T.hawk!!! Yes!!!

You make it sound like just because someone concocted some airy-fairy tier related match-up ratio of a Hawk Vs Honda there’s no possible way any bout involving these two characters could turn out differently! :confused:
You do realise every bout is potentially different… IF you take your finger of LP auto-fire long enough to allow it to be so. :rolleyes:

Comatose Hawk gameplay = fail = fact.

That’s all I got to say about that. :zzz:

Good shit against Thelo, Jiggly.

You’re absolutely right i don’t know anything about Honda vs Hawk in HDR, but i know boring when i see it, and that shit was boring…i personally fail to own 3/4 of the comunity with my Seth but thats probably cuz i don’t sit in a corner hitting LP…i do however, in a tournament, do many many jump. HP…but at least i admit it’s boring to watch…get off yer high horse and stop complaining when people point out the obvious. kthx

god you are so dumb

Command throw characters are way dumbed down in sf4, compared to sf2. Just a warning~
I main t hawk in hdr and was going to main gief in sf4 originally, but was disgusted w/ his play style.

Timing was so critical in 2; 4 is just pure paper rock scissors when you get in.


Why do like half the people in here know nothing about T.Hawk lol. I main him in HDR also and my matches vs Honda go about the same, as Im sure gridmans does also.

Just stop dude. Two things are obvious:

  1. You’ve never played a competitive Honda vs. Hawk fight.

  2. You didn’t watch that whole video.

and yeah, I could be super aggressive and play differently and then lose the whole fight.

Honda match up: I usually get 1 out 5 wins and it’s not gonna change simply due to the fact that it’s always been a bad match up period and this is coming from an OG.
Crouching strong(recommended) and crouching jab(auto fire!? are u serious!?) as well timed reversals during in between the super and long distance headbutts help. Too many things I want to mention but I don’t want to educate someone who hasn’t played him competitively before so we will leave it at that.
Overall, It is a boring for the Honda player since all he has to do is hold back…

Back on topic:
Sure tick throws may be gone (SSF4) but there will always be options in this iteration. Standing forward up close should be left intact though like in ST. He really needs this in is his mixup. FA cancels to Storm Hammers/Ultra will benefit his game.
I’m still looking forward to SSF4. and hopefully Honda’s headbutt recovery remains the same since it can be punished this time around.

Can’t wait to sit on people. HHmmmm…


His post didn’t even require a response lol

Yeah, he should take his finger off jab so he can allow Honda to get in. Not using one of your character’s best tools against another character is totally a smart move.

Did JigglyNorris (or whoever brought up the match up difficulty) say that someone else made the tier list? What if that 8:2 match up is his opinion? Plus, you said you don’t know anything about HDR, so who are you to comment on how the competitive players play their game?

Seriously though…they need to change the last part of Thawk’s ultra…the sitting on opponent part and saying Hi to the camera is just damn silly… Only Dan should have silly ultras…

Characters with lots of HP and good damage output can’t be that bad…look at Sagat, Rufus, Gief…

I hope they make Hawk dive good…it should not be too punishable otherwise its useless…

I also see myself maining him…

Wow, way to be smart…except that it was me that said i don’t know about HDR (unless i missed an earlier post of his where he said it) but thats ok.

I didn’t say that it is “fail” or “smart to not use your best tool” by the way, i simply stated it was boring.

dunno, but his Dive seems MUCH MORE faster

Alex Valle would laugh at your dumbass. Play to win you scrub moron. Play the winning move, why wouldn’t you? it may look boring, but winning is not.

Though, I’m sure that’s something you’re not very familiar with.


His dash is after the command throw at 4:00ish, It looks similar to Zangiefs in range and speed.

I’m also fearing that Hawk won’t be as satisfying to use in IV’s engine. I love Gief’s slow pace and precise game play in ST, but he feels so mindless in IV. I hope I’m wrong, but fear I’m right. Guess we’ll know come Spring.

was watching the T Hawk/Juri demo and i realized how powerful his ultra is hahaha

can’t wait for T hawk

I wonder how his ex move will works. Im guessing ex dp will just be a strong fully invin AA, but his grab I have no idea what properties it will get.

I actually think it’s awesome that he sits on you in the ultra. Most of the characters in SF4 are goofy, just look at Dictator’s smile.