T11: Canadian Fighting Game Championships - Sept 3rd-5th @ TFNS

**T11: Canadian Fighting Game Championships. Toronto, Canada. Sept. 3rd-5th 2010 **

Our T tournament will be celebrating its 11th anniversary this summer! If you are located in canada, there is no reason for you not to come. Top players from all across the country + U.S will be competing to win our 1st national SSF4 tournament.


Event Director: NeoRussell
Venue Directors: Dice and Vaughn

–Official Game Bracket Organizers–
SSFIV: Gerjay, RXS, RB_999, Davero
Commentators: Pending
Tekken: NeoRussell and assistants
BB: Pui and Assistants

–Side Game Bracket Organizers–
3rd Strike: Need somebody here
GGAC Teams: Pui and Assistants

Please make sure you ask the right people for your questions.
People were asking me brackets I was not in charge of last year.


I need 3 peeps for the Registration Table. Volunteers are NOT allowed to join tournaments. This does not apply for Bracket Organizers. If you have a girlfriend who is coming and you don’t want her to get bored, have her help us out. We’ll make it worth her while, I promise.

Need a few people to move desk, tables and chairs on the day of. You will be able to participate in the tournament. I just need able bodies to come 2 hours before T11 starts to help setup up the venue. If you are free that day and are just super nice, please help us out.


Friday, Sept 3rd ? Sunday, Sept 5th 2010


Toronto Fight Night Series Venue
Thanks to Vaughn and Dice for making this happen.


1444 Dupont St. Unit 15, Toronto On M6P 4H3

Closest Intersection is Lansdowne and Dupont.
[1444 Dupont St. Unit 15, Toronto On M6P - Google Maps+4H3&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=35.90509,57.65625&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1444+Dupont+St+%2315,+Toronto,+Toronto+Division,+Ontario,+Canada&ll=43.665838,-79.446988&spn=0.004005,0.007038&z=17"]TFNS Location](http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1444+Dupont+St.+Unit+15,+Toronto+On+M6P)

Parking is FREE around the area.


We may have catering for the place. Portuguese restaurant and Bar close to the venue. 5 min driving distance to Strip Mall.

Hotels Nearby

Room For Rent
Room for Rent Toronto - Google Maps


There will be a door fee to enter the event. I worked out this price with TFNS. You will need to pay $5 per day that you are in T11. There will be enough casual stations for people who will not compete in the tourny.

Door Fee: $5 per day

Tournament Fee: $10 per tournament you enter


If you are participating in the games. Please Pre-Register your name and the games you are participating. When you are at the Registration Table in T11, you’ll just need to tell them your name and nick to get you registered quickly.

Pre-Registrations can be done by following this link:

Official Tournaments

Note for SSFIV:
Equipment in TFNS is XBOX so we will be using those systems. If you use a PS3 controller to play SSFIV, please make sure you bring a converter. Otherwise, you use the Sticks TFNS provides for T11. There will be NO PS3 SSFIV to play on.

Other games will just be recorded.

Singles Tournaments:

Strict Rules will be followed for disappearing. Nobody is special and you will be disqualified if you are not there when called. Warnings will be given before proceeding with Disqualification.

**Super Street Fighter IV (360) **
$10 entry
Double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Tekken 6: BR (PS3)
$10 entry
Double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Blazblue: Continuum Shift (PS3)
$10 entry
Double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Team Tournaments:

1 team will elect a Team Captain. This Team Captains job is get their team ready for their next match. Strict Rules will be followed for disappearing. Nobody is special and you will be disqualified if the team is not ready. Warnings will be given before proceeding with Disqualification.

Super Street Fighter IV Teams (360)
3 man teams, No Duplicate characters.
$10 entry per person
SBO Rules
Double elimination Bracket
Team only needs to win 3 matches to advance

Blaz Blue: Continuum Shift (PS3)
3 man teams, No Duplicate characters.
$5 per person
SBO Rules
Double elimination Bracket
Team only needs to win 3 matches to advance

Tekken 6 (maybe)

Side Tournament

Has to meet 16 person requirement to run. This will be confirmed close to the date.

3rd Strike Singles
$10 entry
Double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Soul Calibur IV Singles
$10 entry
Double elimination tournament
2 out of 3 games per match
3 out of 5 games per semi final match
4 out of 7 games grand finals

Guilty Gear Teams
3 man teams, No Duplicate characters.
$15 entry
SBO Rules
Double elimination Bracket
Team only needs to win 3 matches to advance

Side games will not coincide with any Official tournaments.
We don’t want what happened last year when everything was running.


Please send me a message if you can help bring any of the following that are not checked.

Official Games:

-8 Monitors (may add more) - check
-8 360’s - check
-Sticks Galore - people need to bring their sticks

Tekken 6
-4 Monitors - check
-4 PS3’s - check
-Sticks Galore - community will bring this

-4 Monitors - 2 confirmed (KellFires), 2 more needed
-4 PS3’s - confirmation needed
-Controllers and Sticks Galore - check

Side Games:

3rd Strike
-Need a TV for this
-Need a PS2 with sticks and controllers
-Need somebody to run this

Soul Calibur IV
-2 TV’s - check
-2 PS3’s - check
-Sticks and Controllers Galore - check

GGAC Teams
-Need TV
-Need a PS2
-Need sticks and controllers

Misc equipment that are needed:
-Power Plugs
-HDMI Cables
-Speaker system


6:00pm - Registration begins
7:00pm - Super Street Fighter IV Team Tournament begins
8:00pm - 3S Singles Begins
8:00pm - BB Singles Begins

We will finish Teams on this date.

12:00pm - Registration continues
2:00pm - Super Street Fighter IV Singles begins
3:00pm - Blazblue Teams Begins
3:00pm - Tekken 6: BR Singles

We will try to finish Singles this date but if it will carry over if not.

1:00pm: Carry over slot for any tournaments that were not finished on Saturday night.

All tournaments will have a distribution of 70/20/10.

All tournaments will have a distribution of 80/20.

If you have any stick/button problems at anytime, STOP PLAYING, get up and inform the director. The

stick will be fixed/changed and the match will be replayed. If you decide to whine about the sticks after the match, YOU WILL NOT GET A REPLAY MATCH.

The console equipment will be labeled and registered to ensure its safety. However, please be careful with your sticks. Furthermore, if you know you?re attending and you do not have a stick to use, make sure you have a friend who can donate. All singles matches will enforce a 5 minute rule and if you can?t find a stick within that time you will be disqualified. This is advance warning and will not be brought up again.

The T11 staff will try to make sure everything runs smoothly for this tournament.
Of course, a tournament this big will have it’s negatives but I will try to minimize this to the best of our abilities.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
If you can help out in anyway, please send me a message.



nice looking forward to this tourney… get hype tell all your friends!!

Directions on how to get there by TTC? Just edit that in your post.

Nagata: Sticky for thread please.

Brett: I don’t know the bus number that goes north of Dupont. Can you help with that?


The other two organizers for SSFIV would be me and Robbie, but I think Rob was still deciding.

I can only make it out for 2/3 of the days most likely, so i’m still deciding on fri or sunday.

EDIT: This is the T series 10th anniversary, not 11th.

Russel: will there be room for setups for casuals in other games, e.g. MBAA / TvC / MvC2 / etc.?

Bill: Not on Friday and Saturday. Sunday, there should be space.


Does this include the side tournaments?

If so you’ve already killed them.

This was discussed in an older thread, I think the verdict was that if a game’s community can’t support itself on a $10 entry then the game should not be run.

They’re asking for an addition $10 for EVERY tourney you enter.

So if you enter 3 tourneys, you pay the venue fee 3X on top of pot fees.

Well that seems really odd. So what you’re seeing is that for example, entering just for SSFIV would cost $30?

Hopefully there’s some kind of mistake here.

No they aren’t.

“Participation Fee: $10
-There will be no Door Fee this time around. If you do want to compete in a tournament, you need to pay the Participation Fee. If you are playing multiple games, Registration table will have a copy of who paid the participation fee. Just so you don’t forget to pay or end up paying twice.”

Key sentence closes out the paragraph. This is just so people can spectate without paying for a venue fee and those who are going to be in the tournaments would be paying as usual.

I’ll confirm about the fees ok. I’m currently speaking to Vaughn and Dice about what’s the best solution. For now, i put the Fees in Pending Status.


team should be 30$ for super

Yeah you can put me down as helping to organize SF, more so of a utility man than main organizer though as I may be ride constrained that day coming from Waterloo and all. Either way though, I’ll help out anyway I can and will be able to provide more info as to when I will be there (such as before set-up help etc.) as the day comes closer.

Changes in the Fees section:

There will be a door fee to enter the event. You will need to pay $5 per day that you are in T11. There will be enough casual stations for Spectators.

Door Fee: $5 per day

Tournament Fee: $10 per tournament you enter

Heero: $5 per person is usually the standard price for Team Tournaments. Atleast from what I know. We’ll see how people react from your statement ok. I’ll leave it at $5 for now.


Will JS Master become the best Canadian player 2 years in a row??? Find out at T11!!!

On the other hand, i also strongly believe team tournament should be $30/team for SSF4, or else 2nd and 3rd place winners will barely receive anything in the end. $10/head for team tournament has also been the entry fee for the last several local tournaments in Ontario/Montreal. And no its not becuz i want more money, just saying it’ll bring more hype and more motivation for ppl to play harder even for that 2nd & 3rd place

another small concern is that it says registration starts at 6pm, while tournament starts at 7pm on fri… i assume this means we have to do brackets/registration within an hr??

PS. I would like to bet on Neo Russel over anyone in Canada for any amount of money in Tekken 6

Since there is no marvel we’re running a 5on5 right?

I’d bet on Lawrence over Russell.

Scumbag: On Sunday if everything is good with time.

Disgruntled: He’s failed 3 times. The power of Kuma is just too much for his girlish characters.
