T9: The Canadian Fighting Game Championships – Toronto Ont. July 12th/13th

Get serious!!!

We shall discuss the amount at T9.

Justin, OTTAWA IS COMING THIS TIME WITH A BIGGER GROUP than last years I think!!!

if u want to take the go train to union

then just get off at union station, walk 10 minute to eglinton road, and then just take the eglinton bus

I bet 5$ on CB and I wanna take a bet against you too , 2/3 for 5$… ???
sound good ?

Sounds Good. Good Luck


Anyone looking to team up with me and Flightwing for CVS2 teams? we can use k or a groove. JS, Poke Guy, Noodleman?

Ian; can you make sure to get Wing to pre-register? The link is in the first post of the thread.

I will join your team as a terrible Ken blanka vega or cammy player!!!

Btw Haseo is asking for a T5dr mm 3/5 $10

We will take your application into consideration. As for that Tekken 5DR bet. I agree.

word do it

battle of the spartan killers
and ya 3/5 for 10 3s you got it.

Oh shit, Conqueror of the World awaits.

Just wanted to thank people who have been pre-registering

A few games have already broken the 16 player requirement and 3S has already broken the 32 player mark and still going. It’s shaping up nicely. If you have friends that you know haven’t pre-registered then please give them a friendly reminder. It’s in the staff’s best interest to get the most clear picture of how big a tourney will be so as to adjust the schedule accordingly.

Oh on a related note, BIG PROPS to Ottawa for showing (at least from what I’m seeing) massive support. It looks like they’re coming with an even bigger force than last year and that’s saying something because they came in droves last year. Good shit, I’m looking forward to seeing you guys.

Montreal; WHERE YOU AT?!

Hahahahaha GOOD LUCK??? Are you kidding me… C’est qui cet homme ?

Just for clarification, pre-registering is simply a means of estimating the size of the tournaments for schedule reasons like you implied, so there aren’t any repercussions of pre-registering for a certain game then not being able to join it, is that right?

Je suis l’homme qui va prendre ton argent pour acheter mon free breakfast

Can you pm me the names of the people entering xvsf? I want to have an idea of who is going to be entering and who hasn’t signed up

im taking mm in cvs2 2/3 for $10



Where the hell is MTLSF in all this stuff? Manitoba can’t make it this year, especially with sky rocketing gas prices and so little time with the date change…will see about next year though.

Sorry Tak, no rematch in 3S this year…so I guess we’ll have to wait til next year or something