Hmmm, no surprises. Tacos are cheaper there then real tacos in Mexico, which is saying something. Got to cut costs so they can keep poisoning the ghetto…
Jokes aside, its not even 40% though. Also, lol @ the guy saying that Taco bell’s stuff is better than the tacos he makes at home. Well, than obviously the stuff you make at home isn’t that good.
Does Del Taco make your asscheeks hurt within 30 minutes? I mean crazy people talk about Taco Bell like its the greatest thing in the world, but they don’t mention the fact that you damn near shit yourself…
EDIT: Also who the fuck eats beef at Taco Bell, I only fuck with the “chicken”…
Doesn’t bother me, 3 Cheesy Gordita Crunches every time I go there. Tastes delicious.
Definitely the best item there
If anything, Mr. Pibb and Dr. Pepper are watered down versions of a real mans soda: root beer. You might as well be drinking Shasta.
Cream soda > Root beer
It doesn’t give me the runs… People told me White Castle also gave you the runs… First time I had it, it was delicious and I didn’t shit for 4 days.
Newsflash: all fast food chains use filler in their meat. It’s the same $1 burger/taco/whatever whether you have this knowledge or not, so you might as well keep eating it.
I have fond memories of Del Taco. Burgers and tacos under the same roof? Madness!
Another excellent taco franchise in the southwest is Taco Time, which is like a fixed-up version of Taco Bell. Everything is just slightly better there.
I dont fuck with taco bell because there are actual taquerias nearer, better, and cheaper. The budget thing is really the only excuse I can see for eating any kind of fast food taco.
yes, i am horried at what Vynce puts in his tacos, that makes Taco Bell superior
McDonalds actually dictates virtually everything about the beef industry. They want NOTHING to fuck with their profit
Aw man. ^True this. I cannot STAND the McRib. That sauce though? It’s Super Ganja baby. :tup:
They shoulda learned the Fusion Dance from Goku. Their power levels were OBVIOUSLY not in Sync.
^True these as well. They have been talking about this for as long as I’ve been living. Face it. If your pet has gone missing and nobody knows where it is, Check the trashcan behind Taco Bell. You find the collar, you’ve found your missing pet. If it just so happens that I ate your pussy, I am sorry. It was not intentional, I didn’t do it to disrespect you, I was merely hungry and they were open. No hard feelings.
@ Lion meat. that was a new one for me.
I remember Del Taco too. They used to put too many Onions in their stuff, but other than that they were the bomb. Their tacos were big for the money too, if I recall.
Del Taco is the shit!!! I first had them in Yuma, AZ a couple years ago and had some yesterday in Orlando, FL. I wish we had some in NJ though.
non-taco related, but I also have had good experiences at Jack in the Box, but they seem to only be located on the west coast area. Their burgers are fuckin HUUUUUGE.
My favorite fast food place without a doubt has got to be Pot Belly though. I ate there three times a week when I was still in school. nom nom.
dude i don’t even care, that shit tastes good. you could tell me it was dog food and i’d be like, yum, this is some good damned dog food.
never makes me sick either. so why should i be picky? food is food.
I remember that incident in China where a local bun shop was substituting the meat in the buns with cardboard. LINK No matter how good cardboard tastes, I’d like to at least know what i’m passing through my system, haha. Ever since that story broke out, i’ve ooked at the meat in my fast food with a questioning look.
edit; my friend was telling me recently that some cultures in china view dog meat as therapeutic and good for you. anyone heard similar stories?
As it turns out, it’s the beef. I feel like such a fool. So much time wasted over a hot stove. I’ve gotta get connected with some poachers.
I don’t see how anyone’s surprised. If you’ve been to Taco Bell you know how nasty their shit is. Someone just decided to put it in writing.
Oatmeal? That’s… a step up from what I imagined went into Taco bell’s ground beef.
that’s the point. Dog food is too good to accept Taco Bell quality meat. There’s people food, there’s dog food, then there’s a sub tier full of Taco Bell and Dan