I assume this happened mainly due to kuma and is big hit box, but i want to know everyone’s thoughts on what the hell happened
I assume this happened mainly due to kuma and is big hit box, but i want to know everyone’s thoughts on what the hell happened
Raven has this crossup, with which he can switch sides…
Video doesn’t show us transparent Raven, cause of 30fps probably…
hes not transparent what so ever hes not even transparent when i re watch the replay on my console so i doubt its that
okay go into training mode w/ Raven and do this: 3~4 then mash forward 3 times. That’s what’s happening, I don’t know why it wouldn’t show him being transparent on replays.
ah just tested it out and it does go transparent in training mode but the replay still shows it i think its just a visual bug probably due to me trying to grab or something nothing to worry about then.