T. Hawk's DP

Is it just my imagination or his DP motion a lot pickier than everyone else’s? If you stay on down for more than a split second or go even a little past :df:, it doesn’t come out.

I’ve never noticed it with T.Hawk(mostly cuz I don’t really play him), but I’ve always wondered about this too. I’ve always seemed to have a harder time doing Fei Long’s flame kick. Do each of the characters with a DP move have a different input window?

Oh the dreaded reversal, it doesn’t work like your typical SRK backward motion, the way to get those flame kicks out consistantly is to go back, BRIEF pause, down ----> right when you push back push any strenghts of the kicks. Trying to spam it out like an SRK doesn’t work.

kyokuji: You’re not imagining it man. I’ve noticed his dp is stricter than any other character

this may sound dumb but I’m sure you guys know that DP windows go from 8-15 frames. iirc, anything past 8 frames is going to be a random window for a DP to come out.

What I’ve manged to train myself to do is DP w\in 5-6 frames consistently avoiding the whole 8-15 random window. I leave myself a little room for error, 2-3 frames because I’ll probably won’t input it @ that speed 100% of the time.

If you want to maximize input time, don’t roll to fwd. Adding extra inputs can lengthen input time by 1 frame.

All though I mostly run shoto’s, I play t.hawk regularly and I try to keep my DP speed in the 5-6 window range or @ least thats what I aim for when I try my DP’s and for the most part, I always get them to come out 95% of the time. The last 5% can be chalked up too me being a human and not a robot.

When I’m in practice, I can get them consistently, but yeah, Thawk’s DPs have always seemed a little harder. On the subject of reversals, a reversal DP with Thawk might seem harder than most characters’ reversal DPs, because Thawk’s wakeup animation is much longer than most other characters.

Never noticed something like that.