Swoops' Bob Oki & Safe Jump Thread

Ok so here’s a listing of the simplest (easiest?) safe-jumps I’ve found so far for each knockdown situation:

Okay, so safe jumps might be a subjective form of pressure, because it seems like you can vary your quick recovery all over the place.

It’s crazy how delayed you can make it in this game. It’s easiest to see using down as your tech as opposed to button inputs. I’m using the midscreen spiral rocky safe jump as a test right now, and my quickest tech will get hit by the j.MK. However, I can delay my tech to make it whiff :frowning:

Well perhaps in that situation we can go for ambiguous dp-avoiding jump ins instead? I actually prefer those types most of the time anyway because they’re mixups in themselves, and if the opponent does a wakeup they won’t be able to tag cancel it because it whiffs. Maybe whiff s.rh into jump in after a rocky?

I’m also liking the setup after cracker jacker in the corner… opponents usually quick recover, so you go for the ambiguous jump-in (early or late mk) and if they don’t quick recover you get to transition into a safejump. If they roll, they roll back into the corner and can actually cross themselves up… I want to mess with it more, but it seems pretty good.

As for option selects, I’ve actually gotten lk-step into langue washer to work after these jumps to punish backdashes. It seems pretty damn tight, but what a payoff! I suck at option selecting though so maybe it’s not as hard as I think it is?

I definitely love the ambiguous cross up stuff, but I have trouble getting any offense started off of them on block. It feels like j.MK’s block stun is so pathetic compared to the rest of the cast, I get pretty much poked out of any my follow ups. I’ll have to practice a little bit more I suppose.

I know the nj.RH set ups are finicky, but I think they have the most potential out of most of his oki options. They make so many reversals useless, and they’re really easy to mix up with empty jump low. Definitely suffers from back dashing though, but if you throw in the occasional j.MK cross up it can put the opponent on their toes.

I’m pretty intrigued by the post-AC set ups. I alpha counter all day to stop the opponent from gaining momentum, so these could be super useful. I’m sad I can’t test them though :(.

I’m not a big fan of safe jumps in this game, as they can be rolled out of and don’t yield much frame advantage on block. A good player will also see them coming and wouldn’t be likely to get baited into using a reversal. I tried figuring out some setups for a meaty st.MK instead, but I’m starting to think it’d be easier just to time it manually.

Safe jumps aren’t the most powerful, but empty jump lows are pretty darn good. They’re definitely easier to pull off if the opponent is scared of using a reversal.

The nj.HK set ups are really good because they keep you in perfect position to pressure rolls afterwards. Obviously you can’t punish them if you used a proper safe jump timing, but if you fake the nj.HK just a tad earlier you can easily punish a roll. Plus, it’s also a perfect position to use meaty s.MK :D. Personally I’ve never used many strict set ups for wake up situations, only because I think it’s a lot healthier to know how to do them organically and get a sense of timing for the attacks. s.MK is luckily pretty easy to meaty because of all the active frames.

Yeah I think safe jumps are probably the best way to go for empty jump into lows. Not only to train the opponent but also just in pure frames

They’re also probably the best way to go for OS after a jump in too, as they should give you the most time to act. I still gotta work on langue washer OS, but I find it so difficult. :frowning:

Is kind of a bummer that we can’t seem to be able to safe jump crossup as well… but I guess that’s just how his hitboxes work.

Okay, so hopping back into this thread after a long while, I thought I’d add a few of the more established safe jumps that I’ve been working with. Along with that I figured I’d add the chart that Nos99 was so generous to come up with, as it’s a lot more helpful and easier on the eyes than my formatting.

The frame data is added on the bottom as well.

I’m glad I came back in to smooth out the edges a little bit. Hopefully it will be useful down the line if some sort of “Character Board Resurrection” is to happen. Also, I need to write it down here because it warranted big bold letters in my own personal notebook…

Empty jump lows are sooooooo bad ass for Bob. Seriously, I think half of my pressure now has been mixing up well placed safe jumps and nj.HKs, with lows boosted into into cl.MP for the confirm. Very, very useful.