Tallahassee Thread: "I'd MIGHTY SMASH that!"

GGs last night. Yesterday I played Marvel (mostly, with some ST) for 16 hours. My brain is a bit fried.

Hey, I was referred to you by Miyomei. I was wondering if you were able to mod a X-Box TE Street Fighter Round 2 fight stick and how much would it cost? I just need it compatible with the PS3.

GGs last night Fellas. I REALLY enjoyed playing ST, that shit is so much fun. Even had a good time playing Marvel with you guys. As I told Drew… A couple of you guys didn’t perfect me all night…You need to step your game up.

I might have to steal some of Chris A’s spotlight and put Akuma on the team.

Speaking of perfects, they need to patch in some type of humiliating “perfect” Announcement to pop up on screen after one! I mean why would they leave that out??


@Matt: This guy has his stick setup the same as yours with the Female rj-45 right onto the Imp.

Logan that’s why MK is so godlike! Flawless Victory!

GGs Chris A.

Anyone else trying to get up today for games?

Not as good as I would have liked. Sorry about that, bro. First time I’ve played that ass in quite some time. I should be good after a day or so breather.

As far as mod goes: price is 35 for the labor, and 35 + ship for parts (probably 41.20 IIRC). Parts include ChIMP board (29.99), PCB feet, wires, and wire ties. I’ve got pics of most of my work if you’d like to see what it would look like beforehand.

EDIT: Got some unblockables I want to try out, but I’m not sure they are worth the loss of the Tatsu assist.


Hey Matt and Logan: I’m about to pull the trigger on SC2 for real. Shit’s still 60 bucks when I went into Best Buy! Fuck that nonsense. Found it for 50 on Amazon. No idea what race to play, kinda played a mix of all three back in the BW days but I’ll figure that out when I get the game.

I’ll add you on b.net when you’re on there! All three race are amazing you should watch some pros go see which you like best!

yea add me when you get the game

Esjihn.205 (205 is the character code youll enter in when you goto add a friend thats not by email)

for your first race go protoss or terran. i doubt youll have the apm needed to play zerg atm. plus that race is extremely susceptible to alot of chz(more than the rest of the races) unless you have experience and your on point with your scouting and micro.

If its going to be a fuck off game and you dont plan on getting higher than bronze than just play random and have fun do the trials and tutorials though they can help you get more familiar with the game.

If your serious about getting better at the game i have close to 12 years worth of RTS experience Dunes, C&Cs, TA, Supreme Commander 1, including SC1 etc. I can give you alot of insight and help train you to get up to speed very quickly. The rest will just be how much time you want to invest on getting better.

@ Anyone who want to get on some TF2 or CS sometime my steam id is X_EGO_BRAIN_X836

CS as in not Source? I would be down. Just installed my og HL Platinum Pack on Steam. My steam ID is Jahvis.

Edit: Hmm it’s not letting me add you, Adam. Can’t find your name?

I added you Jarv. Not to sure why you couldn’t find me.

And yeah, CSS is ASS (See what I did there?) Let’s get at some 1.6 sometime.

Man Ougon rules.

All the FPS i’ve been playing recently have finally made me realize that my beloved mx518 is dead. I did a complete overhaul of the mouse last night (Fully disassembled and cleaned, and adjusting the internals a bit) but 8 years of abuse is showing through. Time to make it my work computer mouse and get a new one…

I think i’ve narrowed it down to another 518 or a Razr… The 518 is much cheaper and seems to have better reviews online, but I hate buying he same thing twice… Decisions, Decisions…

Shoutouts to MikeG for finishing my stick art! Ordered it and a plexi cover, can’t wait! Should be here in two weeks

Ive been using the MX518 and razer Death adder both really good mice. If you want to buy my MX518 its seen less that 60 hours of play in the 2 years ive owned it. ill sell it to you for 20$ if you want it.

If you prefer to go the new route stick with what your used to man. even if the death adder is a good mouse it will feel awkward for awhile because youve been used to the MX518 this whole time.

Anyone down for some Marvel/SSFIV

In need of some marvel working on alot of pmode ish with my team and i would like to practice them in match.

So like $70-ish?? Yea, I would like to see some of your work. Do you have a street fighter fight stick with yellow and white buttons, if that is the case then I have met you before lol