T6 Stick Layout

Just something that’s been bugging me for a while.

I’ve just recently started getting into Tekken and I’m using my TE. I know the basic set up is having the face buttons correlate to the fighter’s limbs. However, when I go into the controller settings, I see that my 360 recognises my TE as the T6 Hori stick and its layout differs from pretty much any other stick I’ve ever seen (never seen another stick with the face buttons not in a square layout).

I guess my point/question is for tourney goers, is it necessary to switch out the button layout every time someone plugs in a stick, or at least the first time?

Sorry for a stupid thread, but I’ve been wondering this for a while and my searches didn’t turn up anything :confused:

Every tournament except for WCG plays Tekken on PS3 so assuming your TE is compatible with PS3, you shouldn’t have trouble with the configurations. I don’t have the 360 version so I’m not sure, sorry.

Yeah, since I’ve posted this, I discovered that the PS3 and the 360 fightstick layouts were different :confused: I have no idea why they would do this…

Hey guys,
I have a related question.

I have the Chun-li TES fightstick. I tried playing it in Tekken 6, but it didn’t recognize my stick on the configuration. Is this even possible to change?
Also, i noticed i had to press the buttons harder when doing a standard combination. For example, a basic punch;punch combination would have to be pressed hard to even register as the combo. If I don’t press it hard enough it’ll just do the standard punches twice.

Are you playing on 360? I think it’s defaut on the
1 2 3
Layout instead of
1 2
3 4
so I guess you have to change it.
As for pressing the button harder… I’m not sure, I know Tekken has a dial-a-combo string, and the only recommendation I can think of is to mash the last hit of the string a lot and try your best to time the previous strings. For example, if you want to do Kazuya’s 4 hit string the Kazama Rush it’s b+3,1,4,1. Try to time the first 3 inputs but mash the last one. i.e. b+3,1,4,1,1,1,1… I think that might help with the execution a little for now before you get the timing properly down.

Hey AAK,
Thanks for replying to my post.

I’m using a Playstation 3. Does that change how the number layout should be?
And i get what you mean with the dial up system. I notice I do have to end up mashing the end of combos. I just worry that doing that would wear down my buttons. I also use the same stick for SSFIV and MVC3.

Actually it’s only the hori sticks that have the changed layout only for 360, Never had problems with the PS3 version… I have an HRAP3 and the other 3 sticks that were used on my set up at various gathers were HoriV3, Hori Wireless fightstick, and the Hori FS3… didn’t encounter any layout issues with them. Sorry man, I’m a blank slate.

And you’re WELCOME! Always nice to see people keeping Tekken alive. :slight_smile:

Yeah, Tekken is still amazing and has lots of current hype.
I’m really looking forward to Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and Street Fighter X Tekken.
I’ll make my arcade stick work!

Thanks again :slight_smile:

haha I know this is old, but I like the layout on TK6. It was just confusing because X is usually the first button, but B is X on the 360 version…It was a odd transition at first, but just referring to the location of the buttons as numbers 1-4 takes that mess away.

It’s because the layout for some Hori sticks (including the T6 wireless that came with the LE game) at the time was :


Hori had the Tekken license, so they were doing their partner a solid. On a HRAP EX-SE, T6 or the EX2 it had the correct default configuration.