnt much i could do lol.

NSR can i get your thoughts on the viper matchup, she can almost make herself a super armor shield at will, crumple jill in feral stance, super jills mgs and she has ex seismo and focus attack to handle her mixups if you give her a chance? does jill have answers?

going from what i saw when windzero and kbeast played

I played a SRK regular and great Chris Player RANSOM in a couple matches the other day. End score was like 13-7. The match-up is pretty bad in itself. I realized that in our matches, the matches played out in 3 different situations:

  1. Chris has not started his zoning game
  2. Chris has a mine out and an incendiary
  3. Hell in a hand basket. Chris has a mine, incendiary and Grenade along with his assists present (Jam Session) and may be in the air

To beat the match up, I’m going to go over how the match-up is in each of the three parts, what you can do to stop it

  1. This match up isn’t as bad, if you deal with it early. Like other shit with Jill, the name of the game is using her speed to stop his momentum before it starts. Once he gets a mine onto the field, it becomes an uphill battle. Chris is relatively slow so you should be using Arrow Kick feints much more then regular dashes here. Arrow Kick feints give the threat of an arrow kick which would halt him from starting his zoning game. **DO NOT USE her 22S–>j.9S overhead unprotected, stick to 6H if you’re unprotected. His throw game is too solid to go for something like that. ** The minute you lock him down the match-up is yours. He simply cannot compete with Jill’ speed without his zoning game. Keep your movement solid and your spacing appropriate so you don’t get sniped by his best tool: his c.M. BEAT CHRIS HERE.

  2. Things start to get difficult here and turns the match-up into Chris’ favour. Getting around the mine is pretty damn hard and requires specific and sometimes, impractical, given the situation to get around with a dash. Let’s not forget that his incendiary grenade is out making movement even MORE difficult. Finally, the third thing you have to watch out for is Chris getting the counter hit from the mine. Once he gets the counter hit, he gets the combo.
    Here’s where maneuvering gets difficult and assist-dependent and requires you to take risks. With all of Chris’ land tools, your inital defense against them is Rapid-Fire somersaults. This, however may not prove to be enough. To go through the mine and target chris and depending on your spacing, you can:
    22S–> 9S over the mine.

If Chris is closer to the mine (which is the case), go for her Kara Canceled Position Exchange options;whether it is a somersault TK Position exchange or a 22S-> Dash Position exchange.

Hell, in some cases simply a position exchange will work. If the Position Exchange works, Jill will be on the other side of the mine.

Your most practical option is when Chris is near his mine, simply use Somersaults and on hit, cancel into her Feral Roundhouse. If the hit confirm is achieved, jill will still be hit by the mine **however, the wall bounce will initiate and Chris will not be able to combo. ** This allows Jill to gain momentum, and
do whatever is needed.

MGS+ Assist to put the situation in your favour again.
Hell, depending on some assists, you can use them as Canon fodder to take the mine hit but putting you in an advantageous position where Chris may not be able to combo on your assist.

All of those methods work to get passed the mine. To get passed the incendary, you’re best bet is to reach Chris before it ignites. If it ignites, just jump. It’s much too risky to attempt to go anything, because the chance of failure is quite high and you will be killed if you get hit by the incedidary. Finally, if you really want to get in, you can simply use a long-lasting lockdown assist to lockdown Chris and take the hit. This takes the Incendiary mine out of play w/ small HP loss.

  1. The match-up is heavily in Chris’ favor. You’re options are limited here. The best option I could tell you would be to MGS+ Assist+Xfactor for a Happy birthday, or THC to kill them both off and Clear the screen.

In most cases I would say though, you should be able to pressure chris before he can even get to stage 3. I would say the matchup is 6-4 however once Chris gains momentum it easily shifts to 8-2 in Chris’ favor.

Jill always has an answer. It’s called Somersault :wink: I play both characters so I’m going to add a couple small little tid-bits.

Match up is pretty bad and is HEAVILY Somersault reliant and requires Jill to be played on point only (anywhere else, she will die from the unblockable setups) Somersault actually beats EX Seismo, and double-salts beat EX TK. The problem with Windzero’s jill is that his jill is pretty damn bad. Anyway, the match up requires you to stay in that ass since Jill WILL GET ZONED OUT by Vipes. Jill’s best attempt to move in against Viper is when she is utilizing her laser. When Vipes is utilizing her laser, 22S–> Dash–> slide–> 22S. This brings you into Feral Crouch with the laser avoided and in a position to punish or mixup viper. I’ll deal with the issues of the match up in order.

EX TK is very unsafe unless your opponent’s going to spend another bar to cover it. The Viper player is only going to be using it if there’s a gap in blockstun or if they see you screwing up from a mid-range distance. The Best way to deal with this is to easily 22S and Somersault on reaction. If it’s from an extremely close distance just block and punish. If it’s because of an opening in your pressure, keep your pressure tight.

If jill is crumpled in FC. She will die. However, that requires either a FA or an EX TK actually hitting jill. Neither will happen.

I feel EX Seismo is a less-scary Lariat in this situation. A properly timed Somersault CAN beat Ex seismo, or multi-salts. Pretty much, pressure Viper enough so that she will think twice about using her EX moves. If you pressure her with assists, she will not have a chance to use it.

FA isn’t really a problem unless it’s an incoming mixup or if she has an unblockable setup on you. In most situations however, if you see an FA attempt, just feral Crouch behind her,and Position Exchange her to break it and continue your combo. You can also Somersault the FA, but there’s ALOT of odd occurrences that will happen when both collide. If the Viper player decides to feint it, watch for the setup and Somersault accordingly. Hell, if you think they’re going to feint it, just position exchange of the bat.

The hardest part of this matchup is going to be getting in on Viper. When utilizing the laser glitch and Rapid Fire seismos, it’s very hard for the Jill player to get in by herself. Another hard aspect of the match-up that goes along with getting in, is pressuring a Viper who is utilizing the super Jump height and canceling her dashes. Not only is this difficult to get in on itself (due to the canceling effectively giving viper a tri-jump) is her ability to pressure on the way down. The best way to deal with this is to Get your movement Tight and know where you’re going and counting your Opponent’s jump options.

Viper has bad limbs, and needs to use her specials to mount her offense. Deal with her specials accordingly and you can take her down. That doesn’t make taking her down an easy task though haha.

I would say the matchup is 4-6 or 3-7.

Oh my gosh, I was playing a Zero bad enough to let me win thirteen times in a row last night when I noticed double-somersaults, most noticeably those from Paulo’s mid-screen combo, simply don’t work on him. He also falls out of a few other combos like Dood’s 712k Somersault confirm that I love so much.

So he’s not only the most impossible and un-fun match-up imaginable, he also falls out of every other technique Jill is used to using, forcing her to greatly modify her combos to stand a ghost of a chance. I’m sure hers is not the only case, but that is such BS.

^ It’s his stupidly-designed hitbox.

Kinda how Jump loops cross up VJ and Shuma mid combo. It’s all just a product of capcom laziness.

If you omit the flip kick and just go straight into the somersault, it will land on him for 696,300 damage… dood!
[Somersault, :uf: late :h:,:s:,:d::h:, :b::h:, somersault, feral cancel, :m: (jumping roundhouse), feral cancel, dash, feral cancel, somersault, cartwheel, somersault, machine gun spray]

I feel like Jill’s greatest bane is just camping. The only characters who seem to give me noticeable trouble are those that can abuse projectiles. We’ve covered Zero, Chris and Trish, how about Hawkeye? This jerk can just Gimlet his way out of any potential problem while keeping it at bay, and either one may just kill you.

Question about matchups:

[S]I haven’t had the chance to play a smart Hulk until yesterday. Him backed by Doom Missiles and Task arrows makes for some really bad zoning and such. s.H can break through any attempt to cross him up too. I can attempt to play a passive game, but Doom Missiles lets him do whatever he wants, while it’s hitting you on the way down, so he can either throw, or go c.L you into some stupid crazy combo. I can try to call assist and go in, but if he gamma tsunamis me, that assist is pretty dead unless I have a way of stopping him. What do you guys suggest when fighting against a derpy character like that?[/S]

[S]On the side note, Vergil stinger and Task Shield Skills are bastard moves they can just OS throw out and it’s pretty safe for them. So I have to not rush in so hard, which is kind of counter intuitive for Jill, at least mine.[/S]

I should have read first. I SORRY![S][/S]

I lost my chance at a great comeback at the tournament today because I had no idea how to fight Captain America. Should have done my homework. Him and his dumb assists just kept pushing me back; I wasn’t aggressive enough. You give that guy any space and he’ll just become the most obnoxious Ultimate Frisbee player and confirm from any hit to kill you.

Got sent to loser’s over dumb mistakes on my part, but mostly because of Chris. That guy is just impossible for Jill, I swear. I need to learn that momentum exists in this game and that Jill just can’t let the opposition get any of that. Also THC’s, gotta learn those.

Should have done my homework on Trish, too. She’s such a whore. I tried to use Jam Session to just pee on her while she was in the air, but those stupid ground traps kept slapping me. The best I could come up with was to MGS to get her down and blow up the traps, then hurry up and get her before she could get back into the sky.

A general rule against cap is that, if you stay within 50% of the screen, he can’t j.l.shield slash, if he does you get a punish for free. This gets slightly complicated depending on when he decides to call assists, but if you tap him even if he blocks, the shield won’t hit anymore. You have to play mad footsies because he can frame trap you into hitting a button w/ that 4f c.L

I asked him how to win against Captain America after I lost. He gave similar advice. I think I just got lost and tried to space, which only made things worse for me.

[LEFT]Cap’s really not that bad of a matchup. Infact, you WANT them to try to zone you out with j.Light shield slash so you’re in range to somersault and punish. He’s completely vulnerable in the air and is at regular (anti-airable) jump height.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]With Caps, you have to change your state of mind and anticipate wakeup/random charging stars so get used to Somersault-Feral whiffing.[/LEFT]

Hi i’m new here. I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to deal with spiderman. I find that a lot of my issues are based on him putting me out of my feral stance, his air game (the angled web swings or zipline things i don’t know what they are called), projectile, and web throw are all things that mess me up. When he has a lockdown assist such as dante’s jam session or doom’s missiles i end up just being trapped in the corner unless I have a bar to use for MGS, but after that I don’t know what to do.

Thanks for any help!

Hello, Welcome to the Jill Valentine boards. :slight_smile: Before I start, can you please tell me your team? If I know your team I could help you a bit more specifically.

The thing about spiderman is that he’s a pretty tricky matchup for Jill, but becomes less of a problem if you know what you’re doing. The First thing you want to do is WALK FORWARD AND APPLY PRESSURE WITH ASSISTS at the start of the round, do not give him an opportunity to do anything but block. Once you have the pressure on, you can use unblockables/mixups/command grabs or anything at your disposal to land the hit and Deal with him.

Alternatively, if he gets out of the SORG (Start of Round Gambit), you’re going to have to follow his movements and punish his assist calls with Somersaults.
Spiderman is very mobile, but he can’t stay in the air forever and will try to rush you down. Punish these attempts with Somersault. Once again, by punishing all of these actions you’re getting not only a life lead, but a lead in the neutral. NEVER let him have an opportunity to zone you out. NEVER give him breathing room.

To deal with his projectile and Web-throw, you can time your Feral Dashes to pass through them, Feral somersault whiff, c.M past his Web Ball, or MGS+Asssist his web-throw. MGS+Assist is a literal get-out-of-jail free card, that allows you to get back on his ass and apply a mixup right afterward. If your assists don’t allow you to reset w/ MGS, you can X-factor into her 6H afterward for a surprise Overhead, or Feral Dash into command grab.

Don’t be afraid to MGS+Xfactor his Mistakes or bad assist calls, Spiderman is much less scary without dominating assists.

When fighting spiderman normally I run jill/strange or trish/dante or strider. Normally I back up a little before the match starts so I can call strange or trish for their beam/projectile assists then proceed into feral stance and dash to him, but after that if he manages to get into the air I try to position myself under him to call dante. Lately I’ve found that strider’s assist although homing is relatively slow (or i’m just bad at timing when I call it) and doesn’t catch up with spiderman in the air. I’ve read a couple of posts regarding team comp, and a lot of what i’ve read is that trish doesn’t give jill too much, but she controls the air relatively well and the round harvest start up is protected if MGS hits so I tend to abuse that if possible.

My brother who plays spiderman extensively usually runs a spiderman/dante or doom/iron man team, it just seems like wherever I am on the screen if I don’t have a bar i’m going to be stuck in the corner.

So after a long hiatus my friend and I picked up marvel again. It was my Jill/Viper/Doom vs his Frank/Dante/Wesker. Early on I would pressure him with sommersaults or dash in and out to fish for an opportunity and we were pretty evenly matched in terms of wins.

Then he started spamming zombie throw plus Dante assist and I honestly can’t do shit. If I get a salt off we usually trade and he goes right back in or even gets a full combo. I try arrow kick xx feral teleport, slide xx feral teleport, super jump knee drops, doom assist, MGS, none of it gets me pressure and mostly just results in a full combo for him + lvl 4 frank.

Rice, I’ve watched your videos and I don’t think I’ve seen you spam like this once, nor do I recall seeing it abused in high level play, so there must be some weakness that I’m not aware of.

Stupid Frank zombies are some of the strangest things in the game. They’re not projectiles and they can’t be countered at all, and the swinging ones go through literally everything. Being a grounded character, Jill gets completely shafted by the walking zombies and is forced to take drastic measures, meaning MGS. If he’s spamming assists with zombies, this is a golden opportunity for a beautiful double kill if you cancel MGS with X-Factor and manage to hit both guys. Either way, it’s likely your best way in once he gets momentum enough to keep that up. That or tag out to someone who can handle it without meter.

First things:

**1)NEVER back up with jill. No matter what. **Even for hulk don’t back up, Just Mash H–> Throw tech–> Block. Jill needs pressure, and she needs that pressure from the start of the round. This allows her to easily apply her pressure strings and mixups and tip the flow of the match in your favour.

  1. Jill/Trish lack a good amount of synergy. I don’t approve of the team at all. To apply mixups and oppressiveness, you need to use Trish’s round trip, which is like 2 or 1 bar for a mixup opportunity, which isn’t even 100%. Jill/Dante/Strider is far more thought-out and an overall better team. Dante’s Vertical Jam session allows you to control the Y axis and restrict Spiderman’s options and allow somersault/pressure attempts.

Strider’s assist homing is actually really good. It’s much better than missles homing. The real use of it with Jill comes from the fact that she moves fast enough to make the Vajra cross your opponent (Spiderman) up and allow for a hcf if you know what you’re doing, or a Okizeme attempt.

My brother who plays spiderman extensively usually runs a spiderman/dante or doom/iron man team, it just seems like wherever I am on the screen if I don’t have a bar i’m going to be stuck in the corner.

As I said before, make sure you abuse the Jill/Dante THC so that you kill off his assists and cause spiderman to block. Punish every and any attempt of Spiderman to hcf with his j.H through somersault.

Spiderman is significantly weaker without assists, and Jill/Dante utterly destroys assists.

Jill/Vipes/Doom is a legit team. Nice choices. With Frank, he’s a pretty easy matchup depending on your spacing. If you’re spacing is good, the matchup is Heavily in your favour. Since this frank is starting, make sure you apply your pressure from the start of the round by walking forward, and using Vipes assist, then going for the quick 2M low, or tri-overhead. Frank at level 1 has no way to deal with pressure, and he should easily crumble if you maintain the pressure.

On the other hand…

If Frank is able to move out of Jill’s reach the matchup quickly turns REALLY bad. Frank can easily Charge Partition his zombies and use his Zombie toss to pretty much shut jill down unless you THC (which isn’t a garauntee because of BLS). Frank’s CP’d Giant Swing zombies are literal infinite hitboxes that maintain active unless you attack them, allowing him for REALLY good ground zoning. To add to frustrations, they make excelent anti-airs as well and his Zombie toss is godlike. To combat this, make sure your feral whiffing his zombies dead and canceling into Arrow kick pressure with assists to knock them out of the screen. **MOVE IN, and MOVE IN FAST. **

At increased levels, the matchup gets increasingly more difficult, but still in your favour if your in the right distance. Get your somersaults and mixups on point, and from close-range you will always have the advantage. If frank is oppressing you at high levels, FERAL Somersault WHIFF**. You can also snap him out, and just mix him up on incoming where he’s virtually a sitting duck. **

**Finally, as gangie said, MGS+Missles/Xfactor is deceptively strong, however frank has certain tools to counter MGS so use at your discretion. **

Thanks, I’ll have to keep that in mind next time I play him, but there’s a couple things I should’ve mentioned

You’re probably not going to think my team is so legit when I tell you I’m running Viper with Seismo for FlyingVe’s double bounce tech. There wasn’t much else to learn during Vanilla so I’m pretty partial to it. I’m considering other tech/bnbs but there’s nothing I’m comfortable with yet so an unblockable like that is out of the question…for now.

He’s not even using the charge zombies (Hammer throw?), he’s literally just calling Weasel Shot and doing the QCB zombie toss (Giant Swing?) and once he starts I can’t seem to stop him. Clearly I just need to work on my blockstrings and arrow kick canceling so that he doesn’t ever have enough space to get started. I’m really terrible at reacting to random pushblocks so I tend to whiff a lot.

I played a bunch of magnetos today, and I’m actually have a hard time dealing with him. I try to be patient and wait for his rush down, but backed by missiles or even molecular shield, there’s nothing I could do but get blown up by them, or eat a disruptor to the face. One of the mag players played really defensively until I rushed in then he would just call doom + triangle dash into my head. The other would just go ham but he was backed by molecular shield, which blew up any attempt to somersault his j.L.

Any suggestions would help. Thanks :slight_smile: