T Hawk Super Guide: Prototype Version

2 matches of Uyro vs KOG if somebody feels like analyzing:
[media=youtube]PfPv4guMOFE[/media] [media=youtube]nI59RM-vyqk[/media]

And as far as my opinion is concerned I think the match is in Hawk’s favor. Sakuras limbs are so short that you can just cr.mk through anything, only time I have problems against Sak is because of that stupid nj.hk safejump.

Only because that’s how our match turned out. It’s hard to judge character skill and factor that into the tier list matchup number system. I think he’s good, and I’m OK. Maybe I had started to figure him out and that was the factor in the 6-4.

The thing I most took from that match is that Uryo doesn’t whiff punish hard enough and Kog is psychic. Uryo should have thrown more fireballs and AA’d alot better. Hawk can do next to nothing about jump back mp as a A2A. Maybe I am playing to patient in the match or I just really need to work on it but that didn’t do too much to dissuade my opinion

I loathe fighting Sakura, a friend of mine plays her a lot and I just absolutely hate fighting her. I’d honestly say the matchup is about even, but no matter who I’m using there are few characters I dread and despise running into more than a Sakura. Having read that info about crouching forward I’ll try to utilize that more in my fights against him, I’m really glad this info’s up.

Bumped to promote interest!!

I am bumping this up in light of the release of AE2012. Time to update all the info inside :slight_smile:


I added a few things in each matchup that I could and added everyones health and stun…

We need more people to contribute to the matchup information. Some characters, important characters, have little to no data whatsoever.

I’ll start putting in some knowledge.

This has come up in other threads, but to any newer Hawk players reading this then: try and land a LP 360 at least once a round, as HP Spire over them and then a low move into SRK works well at least once on even stronger SFIV players. EX it if you can for added Hawk shake-up power.

Agree that U2 on Cody is probably gonna go unused or worse, whiff. Needs more auto-track and vacuum buffing!

Coooooolll brrrooo

You can light DP over then and its still same. The timing is the same with spire.

As much as I really don’t want but since no one is putting in the time and effort I’m going to go into training mode and work on every character matchup and put as much as I can on the google doc…

I don’t feel like anyone is going into training mode and figuring stuff out. I think we all did at one point but just stopped. I can’t even use this in tournaments because of the gaps of knowledge. Gaps for every characters too…list border line pathetic, or there is useless information that can’t viable be applied.

At any rate I’m going to go in and work on every character throughout this week.

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Picked up Hawk again after attending my first Southtown Arcade ranbats. There’s nothing I want to do more than experiment in training mode…but my Xbox is over 1500 miles away ;_;

Great work on the google doc, I really like that name haha the THawk-uments! Good stuff!
I have a quick question I am sure everyone else knows the answer to but seeing as how I am not usually a “read the instruction manual person”,
what is the xx in the combos like this one?
c.LP, c.LP, LK xx EX Spire


Thanks, makes sense now that I know what it stands for hah.

Abel, Adon, Akuma, Balrog, Blanka

Holy shit this is over two years old! Can’t wait to pick this back up in Ultra and painstakingly update with all the rest of you fools still playing this wonderful, god-forsaken character.

I have a tourney coming up and wanted to look at the doc, onl that it’s showing me some kind of Guile guide, is it something wrong on my end?

I think I’ve experienced that before, try clearing cookies.

Somebody vandalized the doc. I’ve restored it the last I checked.