Switching a PS3 TE stick PCB with the HRAP 3 pcb

Hi guys,

i have 2 sticks: madcatz SSF4 TE stick s and a hrap 3 for my ps3.

recently i switched to pc gaming and while hrap 3 works on the pc, the madcatz fightstick is not recognized since i dont have a via chipset usb. I dont have pci slots so i cant add a pci via usb card.

I had this idea to remove the hrap 3 pcb and install it on the madcatz. Would that work as in plug and play or will i need to solder wires ?

If this is not going to work, any of you guys can suggest an easy plug and play solution to use madcatz on my pc, as the hrap became too loose

anyone? really need your help guys

You would need to solder wires. Too much effort IMHO, especially in your case.

When you say the HRAP is “too loose,” I’m guessing you mean the joystick is too loose? If so, just swap the JLFs from the TE to the HRAP. Much easier and relatively painless.

What on your hrap became too loose?
Why cut your Hrap when you can fix it?

Cheap way to Mod your TE to work on PCs is to replace the PCB, you can use a Toodles PS3/PC Cthulhu as it uses screw terminals and has a USB Jack.

@daksakul the Toodles PS3/PC Cthulhu sounds awesome.

so i wont need any soldering at all right ?

You can optionally solder a USB cord into place, or do a dual-mod.
But you can get away without soldering.

My last question is how will get the usb cable to connect to the card? do i have to drill a hole in the te case ?

I didn’t think of the last one

so i need to drill a hole ion the case i guess :frowning:

SO the USB side B end can slip through, yes. Some people end up using a Neutrik