I think you’re mistaken. We don’t give people bad rep here. We rely on you to do that for yourself, as we find it rather hilarious. The creation of this thread has secured your bad rep for you, contrary to your original motive.
manman, oh come now. playing the righteous, just person. I don’t buy it. you got premium membership ONLY to support this site? yeah, I’m really going to believe that. There are many ways to contribute for the “love” of the hdremix. and nochance, you are mad at me cause I owned you a couple times. with your lousy internet connection your white trash mother ordered while you still live with her. get over it. you’ ve been accused of rage quitting as well, shitnugget. and you’ve been banned too. so seriously, shut your trap kid.
Well, I should warn you, if you keep talking like that … you soon will be too
and I’ll bet you feel real special inside don’t you? I guess if you fail at everything else in life, you can always go to a forum, pay some money, and feel like a bigshot on srk and make us little people feel bad. like I said, fill her up man! get your money’s worth! I don’t care! Oh and just so you dont’ forget, I"m a RAGE QUITTER!!! lol
You DO realize there is more going on on this site than HDR right? lol.
Honestly though, I didn’t expect you to actually understand my post. It makes total sense that guy who thinks that starting a thread like this is a real and meaningful way of getting revenge (and then misses the irony in calling OTHERS pathetic) would be the same kind of person who thinks that all premium is about is rep points. Enjoy your ignorance.
BTW, can you teach me a little bit about YOUR methods of supporting the site and showing “HDR love”. Is it simply cluttering up the general strategy section with threads that have nothing to do with strategy, or is there more to it?
No Chance, Revenge is the sweetest joy then getting your moms pussy
no really??? there’s more to it than just sf2??? with your infinite wisdom, teach me the ways. And yes, I will enjoy my ignorance. as much as you enjoy yours. you really think I care what you think? and I’m glad my neg. rep has gone up. keep it going guys!
See, this is what’s funny to me. You said this:
And yet you post this:
See, that’s the thing. You say something dumb. I point out your inconsistency in the hopes of you realizing that what you’re doing is contributing to your bad rep around here, and yet, you refuse to change. That’s what I meant about you creating your own bad rep. You are literally the most potent generator of why people respond to you in the ill-mannered way they do.
The sad thing is, you’re the only one who doesnt see it. You genuinely believe that people will believe it doesn’t get to you, when even Hellen Keller could see that it does. Just stop responding dude…
lol, way to show how much you don’t care what I think
hey, you were the one who said
when I talked about supporting THE SITE, not hd remix specifically, haha. I’ll marinate on your awesome comback though, maybe it’ll sting after a few hours.
wait… he WANTS neg rep :wow:. He showed us, now we’re defenseless against his cunning ways!
Crap, he WANTS neg rep. I guess we’d better stop neg repping him since he wants it.
On the other hand, he’s given us permission to neg rep him. Well, if you really want neg rep that badly, I guess we better give it to him :chat:
How is this thread still open? lol
why is it considered dumb? because I’m defending myself? because my justification isn’t good enough for you guys? so this thread isn’t interesting to you, so its automatically a dumb topic? good to see how subjective you idiots are. no biases whatsoever. if you hadnt noticed, after the little rage quitting thread died, I hadn’t since made beef with anyone. all I did was maybe boast a bit, but it was supposed to be about me improving my game, and learning to not get angry. and I have improved much since the buff fro days. and you guys get pissed at me for that? wow.
It’s considered dumb because you said you didnt care what others thought of you, yet you insulted No Chance for … what he thought of you. :yawn:
And we’re not pissed at you. We just find your lack of coherence hilarious…
see there you go again. lack of coherence?? I’m sorry, but YOU make no sense. I can insult anyone I damn well please. I don’t give shit if its you, or the president. I think your nerdy hostility is directed at me because I’m a new guy, and I’m not taking your shit. that I don’t suck someones ballsack for information must make you a little hurt, doesn’t it? you guys act like assholes to a new guy because it feels good. but you don’t like it when someone like me pushes back. cry me a river bitch.
Is there anything to learn about playing HDR from this thread?
yes. keep practicing with dedication, and eventually, you will overcome your opponents. that was the message that was pretty much thrown off topic by some resident shit stains.
talk about shit stains…that’s all that’s been coming out of your mouth this whole time. This thread has nothing to do with HDR ‘general strategy’, period. And although you’re right about whether or not it’s a stupid thread being subjective, most people seem to side with “yes it is” on this one. It’s the fact that you do nothing but make excuses about what people think of your join date, why you think people buy prem, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc… instead of owning up to your OT, useless thread that is causing people to neg you, not any of the excuses and irrelevant distractions you picked out of a hat.
Also, not sure why you thouht people were pissed at you, we’ve been laughing at you more than anything else, haha.
Dude, you made a stupid thread trying to change people’s perceptions about you. Nobody believed your garbage, your thread totally backfired on you, and now you’re trying to make yourself out to be some poor victim who’s getting singled out because he’s new. So let me spell it out for you:
[]The reason you’re getting flamed on is because you haven’t come to the conclusion that this is a worthless thread.
[]Every time you try to defend yourself, you will continue to get picked on, because you haven’t realized that this is a worthless thread.
[]Your response to this, which will no doubt be derogatory, will result in you getting picked on, because you haven’t realized that this is a worthless thread.
[]If you, the original poster, continue to post in this thread, you will be picked on, because you haven’t realized that this is a worthless thread.
Try to find the recurring theme…
But to at least try and stay on topic:
I have gotten better over a period time and then beaten the shit out of someone, that used to trash me.
It was satisfying. I think we played like 35 games(of ST). I won about 30.
But I’m not like OP in that I have never ragequitted in my life.
…There was this one time as a child that I punched my friend in the head for being cheesy on Mortal Kombat, but thas the last time i ever went near violence from a game.
Wow! I’m new to SRK, and this thread is very… entertaining? Enlightening? Disturbing? I don’t know which.
Anyhow, I’ve gotten beaten by people, improved, and then later beaten them, but, I didn’t think of it as REVENGE. I just thought it was a nice indication that I had improved.
It kind of disturbs me to think that there’s some random guy out there looking for me so that he can exact his revenge.