Sweep Throw 101

Thanks This really helped out alot. Now I understand the use of the sweep throw. :slight_smile:

I know MP sweep-throw has more range, but the Brady Game’s guide says HP is faster. Wierd error

I wonder if it’s possible for the sweep-throw to be an OS to punish backdash off a jump in, similar to those OS’s in AE. Or maybe buffering (on wakeup) a st/cr.jab ~sweep throw, then the jab uppercut blockstring, does anyone know about this working?

I’m double checking my guide right now. It says that Sweep throw’s range is farthest using HP version and that EX can be used to punish fireballs at a mid-range. Are you sure MP goes farther?

And EX used to punish fireballs at mid? Wouldn’t that suggest that EX goes quite a distance, but it
doesn’t seem to go anywhere near as far as HP Exo or EX Exo?

There must be some benefit to LP sweep throw that isn’t documented (hurtboxes?)

I think it’s a case where exorcisor (and other anti-fireball moves) can be hard to use at close range due to reaction time and/or recovery on their fireball. I could use EX exorcisor to try to predict a sonic boom, but if he does anything else I get punished. In comparison, EX sweep throw is probably a safer bet in those scenarios - like, if you think Ryu is doing low forward -> fireball, you can EX sweep throw him out of it, and still grab him if he just stopped at low forward.

Similar story with something like canceling into Hugo’s clap or Rufus’s galactic tornado. Those moves have projectile hitboxes, so your counter won’t work, but you can EX sweep throw through them, or still grab them if they didn’t cancel into the attack.

Problem is if you try to use leg cutter at max range it has a tendency to whiff the second hit, possibly because you only connected with a limb with the first hit. In the situation that’s being discussed, while it’s more unsafed whiffed, sweep throw is more reliable at grabbing at tip range/grabbing limbs.

This idea would be worth lab time I think. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately it can’t seem to really work well as an OS, or at least I couldn’t figure out a way to delay it enough consistently. The active frames come too fast and they will still be invincible or airborne in most cases.

Good info here, I didn’t know ex.sweep throw hits crouching opponents, that will definitely help my game with her.
However I disagree with some things, especially “a typical footsies situation, it is very unlikely they will randomly crouch unless the upcoming poke is a crouching normal”. In a typical footsie situation it IS very likely they will crouch, if you’re playing against shotos it’s pretty much guaranteed they WILL cr.mk in footsies. Sweep throw during footsies is a bad idea I feel. The risk/reward is just not there. This whole time we’re trying to setup a move that does 170dmg but you can’t follow it up with anything. Meanwhile the opponent can take that 170 because if Ken for example punishes that Tsuwabaki he’s gonna punish for 300-400 easy. Thunderfall kick is safe on block but because it’s 24f on startup, you can interrupt it and punish on reaction.

Same thing with her counter. It’s usually not worth to risk it. Unlike Asuka, Heihachi can follow up his counter with decent damage.

I think if Asuka’s overheads were just slightly better she would be able to mix it up and be a solid character but as of right now she’s gonna get owned hard in this footsie oriented game.

Yeah sadly, I don’t think Asuka has anything going for her at all in this game. The risk/reward with her counter/sweep throw is just heavily against her.

I think you guys underestimate what a hard knockdown means for Asuka.

A hard knockdown is good for nearly all characters and a good few can get it safer.

What’s different with Asuka?

Well, she can enforce a high/low/throw on reaction regardless of how the opponent techs.

Unless I’m forgetting someone, she also has the fastest combo-able overhead, and ambiguous cross-ups.

This isn’t all unique, but I’m pretty sure she’s the only character that has all of it.

When you actually watch a match with good players, there is a lot of wiggling and walking in footsies, but crouching only comes along when that cr.forward you speak of or some other OS-able normal is coming. Crouching is not random, crouching is virtually always with intent. Your example of Ryu really just says that Sweep Throws will be of limited use in that match-up. That’s fine. The move was designed in Tekken, to fight Tekken. So far, it seems to still be as such. It’s not useless against Street Fighter characters, but I personally don’t end up using it quite as much.

“Well, she can enforce a high/low/throw on reaction regardless of how the opponent techs.” - can you elaborate please? I don’t understand :frowning:

I don’t believe hard knowdown for Asuka isn’t better than other characters. She has ambiguous crossups? so does half the cast if not more. She has an overhead she can link from? True but if they block it you’re punished. If you block Ryu’s overhead he’s -1 and he’s safe. Heihachi has an overhead and it’s also -1 on block and safe. Law’s overhead is -3 on block so while not technically safe it’s probably very hard to punish in this game.

How can you safely pressure with her on oki? That crossup, thunder fall kick (overhead -2), a meaty Onikubigari, heron dance string and leg cutter, or just cr.lp. So unless you do the crossup they will block low because they only other mixup you can run is thunderfall kick\Wsuwabaki. Thunderfall kick has a 24f startup so they can block on reaction. Tsuwabaki is unsafe so you’re taking a risk that’s not in your favor. You could also just wait and hope to bait a tech attempt and counter but now you’re in defensive position on your oki so what’s the point.

This all sounds very negative but from what I see if you wanna play Asuka you will have to outplay your opponent x4, so if you can do that yes, you can win with her. :wink:

That’s how I feel about Asuka as well, seems like risk/reward in a lot of situations is just not in her favour.

I’ll stick with her anyway because she was my favourite character in Tekken but I just don’t think she can cut it.

Executed correctly on Oki Tsuwabuki hits meaty and leaves you at -3/-4 which is fairly safe.

The big thing is that both leg cutter, Tsuwabuki, and EX Sweep Throw can be done on reaction to the tech. You don’t have to guess which way they tech for your mixup.

I keep saying this, but having a 24f startup does not mean you can block it on reaction. It is harder to react to than most faster overheads. By the time you can actually tell the attack apart from other attacks it’s too late to react. The fact that it’s a safe overhead that leads to (a little) more damage every time makes it very good. The range on the attack can also act as somewhat of a safeguard against mashing. The ability to avoid lows is a bonus, and then you have a different comboable overhead if you feel like a higher risk, which is only 1 frame slower than the game’s fastest overheads (15f.)

You can list a different character who has one thing, but they don’t have all of those things.

Ryu doesn’t deal 400+ damage from his ambiguous crossup for no meter, his overhead is safe but doesn’t combo, and he doesn’t have a command grab. Heihachi and Law only do a little bit less damage than Asuka, but they don’t have a 3f jab or a command grab. Heihachi also has poor walkspeed (it does matter a little for pressure.) Law isn’t far off, but he is considerably worse at dealing with pressure on himself.

Asuka has the fastest comboable overhead.

Also, for reference, reaction time is usually between 17 and 20 frames, assuming they know what they are reacting to. So Thunderfall kick is very reactable. However ,it is an okay footsie since it hops over all low level attacks.

And that’s a reaction speed reference. They also have to respond. I’ve yet to be SRK’d or anything out of a TFK, at worst, it is blocked or if I do get smacked it’s a random jab they were throwing out anyways.

There’s a difference between theory fighter and actually fighting.

There was alot of testing back in the day for BB regarding whether or not the throw’s were actually techable on reaction. I could get into all teh details, but the average was 17-20 frames and in this case its reaction>block, not reaction>SRK, an SRk takes time to input that makes things worse. Also, this game abides by anime blocking rules, not SF blocking rules. Block low, react to high.

What I mean is, the number doesn’t tell the whole story. In order to react within X amount of frames, you have to have something in the animation to react to. Pretty much the first 10f of f+HK is spent… crouching. In practice I don’t think that’s reactable unless your opponent is doing only overheads. Perhaps I’m wrong, but that’s been my experience testing it as well. If you react to that animation by blocking high, you’re going to eat lows all day.

In comparison, the average overhead starts off with the character leaving the ground, or lifting their arm in the sky yelling “block standing please.” There are quite a few faster overheads I had an easier time reacting to.

Like I said, you aren’t gonna get reactioned SRK’d out of TFK very often, but it will get blocked alot.

People have been blocking overheads of that speed for years and years. It is however, unusualy for an SF game to have a high/low game this strong. Like I said, it’s like something out of GG or BB, just adjust your mindset to blocking and most of the slow overheads won’t bother you.