Surprise! Massachusetts Souper Bowl Tournament - 1/23/2011

Souper Bowl
1733 Middlesex Street
Lowell, MA, 01852

I wasn’t planning on having a tournament this month, I was going to take a break until MvC3, but Peter at the Souper Bowl popped a tournament poster on me, so I guess we are having one…

Also, the day before this tournament there are two tournaments in Boston. Check those out.

Same rules as usual. I am running teams first this time again, running it second didn’t work at all. If you have any feedback post it up or email me

**Doors open at 11 **
SSFIV Teams Registration at 1PM
Starts at 2PM

SSFIV Singles & HDR Registration at 4PM
Starts around 5PM

  • $5 venue fee
  • $5 HDR singles fee
  • $10 singles fee
  • $10 2v2 fee ($5 a player)
  • Bring your own controller and/or stick (Then keep an eye on it!)

SSFII Turbo: HD Remix on XBOX

  • Matches are 2/3, 3/5 for Winners, Losers and Grand Finals
    -2/3 Rounds
  • Double Elim
  • Akuma/Gouki is banned

HDR Pot Distribution:
1st Prize: 70% of pot
2nd Prize: 20% of pot
3rd Prize: 10% of pot
(Under 8 entrants = winner takes all)

SSFIV Singles on XBOX

  • Matches are 2/3, 3/5 for Winners, Losers and Grand Finals
  • 2/3 rounds
  • Double Elimination

SSFIV 2v2 Teams on XBOX

  • Waseda Style
  • Matches are 2/3 for Winners, Losers and Grand Finals
  • 2/3 rounds
  • Double Elimination

**SSFIV Singles & Teams Pot Distribution: **
1st Prize: 60% of pot
2nd Prize: 30% of pot
3rd Prize: 10% of pot

Waseda breakdown:
In a match, player 1 from Team A plays player 1 from Team B. Then player 2 from Team A plays player 2 from Team B. If one team wins both games, the match is over. If players from different teams win, then the winners of each of the previous two games play, and the winner of that game wins the match.

Setups ****
If you can bring a setup, you get the venue fee waived. If you can bring an XBOX please bring a CRT or lagless monitor, let me know! At the moment, I have two extra TVs, first come first serve!

  1. asiantom (3 TVs | 2 XBOX w/HDR&SSFIV)
  2. Peter Pham (1 TV)
  3. Jimca (Tom’s TV | 1 XBOX w/HDR&SSFIV)
  4. CP (1 TV | 1 XBOX)
  5. Trance (Tom’s TV | 1 XBOX)

yo tom you can put me down for a setup, CRT + XBOX w/SSFIV

i will bring my xbox :slight_smile:

Nice ! :slight_smile:

Thanks, yall

I might be there

I just read that there will be 2 tourney’s on Saturday the 22nd, besides the one in Roxbury where’s the other located?

Going like always. I love free money. :wink:

I can bring an xbox w/ HDR but no TV

Hey Mike! bring your XBOX and stuff, I have a TV for it.

My thread pales in comparison to other threads.

Also, LuckyD run a 3S tournament.

Run Killer Instinct also. ;D

I’ll be there for the High Definition Remixes.

Also, new hype shit should be Money Puzzle Exchanger. Just saying.

Quite a pleasant surprise. I am in, and I can bring a 360 with SSFIV.

Needs more Guilty Gear; if I forget, please remind me to talk to you about getting that going for the next tournament, Tom. (That is, if you are at all open to it.)

EDIT: Domo is in too.

ill be there, want be to bring a set up? i can bring tv/xbox/ssf4.

Weapon7 a tv and xbox would be swell. Bluenine, I don’t have any tvs left, so don’t worry about it!

I’m gonna try to be there, can anyone bring a copy of AH3?

Ill be there but by my self unfortunately. Anyone need a partner for 2’s?

See. You guys tomorrow. Don’t forget that one dollar 3s tournament

Make sure you dont run it late again this time lol

I’ll be there but i plan on sleeping in, so i’ll probably miss teams

Looking forward to it

anyone need a partner for teams? ill be wearing a plaid jacket and a brown hat. my name is dan.