From my other post here’re the input/display lag result on my computer.
w7 aero 8-11 frames (and a lot of dropped inputs)
w7 fullscreen 7-9 frames
w7 disable aero 7-8-frames
xp 6 frames
w7 aero 8-10 frames (and a lot of dropped inputs)
w7 fullscreen 7 frames
w7 disable aero 7 frames
xp 6 frames
Notice that in both platforms you HAVE to disable aero or you’ll suffer from dropped inputs or lag.
I come to the conclusion that everyone’s computer configuration works differently for ggpo / supercade.
I used to think that if your computer runs XP, it will run both ggpo and supercade flawlessly. Well, DGV and synco both said otherwise.
Note that the input/display lag is only part of the equation. For me although both supercade/ggpo has the same input lag (1.5~2 frames behind arcade), ggpo runs perfectly on my computer while I experienced frame skipping and weird bgm static noise in the background (which ganelon confirmed) on supercade. However the same thing happens to other people running ggpo.
So it’s kinda pointless to argue that ggpo/supercade IS the best. Because you’re only speaking from YOUR experience.**
I guess Ponder has moved on. He has a lot other priorities in his life over ggpo. Given how much traffic ggpo got everyday, the ggpo server is basically under denial-of-service attack every minute. I’m just glad that people stick around and put up with the annoying multiple challenges workaround for the time being.
But I gotta give damdai a major prop for continuously updating supercade based on feedback. ST needs to stay active in both ONLINE and OFFLINE scene. Both are equally important.
Like others said, the spectating feature of GGPO is really nice. It’s like going to a mini offline event where you can stand behind a cab and check out how the others’ doing.
It is especially good if you’re a beginner or trying to learn a new character. (I know supercade has replay but you can’t get real time feedback / question to the player).
Or you’re not playing but just to join the room to chill/spectate. <— a lot of people do this
cigarbob once mentioned something in the line of “There is no greater feeling than shit talking someone into a match, and then have 30+ people come in to spectate”
While on supercade it’s like everybody is doing their thing… The human connection is lost… and then of course, the competition is still on ggpo. It’s not easy to convince people to change. I guess those are the reasons why I still prefer ggpo.
btw, what happen to you in the last year, geo?