sick troll post
Where can I get SuperArcade? maybe that will be better then play GGPO since I wasn’t a big fan of it.
just click the install link.
i tried this for the first time today. i wouldnt call it a night and day difference. i wanna say its a tad better than ggpo(gameplay wise), but after going back and forth for a bit, i wasnt sure if there really was a difference or not. both are fine in my opinion, but ggpo has more conversation happening if you like to talk ST with others
For me I occasionally go on Supercade when GGPO is dead. but usually Supercade is more dead (no players). I don’t mind doing one over the other… The only gripe I have about supercade is that often the rom required to play isn’t the parent rom but a clone. Makes things more complicated for me… especially since sometimes the parent zips include the clones, but Supercade won’t detect it unless it’s in a seperate zip with that regional naming… FBA/GGPO on the otherhand will load all the regions and clones without needing a seperate zip for the clones.
eg. ST using (US) rather than,
and although my has all the files needed to run the US version, I have to take those specific files out and put it in a seperate zip.
It’s not that I have a problem with different versions, It’s just that clones are often harder to find than the parents, The clones REQUIRE the parent to play (so you’d have to download it anyway). and sometimes the parent includes all the clones anyway.
The world version is the worst though.
Does this work for a Macbook pro Laptop?
I asked damdai on his website, he said not in any forseeable future would there be a mac version
i also use mac’s for my daily life. but, everyone nowadays gets rid of their PC’s cause it gets slow, and they assume they need a new computer. i got my PC for free simply cause a friend of mine said it was junk and gave it to me. i reformatted the hard drive, reinstalled windows xp, and ive been on ggpo ever since. i actually aquired a 2nd pc from a family member for free for the same reason. both are fast as hell and work great.
my point is, you should be able to get a PC either really cheap or damn near free. it doesnt have to be top of the line. i would look for something with a pentium 4. ask around for someone that has an old shitty PC and you’ll be suprised at what is sitting in peoples basements collecting dust. just cause its loaded up with virus’s, spyware, adware, etc, and they dont know how to reformat. hopefully they still have the re-install discs, but if not…theres ways around that.
If there was a Linux version, I would drop GGPO. But there are not many CPS-2 emulators for Linux in the first place.
Meh I think in general supercade/ggpo or whatever. Its just a combo of the players. Sometimes you play a dude with 60 who is worse then 120. Vise versa on both things for me at least.
I think for the argument you basically got GGPO, easier to talk, if you like watching people play as is. Sorta thing…
2df(well ill all assume supercade is the same only played a few times there)bigger variety of players(I know I myself personally went to 2df originally just because supposedly the best A1 player online period played there ha…)… and they have all those replays sorta thing. And 2df plays some games better for whatever reason. I know some games on GGPO tend to have a lot of random sound effect bugs… But ive never experienced that on 2df before shrug…
I would love to try supercade because GGPO outdated FBA is complete garbage on Windows 7. However, it keeps telling me to forward ports I already forwarded.
If it says they aren’t forwarded, then they aren’t forwarded. There are several web based port checkers that can confirm this for you (Open Port Check Tool). Whatever the case, you can still play without them being forwarded, but only against people who do have them forwarded.
I get the same “ports not forwarded” msg as well on login. The ports are however forwarded and the game starts fine so this msg doesn’t effect the actual game play.
It doesn’t effect gameplay, but it effects who you can connect to. I’ve explained this several times. You can still play without having the port open, but you will never be the host (always player 2). If it says your parts aren’t forwarded, then they absolutely are not forwarded, unless it’s your first time logging in with that version, in which case windows blocks it by default and you simple have to click the warning icon to run the port check again.
I suspect the msg might be due to my MacAfee firewall. The first time I installed supercade, I couldn’t connect to anyone. I forwarded the ports in my router and still couldn’t connect. I found out later that the MacAfee firewall was blocking it. After I added supercade and unblocked the port in MacAfee I was able to connect.
I’m not home right now, but I suspect that if I disabled MacAfee completely, that message won’t pop up anymore. I’ll try it when I get home.
Well, then I say either give the option to choose, Or have the ability to read clone rom files off the parent filename. FBA and MAME both do this… I think it’s redundant to have supercade say you’re missing a rom, and it’s only going by the filename. since if you try to play the emulator would give you an error anyway if you’re missing the file. I say either expand the filename for clones to include the parent, or remove that prompt altogether.
Supercade is an elaborate trojan horse that uses a local exploit during the install process to give Damdai secret control of your PC.
Edit: allegedly
so thaaaaaaaats why the pics of me in my elephant thong are missing. damdizzle your a sick sick man ttsshhhhhhhh
yeah what’s up with creating a folder call damdai in my computer?
i hate to see your name in my face everytime i use my computer. :mad:
dj you better delete all your child p0rn before damdai steals them (and those gay pics you took with fagsky)
How do we know it isn’t Damdai who’s writing this after using supercade to haxor your computer??