Sweet Tooth: Who Wants Icecream?

I’ve really enjoyed playing Sweet Tooth,but it kind of saddens me that I don’t see much people playing this character and I definitely love Sweet Tooth. I’m actually might save some money to buy Twisted Metal so on the other hand,I thought I make a thread people could share combos,I currently have none,but I tried to bring up the courage to start a thread.

I appreciate if you can give any combos,information, or opinions,or at least comment on this thread. :slight_smile:

1P/2P/3P = 1/2/3 person

**Sweet Tooth Meter Gauge: **Thanks to UltraDavid’s thread!
-----Lv1: 100
-----Lv2: 300 (400)
-----Lv3: 350 (750)

(Square Moves)
[]Machete Massacre - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131252/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/65/Btn_square.pnghttp://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131252/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/65/Btn_square.png - Sweet Tooth takes a vertical and horizontal swing with his machete. (35/45/48 AP for 1P/2P/3P)
]Brutal Shoulder Crush - http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132647/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/66/Playstation-Lstick-Left.png or http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132714/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/3/39/Playstation-Lstick-Right.png + http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131252/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/65/Btn_square.png - Sweet Tooth rushes forward with a brutal shoulder tackle. (20/26/32 AP for 1P/2P/3P)
[]Jaw Breaker - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132751/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/2/23/Playstation-Lstick-Up.png + http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131252/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/65/Btn_square.png - Sweet Tooth hits with a gloved uppercut. (Reaches 20/22/24 AP at random)
]Shin Breaker - http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132821/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/a/af/Playstation-Lstick-Down.png + http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131252/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/65/Btn_square.png - Sweet Tooth brutally stomps the ground, stunning opponents in front of him. (20/26/32 for 1P/2P/3P)
[]Aerial Machete Slash - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131252/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/65/Btn_square.png (Air) - Sweet Tooth cuts below him with his machete, spiking any opponents below him. (20 AP)
]Aerial Shoulder Crush - http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132647/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/66/Playstation-Lstick-Left.png or http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132714/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/3/39/Playstation-Lstick-Right.png + http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131252/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/65/Btn_square.png (Air) (20 AP)
[]Aerial Jaw Breaker - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132751/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/2/23/Playstation-Lstick-Up.png + http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131252/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/65/Btn_square.png (Air) (20 AP)
]Shock Wave - Down http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131252/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/65/Btn_square.png (Air) - Sweet Tooth crashes down with a crushing double stomp attack.( 20/26/32 for 1P/2P/3P)

(Triangle Moves)
(Triangle Moves)
[]Chainsaw Slaughter - http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131557/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/8c/Btn_triangle.png - Sweet Tooth spins in a circle with his chainsaw, cutting from both sides. (10 AP)
]Death by Shotgun - http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132647/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/66/Playstation-Lstick-Left.png or http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132714/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/3/39/Playstation-Lstick-Right.png + http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131557/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/8c/Btn_triangle.png - Sweet Tooth holds out a sawed-off shotgun and unleashes a blast at close range. (30/39/48 AP for 1P/2P/3P)
[]Spinning Machete - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132751/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/2/23/Playstation-Lstick-Up.png + http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131557/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/8c/Btn_triangle.png - Sweet Tooth throws his machete in an overhead arc. (10 AP)
]Blown Ankle - http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132821/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/a/af/Playstation-Lstick-Down.png + http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131557/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/8c/Btn_triangle.png - Sweet Tooth fires his shotgun at a low angle.(20/26 AP for 1P/2P)
[]Aerial Chainsaw Slaughter - http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131557/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/8c/Btn_triangle.png (Air) (25/40/46 AP for 1P/2P/3P)
]Aerial Death by Shotgun - http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132647/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/66/Playstation-Lstick-Left.png or http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132714/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/3/39/Playstation-Lstick-Right.png + http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131557/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/8c/Btn_triangle.png (Air) (30/39AP for 1P/2P)
[]Aerial Spinning Machete - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132751/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/2/23/Playstation-Lstick-Up.png + http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131557/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/8c/Btn_triangle.png (Air) (10 AP)
]Aerial Blown Ankle - http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132821/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/a/af/Playstation-Lstick-Down.png + http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016131557/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/8c/Btn_triangle.png (Air) (20/26 AP for 1P/2P)

http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png (Circle Moves)
[*]Fiery Molotov - [

](‘http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png’) or [

](‘http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132647/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/66/Playstation-Lstick-Left.png’) or [


](‘http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png’) (Vita) - [SIZE=3]Sweet Tooth throws out a molotov cocktail. Holding [/SIZE]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png increases the distance it is thrown. If molotov is thrown on ground (or barely hits opponent) it will continuously burn whoever goes on it . (5/6 AP thrown,5 AP from fire left)
[]Hellfire Breath - http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132647/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/66/Playstation-Lstick-Left.png or http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132714/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/3/39/Playstation-Lstick-Right.png + http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png orhttp://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png (Vita) - (Sweet Tooth breathes a stream of fire. Holding http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png increases the length of the attack, and tilting the analog stick will aim it upward or downward. (14/18/22 AP for 1P/2P/3P)
]Death by Fire - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132751/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/2/23/Playstation-Lstick-Up.png + http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png - Sweet Tooth claps both hands to his head, unleashing an explosion of fire. (20/26/32 AP for 1P/2P/3P)
[]Roadkill Mine Drop - http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132821/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/a/af/Playstation-Lstick-Down.png + http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png - Sweet Tooth lays down a landmine. (20/26 AP for 1P/2P)
]Aerial Fiery Molotov - http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132647/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/6/66/Playstation-Lstick-Left.png or http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132714/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/3/39/Playstation-Lstick-Right.png http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png (Air) (5 AP thrown,5 AP from fire left)
[]Aerial Hellfire Breath - http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png (Air)
]Aerial Death by Fire - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132751/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/2/23/Playstation-Lstick-Up.png + http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png (Air) (20/26 AP for 1P/2P)
[]Aerial Roadkill Mine Drop - http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713132821/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/a/af/Playstation-Lstick-Down.png + http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121016132009/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/8/87/Btn_circle.png (Air) (20/26 AP for 1P/2P)
( http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121125103046/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/e/ea/Playstation-Lstick-Neutral.png (Throws) - Take 15% AP of opponent
]** Skull Breaker** - http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713133159/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/d/dc/Playstation-Rstick-Left.png or http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713133221/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/a/ae/Playstation-Rstick-Right.png - Sweet Tooth delivers a brutal snap jab to his opponent’s head.
[]Human BBQ - http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713133245/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/a/a9/Playstation-Rstick-Up.png - Sweet Tooth holds his opponent over his head and roasts them with a burst of flame.
]Grave Digger - http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120713133309/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/f/f2/Playstation-Rstick-Down.png - Sweet Tooth hoists his opponent over his shoulders and throws them down on their head behind him.
(Super Moves)

[]TNT Tag - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121017013419/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/5/5a/Btn_r2.png (Level 1): Sweet Tooth dashes forward, attaches a dynamite pack to an opponent, and kicks them away. Opponents caught in the blast will also be KO’ed.
]Death by Missile - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121017013419/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/5/5a/Btn_r2.png (Level 2): Sweet Tooth fires a missile which can then be steered at opponents.
[*]Rise of Mecha Tooth - http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121017013419/playstationallstarsbattleroyale/images/5/5a/Btn_r2.png (Level 3): Sweet Tooth summons parts from his ice cream truck and transforms
**Sweet Tooth super level 2 can be easily dodge,and is probably worst super in the game. **

http://playstationallstarsbattleroyale.wikia.com/wiki/Sweet_Tooth (Took commands from there)

[media=youtube]WB-34EZG16A[/media] credits to personaworld


Weird…I just bought Twisted Metal yesterday. You should buy it too, it’s great.

In terms of Sweet Tooth, I’ve been wanting to make him a secondary. He seems really fun to play but also seems to have somewhat of a learning curve. Weird normals and the like.

EDIT: Also, his level 3 super actually does reach ground level. You can control the gatling gun up and down to reach the top and bottom of the screen.

Ahh man you serious? I was at Alden Tower trying to attack a sneaky little Sackboy! Anyways,yeah I’ll consider it,but I’M POOR AS HELL right now,and he’s a pretty fun character in my opinion. I can’t think of a secondary it’ll probably be Sir Daniel,Parappa,or Toro.

Well, I don’t know if it reaches below ground level, but it definitely reaches to the bottom of the same plane that Sweet Tooth is standing. I’ll try it out right now.

EDIT: Yeah, it definitely reaches under him. Also hits from completely across the stage.

Thanks for the confirmation,I appreciate it :slight_smile:

So can Machete Massacre be linked into anything? I’ve tried air neutral

into it but I’m not getting consistent results.

Yeah I don’t believe you can,it’s just a one hit attack,for combo I’m not really sure,all I know is that if you use that in the air,you can only add Jaw Breaker air when you’re like literally 1 millisecond away from touching the ground

You mean air square? ^ I didn’t know you could combo off if it (air Jaw Breaker).

Any tips for dealing with projectile heavy characters?

Not that I can think of. Best bet would probably just be to roll.

I’m a pretty good sweet tooth, so if anybody wants some matches add me! psn: ken123103

I’ll ad ya’. Need more people to play this with.

Throwing this out there, his Hellfire Breath did a good job in keeping a Sackboy at bay, but once in he became difficult to fight. As in destroying traps and cakes and as an anti-air. You can combo into it from a Spinning Machete (more of a fun fact). Anyway if he switches it up with a red ball, then I think you can come in with an aireal Machete Slash you can super him (not 100% on this though, and only if you are familiar with Tooth’s spacing to do it because you might just be setting yourself up for death).

Hey guys, I made a Sweet Tooth Advance tutorial guide! Check it out!

Awesome tutorial! Sweet Tooth is my character of choice in this game, and this tutorial really sheds light on some of the finer details about how to play him properly, such as how to utilize his “tech chase” to land his level 1 super. Many thanks for taking the time to record and make this.

Now I need to take some time to play this game when I have some time off of work.

I agree, great tutorial. I’ll be trying to incorporate this into my game when I get a good session in.

EDIT: I just saw a video on how not to be a Scrub at this game (on this forum). It talked about Sweet and Sour’s (that’s what he called him in the video, and I like it) vortex. Anyone care to elaborate a little more on it?

What I do: Once I get the knockdown, I usually mine where they are but remain stationary if they just try to get up and air forward triangle/square/down triangle. Is this optimal (assuming I have a stick of butter)? I need to be more mobile on their wake up I think.

I think seeet tooth is top tier. His game is like ibuki from ss4 and snake frome smash bros. lots and lots of teck chasing and easy set ups to do so.

Fave combos to use are:
A.N1, D1, U1, S2 = 90AP

D-throw,U1, S2 = 50+throwAP%

Fastest moves are N1, D2, & D3

After N1 I like to S3 then move in and maybe put a D3 down.

D2 is my fave move to set up a good chace I usually lay a D3 right b4 or right after then see how the roll so I can punish or combo with A.N1

After D3 I can get a S2 if I don’t get lagged and then S3 just to limit their options.

I hope u guys improve your teeth and have a nice trip to Cold Stones after reading this.