Supert, Super, Turbo, Champ, Normal


I am making a little tutorial vid for youtube for Hyper Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition, and I run into a valid question. I have searched the wiki here, popped it into a few search engines, glanced through a few faqs (gamefaqs, gamespot...), yet can't seem to find an exact answer to my question.

What are these different player types? I noticed a few mentions of maybe Ryu having a faster l.kick in one vs the other, but is that it???

Thnx in advance for any help

Supert = Super Street Fighter II Turbo
Super = Super Street Fighter II
Turbo = Street Fighter II’ Turbo: Hyper Fighting
Champ = Street Fighter II’ Champion Edition
Normal = Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

Is that what you want to know ?

Why would you make a guide if you don’t know that?

i think he wants to know the differences from like st ken to super turbo ken?
like the diffs in different versions… i actually would like to know that be sure to make a thread once you post your video ill be waiting

It should be noted that some characters are not as they actually where in the older versions of the games.

For example CE Bison is not actually as good as he was in the original CE. He is missing a hit or two on his torpedo. (oddly enough Hyper Bison is actually better than he originally was)

Original Sagat is another. His tiger shot recovery is not so good when originally it was amazing.

There are tons of differences between each version of each and every character. There are simple things like moves that look the same, but have different speed or hitboxes. Some versions have completely different normal attacks in place of others. Some versions allow characters to use moves in completely different ways(ex. Air hurricane kicks). Some versions added completely new special moves to characters or changed the motion and properties of the special moves.

The complete answer to this question would fill a novel-sized book. In fact, if you’re really curious, you may be able to find a used copy of the “Street Fighter Anniversary Collection Official Fighters’s Guide”, which is a strategy guide that came out the same time the game did. It tells a lot about the differences between the characters in each version of the game, but even it only begins to really cover how all of the differences impact each character.

I’m wonderin’ the same thing :confused:

why make a tutorial vid if i myself have questions?

The answer to this question would have to be: I would, myself, learn a lot about the minor, and sometimes major, points of the games I play here and there. Not only would I be making a sort of documentary of what I find out, but I would also be able to share it with the public. I think the best part would be that I would be able to possibly answer some questions that others may have always had…or maybe not. Anyway, seems like fun.

Thnx 4 the responses. Rob2_0, that’s exactly what I wanted to know. I guess the best way to go about this would be to treat each version as a different game. I will go into training with the characters (alphabetical order), beginning with the oldest version of the game unto the newest.

Don’t worry, I’m not stating any detailed strategies (outside my own head, anyway), but merely pointing out information…strengths, weaknesses, etc.

Sounds like a fun little project, especially if a big part of why you’re doing it is to learn yourself :smile:

If you really are curious about all the differences, I’d definitely try to track down that strategy guide I mentioned. You might be able to find it on ebay or you might have luck posting a WTB message in the trading forum here. Also, if you want to get a crazy amount of detail on the Super Turbo versions of the characters, you may consider importing the “Yoga Book Hyper”. It’s in japanese, but it has pictures of every move for every character in the game, along with what their hitboxes look like, and detail about how many frames of start up, when it hits, how long it hits, the frames of wind down, the damage it does, etc, etc. It’s nuts!

One more resource is R|C’s breakdown of the moves for the Turbo(aka Hyper Fighting) versions of the characters. You can see his work-in-progress cap of moves and hitboxes here:

Have fun!

the basic written run-down

cool hit-box info by Cheng. Thnx

ok, so,

Supert = Super Street Fighter II Turbo (1994)
Super = Super Street Fighter II (1993)
Turbo = Street Fighter II’ Turbo: Hyper Fighting (dec 92’)
Champ = Street Fighter II’: Champion Edition (92 after ww)
Normal = Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (1992)

chronological order:

8 playable characters: ryu/
4 boss characters: balrog, vega, sagat, m.bison

can play as all 12 characters
can fight eachother using the same characters in vs
characters have more powerful moves (e.g., larger dragonpunches for ken/ryu)
re-drawn character portraits
backgrounds recolored
reversal attacks (cancels animation frames and gives higher priority)
bug fixes for serious glitches and character balancing
*rainbow version hack (wow…trippy)

released in response to unauthorized hacks
minor upgrade…speeds up pace of the game
chun-li new fireball/blanka vertical roll/aerial hurricane kicks
cosmetic changes

added cammy/t.hawk/fei long/dee jay
boss characters received updated regular move sets and individual game endings
alternate chun-li ending
new animations and special moves (e.g., red fireball/flaming dp…)
ken (multi-hitting dp) and ryu (faster fb) distinquished a bit more
new dizzy animations (recovery–reaper: difficult, stars/birds: standard, angels: quick)
moves added and parameters thereof altered to balance game
re-dizzies removed
different color palettes
updated art and audio
speed reduced
combo counter, point bonuses added…for 1st attack, combos, dizzy recovery and reversals

supert: [super street fighter ii x: grand master challenge, in jpn]
SUPER bar added…very powerful special attack (super combos)
speed raised close to Hyper Fighting lvl
intentional air juggling
tech or “soften” non multi-hit throws (landing on one’s feet instead of back, less dmg)
added akuma…new final boss
Alternate versions of each character that played very similar(but not quite identical) to their Super Street Fighter II incarnation without the super bar or the ability to tech throws,
they are also identifiable by the fact that they are the new default colors.
bonus stages removed


does this help judge

how about this

awesome. this will definitely come in handy! i won’t be using all of it, however, for some bits of info go into far too much detail than i need right now.


Out of curiosity, what was your tutorial video going to teach?

what is my tutorial vid going to teach?

All-in-all, it is a way for me to document recordings of specific attack info and methods of use for each character in the game as I go through them on my own time. If you are adept at the game, you won’t find much here; though you may, if you so desire, make amendments to my notes if you ever disagree with something or have an opinion towards something. Currently, I’m about to sit down with my camcorder and ps2, and record Blanka’s normals, post them on youtube along with a link here, and note on the usefulness of each move in certain situations. Basic yes, yet essential.

p.s. it is not a single vid…this is on-going, meaning i am reviewing one aspect at a time regarding each character.

this is the kind of thing that takes years to learn…

really? it would take years to learn how to play this game effectively? sucks…

Yeah…it takes quite a while.

PS: It’s cool that you’re trying to learn and document all these games. However, please keep in mind that this section of the forum is for Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo. So, we try to keep all the information here specific to just that version of the game. Stuff about Anniversary Edition and other versions of SF2 should be posted in the main fighting game forum.

certainly knowing the full extent of the uses of every normal is something that takes a hell of a long time to learn

hmm…i see. i wonder how long it took for the major population of players to find out that gief’s spinning lariat could go through projectiles or that his special backhand could negate them…

you guys have a point…

well, i guess i will just post some useful stuff if i ever find any.

You have to remember that the CE modes in this game are based off of the Japanese version of SF2 Dash. The Psycho Crusher only blocked four times in that game as opposed to six in the US version. There are other changes like Boxer’s Dash Straight hitting ducking opponents in the Jpn version vs whiffing them in the US version, or him having the multiple-strength Turn Punch, and Claw having the longer Rolling Crystal Flash, depending on button strength in the Jpn version vs all button strengths being the same three-hit roll in the US version.

Isn’t hyper street fighter anniversary edition a better street fighter 2 game than super turbo. To me it?s more complete because it has both the turbo characters which I think are balanced in an old school way and you got the new super turbo characters. To me its like the old world vs the new world.

For me (a lot of super turbo people would hate this) I think you cannot ignore old school turbo’s impact. I mean look at turbo sagat, zangief, blanka, guile, and ken. Those characters are like the best fighters in street fighter 2 history.

I have an anniversary editon arcade cabinet and for the ability to pick the turbo characters I choose anniversay edition over super turbo.

So for all you Super Turbo heads out there please tell me why Super Turbo is better than anniversary edition. I mean Anniversary Editon is just like Super Turbo to me but with just more options. Unlike Hyper Alpha with alpha 1 chain combo characters I don’t think the old school turbo characters or even the normal and the championship editon characters abuse Anniversary Edition. To me its not that difficult fighting normal Guile and champion Bison with Turbo or Super Turbo characters.

So please tell me why Super Turbo is the best because without the old school options I don’t think its a perfect Street Fighter 2.