SWBETA has made 10,000 posts on SRK!

You’ve lost yourself in those 100 pounds, good sir. I don’t support it. Go back and get fat, permanently.

This isn’t the Lebron James action figure round up thread for any more to please your unsatiable pallet, of breakfasts, so you should maybe figure to make a post about another gorilla around here, you think, possibly, perhaps

I don’t see you providing the “gorilla heads” when Rawse can cover the others such as “posting shirtless” very well. Very well indeed.

So many dudes on Star Wars Beta’s “rodimus primal”

Is that even a thing? Idk because I never watched that shit.

Fuck that tsundere piece of shit.

These post-Crisis post counts are so bogus.

I’m still not coming out of Mafia retirement regardless of how many threads you make about me. :mad::mad::mad:

Edit: Shit, wrong account. Lynch: SWMisa



Goddamn, I’ve actually gotten mileage out of this pic.[/details]

My present to you is +1 notification to your notification collection (R.I.P. Old collection).


I’m disappointed he wasted his 10,000th post with this

Is this forum software still glitchy, on his profile page it says he has made 9978 comments. What’s the difference between comments and posts??

He made topics too and gets post count for those I’m sure. Add those to the count when you tally the total.

He needs to make a youtube topic and keep em all in there!
[]the asshole that single handedly turned the lounge into SRK :Lounge : youtube edition like an ebola virus.
]the asshole who keeps buying lunar #1 700 times that’s why they remake that one every fucking time for the weakass casual crowd of “my 1st RPG” people who aren’t even real

[*]the asshole who had sex in a cave with bat guano and shit and contacted the first ebola/AIDS, ever!
(So that last one is a stretch but go ahead and razz when he’s not here right? and fucking do it after too, like a roast, asshole gets his own thread about post count that don’t mean anything)

edit, link broke.


Discussions means threads, he made 24 threads

24 + 9978 != 10,000

It’s 10,002

2 Mad
2 Furious

He’s too mad for ya’ll meign. /Luda

(I hope he was actin a fool too much and maybe everyone buried 2 of his posts, if only on those u-tub barrages right?, I mean feel free to speculate here too on those extra 2, on a disappearing act. Your guess will be as good as mine, or anyones. And he prob won’t be able to explain it himself.)

I mean like 2 more chromosomes changed and this dude be…

that white cell deficient beta.

“single white beta!”

(here he comes to tell me that looks like those abominable snowmans in empires fights black or something. or albinos are even better than “light skinned 'illas”)

This thread…

My most Memorable moment.


I gotta show up to some civilization so I can actually play you in somr games without online shenanigans lol.

Guess which idiot kept trying to hit the pause button

who the fuck is SWBITA? :confused:

Somebody with way more posts than your scrubby ass.


Remember to enjoy FX’s Simpsons marathon when they get to:

“Mister Cucaramonga[sic] and some real ugly kid!”

By remembering Beta in High School, on that field trip. could’ve put on a shirt and shit to fit in better, man.

Marathon Beta following in his favorite actor’s footsteps from Mark Wahlberg’s / Mike Clarke Duncans planet of the Apes. “ADONIS”

my favorite photo from that fabled series Star Trak Wers: the Original Deep Space Trilogy x3 III.

SWBeta you were amazing in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

SRK, together strong!