2: RAJU_
3: CIV
Big upset when Ryan Hart did daigo style parry on C4’s chun li sa2 but messed up the last kick before the launch kick and lost because of it.
Bare respect to Naz winning his first tournament also with a dodgy finger (messed a nerve up while playing in the tourney).
I seriously could’nt believe my luck when my R1 and X button on my HRAP died in the last 16 group, i ended up playing with DC agetec with messed up buttons and stick (totally dis-heartened me) of all times! guess it was luck irish! lol (i checked my stick R1 disconnected from QD and X is officlaly dead.
Thanks guys. I wanted to wait till the vids were released before posting anything about it. Was a very big and special day for me and only the vids will prove that. I’ll update this thread when they’re released. Please understand that it may take awhile since Super VS Battle was the biggest UK tournament since absolution so there’s tons of footage to process.
Ah cool stuff but what happened to all the main past 3S guys? I remember the days of TheHY, Chainplate, SrWilson, SSongro, Jima?(Was a Japanese dudley player), HKC and Arma^? These were the main 3S players a while back and now theres no sign of any of them on that list anyone know where they all are do they still play? They were sick!!! I hope they return someday.
Sounds like it was a good competition, I look forward to seeing the videos and a ken less final is always good.
Excellent tourney, I had a great time! And those 3s finals were pure entertainment, good stuff, Naz and Raju_ for there were no top tiers in the grand finals! (and for placing of course)
LMAO! Both meanings apply here though, it’s just the context that matters
Jima is in Japan. HY quit, HKC lives too far away and judging from how he hasn’t turned up to any events in so long, I think he’s quit too. Ssongro has definitely quit. The only top players that DIDN’T attend this tourney were Yusuke and Sean.
In the wrong context, fags get ON my nerves :arazz: