T. Hawk in SF5

Been thinking of Hawk being a character in SF5. So here’s my question to you all: What moves should Hawk have?

It’s a given that a lot of people hated Hawk with his Ultra update. Here’s to hoping Timothy has a fun moveset.

I’d be pretty surprised if he even made the roster. He was definitely bottom 15% in character choice selection. I remember seeing a chart with characters picked in Japanese arcades and he was near the bottom.

Hmm. Might start thinking of using another grappler if he ends up not making the cut. I like Hawk, but I honestly thought Condor Spire was a derpy move.

I love Hawk, but I highly doubt he will be in SFV.

I agree.

Sadly not many people give a shit about T.Hawk.

Here’s a new move for him.

720+P - Being In The Garbage Where He Belongs And Not Within Ten Miles Of SF5.