T6 BR PDX matchmaking thread

If there are any T6 players here at PDX, nows the time to come out of hiding and post up. If you want, give a small profile of yourself(psn, xbox live account, your name, your character, times your up for games, e.t.c). This is just an example, but do what you want. Places for T6 gatherings are Versus and maybe Tilt with their new cabinet. I hope the PDX T6 scene grows large enough for us to compete with Seattle at hopefully soon our first Northwest T6 tournament. They have many players who already familiar with the game and have two very good power players, Eddie(Bryan player), and JWO/John/Scrubby Nerd(Lily/Kazuya). Even if no one posts up here, all I’m trying to do to recreate a Tekken scene stronger than our last DR scene. Nuff said, either post up, or get cracking on those juggles.

Profiles so far:

Name: R_Panda
Online name: R. Panda(Xbox live)
Character: Lily
Availablity: “All the F@!#$^ time”

Online name: Tsunamiken(Psn)
Character: ???
Availabilty: Weekends. Weekdays-after 4:30(except Thursday)

Name: Yangsing
Online name: Geefunkera(Xbox Live)
Characters: Lars, Bob, Jack, Byran, Yoshi
Availabilty: Most of the time, Blazers suck

Name: Xeris
Online Name: ???(???)
Availablity: Only if your fast enough for a “TOASTEEEEE”

any time frame on a tournament before Strong Style?

Please let us know when your next tournament is PDX. Are any of the oldskool PDX Tekken heads around besides Rey and Simon?

We will let you know when our next Tournament is Anthony and it would be cool if you guys could make it.

You might want to come play on Saturdays with us.


I’ve decided to play T6:BR pretty seriously (well, as serious as I can anyways) and I’m enjoying it a lot so far.

I won’t be able to make it to Tsunami’s this weekend… but I hope to make it out to those more regularly, though that will be difficult in November.

Feel free to send PSN/XBL messages to me to schedule times for offline sessions. I’m looking forward to the competition :slight_smile:


I love this fuckin’ game.
I have two sticks and a copy of T6. I need a goddamn 360. =\

Name: R_Panda
LIVE: R Panda
Character: Lili (cheapest character evah, it is pretty cool)
Availability: All the fuckin’ time.

The Namco guy who made Lily needs to get his ass kicked, yeah lets give her a half screen hop kick that does 50 to 75% damage in juggles, while we’re at it lets make every good move she has even more safer. dherrr!

Eyy Anthony how is that public library Internet these days Mann?

Can’t look at porn using the library internet :frowning:

yeah she is pretty cool huh

No one plays Murdok in Portland!

Random select count? Oh wait when it randoms him I back out and make it re-pick.

Anyone wants to come play T6 let me know. I will let you park your ass on my couch for a few hours and show me how to lose.

PSN: Tsunamiken
Play Hours: Anytime after 4:30 weekdays (except Thursday), all day Saturday and Sunday.
Character: Paul

You need to be looking for porn that involves librarians, that might slip through the filter.

GG Sam B & Jetay!

Yeah cause Brian Jiang and Black Dennis totally dont exist…

What? I play Murdock. uf+3’s, qcf+2’s, d+3+4 to d+1+2, all u need.

GGs somewhat Super Joe. First time playing online and yeaaaa… kinda wack. Hope to play yall in person

GGS RayBlade. Hopefully the lag will be better after this weekend.

Nope, they don’t.

Brian Jiang still plays?


Name: Yangsing (Simon)
Online name: Geefunkera (Xbox live)
Character(s): Lars, Bob, Jack6, Bryan, Yoshimitsu
Availablity: When I’m awake and Trailblazers aren’t playing.

and if you play Lily, don’t talk to me. jk