SWBETA has made 10,000 posts on SRK!

Showdown Winner Chi’bita?

I guess. Whoever that is. He isn’t SWBeta.

You might have the wrong thread. Take off your virtual boy headset. Or watch those hands when you’re walking around trying to read the walls in braille, touching things. :bluu:

SWBeta tried copying my post, pretending to be an asshole when really, deep inside, he loves all of us.

I’m sorry for the bad influences I’ve been on Beta, but please forgive him. He’s still young.

there were several purges actually

Hey that wasn’t online shenanigans. CH 2p does not have enough advantage to try a free launch after, you gotta have some momentum going before you try some ballsy abare like that.

the haters, it all seems a bit racist if you ask me. I dont know him that well but he always seemed alright at the Northern VA tekken tournaments I used to a few years back…

Yeah but I slid through his wake up kick, almost like a teleport XD

Excluding the server changes, there’s usually a purge every January.

10k Posts? “Well that’s just prime.”

There’s no racism here; this all stems from him wearing a Beast Wars Optimus Primal head as an avatar and then using it to cover his face for the selfie thread. But I assure the outside he may look apish, but on the inside he is all machine.

Besides, ain’t nobody got time to make a thread for a dude they hate. What kind of dumb shit would that be?

@Vynce did.

I still have nightmares.


mike jones

10,000 posts
0 viewers

No one wants to see dat ugly-ass Flavor Flav-lookalike nigga.

Get off this nigga nuts

SWGaeta needs 10001 spanks to celebrate

in fact, he needs a spanking every time he posts.

so can we get confirmation?

does SW stand for Star Wars, or Single White, or Shaft Wannabee?

Star watcher.

South West, Kanye’s illegitimate child

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