T6 Wireless Hori Stick - Random disconnects

Just wondering who else is experiencing the problem and what, if anything, you found to alleviate the issue. My T6 stick randomly disconnects while playing. House has numerous 2.4GHz components floating around, including wireless LAN, cellphones, headsets, etc. I have turned everything off, except the wireless LAN, and still get disconnects at seemingly random intervals. Anyone have one working flawlessly?

how far are you sitting away from your console? I know there was a post about it dropping out at certain ranges, I have the stick and it has not dropped for me. You might want to play it safe and exchange it from where you got it from.

This is my second stick, first would not move right, ever, but it had something floating around inside and felt broken, if you know what I mean. My gut tells me this is interference, but turning off the lan isn’t an option.
Was hoping someone else might have a similar problem and found a workaround. Will have to keep experimenting I guess.

ps - sitting within 10 feet. Had the stick right next to the receiver @ one point.

You just bought a bad stick that’s all. Arcade parts/corded FTW.

I have the same exact problem. Plus it would randomly not accept inputs, but it seems I got that problem worked out. At least it now responds perfectly after I changed the WLAN channel of my router (from 1 to 3). But sadly, there are still random disconnects.
If you should find a way to get the stick to work, please post your solution. :sad:

damm lucky I didn’t pick that stick up and found a TE on amazon for 90 bucks :slight_smile:

try and test it at a friends house instead of your and see if the problem is your home. If it does the same thing then it the stick. If it keeps happening return that shit again, sorry for your problems with the stick, I really hope you get it fixed good luck.

Are these PS3 or 360 sticks that are having this issue?

PS3 version here. Most of my local friends do not have PS3s, but I plan to try the stick at another house ASAP.

I guess this should have been part of the primary T6 stick thread. I thought it might be worth breaking out into a separate thread to see how widespread the problem might be, but it looks like that was a bad idea. Can the mods merge this thread into the T6 fightstick thread?

I’ve got the PS3 version, too. Sadly, I don’t know anyone with a PS3 (not in my range, at least). I tried the stick with on my PC, but that didn’t make any difference.

It happens to me but if I unplug it and plug it back in when I start the system, it seems to work fine for me.

The PS3 sticks are pc combatable, so you can check it on either your own of a friends pc to see if it disconnects there

I’ve even used this stick on my pc and for some reason, this did not occur to me. :wgrin: Will have to do that.

And I am getting similar results to what crazy robot is seeing. If I unplug or remove the batteries, then reconnect, it seems to work fine for an extended period of time. That said, I found a good deal on a SFIV TE stick and couldn’t resist.

I tried it at a friend’s house today (on a PC), same results. So it’s probably nothing to do with interference or stuff like that, the damn thing is just broken.

How far away from electrical devices are you putting the receiver? I know most receivers you’re supposed to keep a few feet away from any electrical device.