srk pizza party… lol.
srk pizza party… lol.
Shout out to the Jets…
There’s plenty of games that have evolved in this day and age and even though some consider them worse than their predecessors, Marvel 3 takes it to a whole new level of bad. Playing MvC3 made me realize that SF4 is a legit series and anyone who cries about it just doesn’t want to put the dedicated effort into learning it’s intricacies. My opinion is, the best players in Tampa at SF4 have been destroying people so much in the game that the others don’t want to compete anymore. It’s a pretty weak cop out to play a game that’s completely awful instead of stepping your shit up. But if you genuinely like MvC3 in all of it’s messiness, then more power to you I guess lol
I sold that shit for $30 and bought Taco Bus the same day. Shit was fuckin’ delish too.
EDIT: If you play on PSN, I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems, but shitty lag ain’t one.
hey man im kinda new around, well the only 2 people that know me is prince and will.
i just wanna know if u dont mine if i can go to the gathering u having let me know peace.
@Yimaxi @K.O.G. I live right off of USF campus if you guys wanna do casuals sometime.
Also, is everyone playing at Pilgrim_Pud’s casa? I’d shoot over for some casuals if you guys aren’t done ;3
I also live in the usf area. GG’s to those I played today.
Gg to everyone today who got taste of pumpkin pie. Shout outs to handicapped mvc money matches and nine hit wolvie ko combooooos
Will you going to the orlando tourney next week a.ka you need a ride?
LugiPR anyone is welcome just pay the 5 bucs
Good shit tonight, was a lot of fun. It was awesome to finally play without lag ;D
Edit: Here is my FB for ppl I met tonight, I wanna play more casuals sometime!/dean.delgado
I want to get some time in on the fighting game get together but I live in Saint Pete but 15min away from Tampa where it seems the nearest big group of fighting game fans are. Someone message me for the next thing hell Ill even host some times I just need to find the community.
GGs to everyone I played.
magnetic swagger
Ggs everyone, forgot how fun Super was, gotta love that ridiculously hideous outfit.
GGs to all that got my bear hugs
yo where in st pete u r i live in brighton bay blvd in front of the dog track.
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^^ Salt award of the night goes to angry ass bird.
Good times all.
I live no to far from you on 4th street and 77th ave n