yeah, that’s definitely it. updated and allowed access, then i wasn’t able to host until i ran the check again and then everything was fine
and check this out guys:
12:45:25 [PRIVATE] <damdai> really? thats a problem. ill fix that right now
12:47:16 [PRIVATE] <damdai> yes, i see the problem
12:47:21 [PRIVATE] <damdai> uploading new version now
Im responding on the Mars comment. Mars is not a troll in any form of the word. The dude knows his shit and he is one of the most humble and real players out there.
As for the debate, GGPO has been out longer hasnt it? But the edge is supercade. Just being able to play alone and connecting on the first try wins my vote. Even if my ping is at 150 when I play Damdai lol
It’s just like the warning that I got. It’s random. Sometime I can be p1 but other times I was forced to play as p2 even when I initiated the challenge.
BTW, shouldn’t we use GMC instead of US version?
According to many people, there are less stage speed variation on GMC than US. (i.e. US gief/chun/sim stage are still faster than GMC)
I have tested GGPO vs supercade with the same people and most of the time supercade is better. for people further away from me, the connection is really good. but for some reason, when i play ppl close to me, ggpo works better. I like having the option of both now. both help keep the sf2 scene going.
yeah this is the weirdest thing that happened to me also on supercade. I have 37ms ping to ultra and the frameskipping that I got was crazy. But on his side (windows7) he said everything is okay. I was playing another guy with 150ms just before and it was fine.
But that doesn’t happen all the time though.
Like I said computer software/hardware issues are hard to diagnose.
I’m just gonna give my personal opinion for whats is worth.
1.Supercade connects everytime, GGPO doesn’t.
2.GGPO allows realtime spectating Supercade doesn’t.
3.Supercade’s GUI is far superior to GGPO.
4.Supercade is still being actively improved and updated, GGPO is pretty much done with any updates.
5.GGPO is still the more popular place to play ST (for now)
6.GGPO’s emulation feels more correct, Supercade has something weird about its emulation timing/ slow down calculation.
7.Supercade records matches and stores them.
8. Most importantly Supercade has potential to be the best, GGPO is dead in the water.
Currently I prefer GGPO, but I see myself going to Supercade in the near future.
I’m with Steve on this one. As of now I’m just on ggpo because supercade is usually empty, but GGPO is never gonna get updated, we are going to have to abandon it one day. Especially when we have something like Supercade which is actually getting updates and support.
Totally agree with Papasi here. I’ve tried Supercade back when it used to be called 2DF, felt great even running 3S, no real problems, pure play and it was stable.
However, 2DF felt so empty and (I’m no good btw) the competition was more casual (though the usual GGPO heads were on there often as well. Although GGPO gets a ton of ignorant newbies so I can’t really say much.)
It’s spectating, chilling out in the chat and having some discussion even with the trolls, shit talk followed by flooding of spectators… Although I do agree that GGPO is a really outdated client, and perhaps at some point there will come a point where everyone goes to Supercade. Though I’m happy with GGPO, I’ve never complained about any of the challenge problems or server’s restarts, and there I’ll stay.
I will open both GGPO and Supercade and play whichever one I get challenges on or people accept my challenges on. I would prefer to play Supercade solely, but there usually aren’t many people playing when I’m on. Hope in the future that changes :D.
Im having problem with weird background sound (static) just like a few guys reported. Thats annoying. I played only a few matchs at superarcade and it felt nice, w/o the imput delay i felt in the past with 2df. But there was some frameskipping aswell, id have to try to play with the same people at ggpo and then at superarcade in order to compare. Fixed speed is nice aswell. Lack of bugs is great, but the netcode is everything to me, so id rather to keep with the buggy ggpo if i feel its better at masking the lag. I also like the fact I can to get fresh delay readings from any player at any giver time, i dont have to wait for the ggpo to refresh it.
Ill use the topic to ask something to you damdai; do you know why we havent seen freelancers like you to hack the SF4 to try and modify its netcode? Is it too hard to do reverse engineering (or whatever is the proper term for having access to the game’s code) on it or what? After 2 years all I have seen are new skins.
that will happens anywhere, if theres a good amount of people from the same place in the same room. In ggpo you will aways to see portuguese text whenever 4 or more brazilians get in the room. You will also see others languages, i think i see a lot of german there too. Once superarcade have only 1 chat room and way more brazilians around than at ggpo, you see a lot of portuguese text.
imo The chat in supercade is better because you can pm but it’s also worse because it’s censored like crazy.
I don’t really care for foreigners but I have tried to talk to japanese players and ask them about what ST is like over there etc. Both clients have the ignore feature so it doesn’t matter.
I agree, it is indeed amazing ! Works way better than ggpo on my computer and without all the annoying nonsense that often made me want to throw my arcade stick across the room. The spectating feature is not included, but it’s to make the playing experience better, and that should be the main goal for that type of program. It’s also regularly updated and getting better and better, whereas ggpo is completely abandoned. Looks like a very easy choice to me…