he’s playing innocent because he is innocent, what do you think his intentions are? to sabotage the sf2 scene by tricking people into playing a worse version online? what the fuck?

supercade just needs exposure, lots of people don’t know it exists. they can form their own opinion on it, we just want people to give it a shot if they haven’t

ggpo won’t last forever, supercade is the future. believe it

pasky: for sure man, i haven’t really been playing since ggpo became unplayable on my new computer. and then we lost our arcade :frowning: but i’m back baby!

did you ever think maybe he’s legitimately just a really nice guy?

If he’s such a nice guy then why does he keep doing as I’ve described?

Yay SF2 boards! :smiley:

are you fucking with me or did you not think before typing this

Mars isn’t a calculating troll. He’s one of the realest, sincere people in the scene. One of the best people I’ve had the pleasure to call a friend. You know, FRIENDS, the people you learn to respect and talk to beyond just the game? I find people who think online matters in some capacity think that the online shit somehow spills over into offline.

Three people in the thread have already voiced their objection to his position regarding GGPO vs. Supercade.

My observation was simply that he has a tendency to post things that are incendiary. I’m not saying, of course, that he’s the only one that does such a thing, but then he claims to be completely oblivious to any subsequent flame wars caused directly by those posts he makes - this being only one example. Apparently, the fact that he’s polite seems to provide immunity to criticism in some peoples eyes.

Of course I’m fucking with you. What’s your point?

From my other post here’re the input/display lag result on my computer.

w7 aero 8-11 frames (and a lot of dropped inputs)
w7 fullscreen 7-9 frames
w7 disable aero 7-8-frames
xp 6 frames

w7 aero 8-10 frames (and a lot of dropped inputs)
w7 fullscreen 7 frames
w7 disable aero 7 frames
xp 6 frames

Notice that in both platforms you HAVE to disable aero or you’ll suffer from dropped inputs or lag.

I come to the conclusion that everyone’s computer configuration works differently for ggpo / supercade.
I used to think that if your computer runs XP, it will run both ggpo and supercade flawlessly. Well, DGV and synco both said otherwise.

Note that the input/display lag is only part of the equation. For me although both supercade/ggpo has the same input lag (1.5~2 frames behind arcade), ggpo runs perfectly on my computer while I experienced frame skipping and weird bgm static noise in the background (which ganelon confirmed) on supercade. However the same thing happens to other people running ggpo.
So it’s kinda pointless to argue that ggpo/supercade IS the best. Because you’re only speaking from YOUR experience.**

I guess Ponder has moved on. He has a lot other priorities in his life over ggpo. Given how much traffic ggpo got everyday, the ggpo server is basically under denial-of-service attack every minute. I’m just glad that people stick around and put up with the annoying multiple challenges workaround for the time being.

But I gotta give damdai a major prop for continuously updating supercade based on feedback. ST needs to stay active in both ONLINE and OFFLINE scene. Both are equally important.

Like others said, the spectating feature of GGPO is really nice. It’s like going to a mini offline event where you can stand behind a cab and check out how the others’ doing.

It is especially good if you’re a beginner or trying to learn a new character. (I know supercade has replay but you can’t get real time feedback / question to the player).
Or you’re not playing but just to join the room to chill/spectate. <— a lot of people do this

cigarbob once mentioned something in the line of “There is no greater feeling than shit talking someone into a match, and then have 30+ people come in to spectate”

While on supercade it’s like everybody is doing their thing… The human connection is lost… and then of course, the competition is still on ggpo. It’s not easy to convince people to change. I guess those are the reasons why I still prefer ggpo.

btw, what happen to you in the last year, geo?

he’s making a legitimate argument to have people try something new. he didn’t insult anyone. the first reply was telling him to “please just shut the fuck up”. think about that.

and at least six people have voiced that they are either indifferent or prefer supercade, what are you getting at here?

i was the one who told him to make this thread in the first place, he had no underlying intention of starting a flame war, we genuinely just want to get the word out about an alternative to ggpo, that’s all. stop being so negative, or go back to the hdr forum, either one works for me thanks in advance

i’m cracking up at “Three people in the thread have already voiced their objection”

just read that out loud

anyone else think this geo guy is a huge *** lol

Great points. IMO, this is probably the greatest feature of GGPO for the reasons you outlined. Everyone in the room feels connected rather than all separated like you are in XBL.

Anyway, I wonder if it’s possible for Damdai to implement this with Supercade?

BTW, I still can’t get my ports working with Supercade…

yeah that is a huge feature, but i really think it’s a small price to pay for a better experience everywhere else. i believe it’s intentional anyways so spectators can’t lag the game like they can on ggpo, which continues to be a huge problem. it was the reason i stopped playing on there in the first place, it was impossible to make it through even a single round without people constantly joining/leaving or just lagging it on purpose

if only there was a way to get the best of both worlds? we’re counting on you damdai :karate:

Damdai is a highly skilled programmer. I’m sure he can do it =] (can’t we have a checkbox so P1 can decide whether people can spectate?, like the record replay checkbox?)

I forwarded my port correctly, but 2 out of 3 times starting supercade, the start up screen still complains that my port not being forwarded.

But I can still challenge / accept challenge just fine.

Maybe the port forwarding detection is buggy.

Also damdai, if people didn’t put a number in the port textfield in the login screen, you throw up a big exception error in a dialog box :slight_smile:

And finally, although supercade US T2 = arcade US T2 speed, but because of the 2~3 input/display lag, it is still better to not use US T2 on supercade.

I think making free select or T1 as default is better.

Port forwarding detection is not buggy. There are several port checking websites that will confirm whether or not your ports are open. You are still able to challenge, but only people who do have the ports open, in which case they are still the host, which is why you will always be player 2 if you don’t have ports open.

i’ve had the same thing papasi is talking about happen to me, when i login it will say my ports aren’t forwarded, but when i click the yellow alert once i’m in it will say they are. even if i don’t click the alert i’m still able to host and everything, i don’t know what the deal is

Whenever you connect with a new version, windows will block it initially while it asks you to allow it or not. After you allow it and continue to login, clicking the yellow alert icon will rerun the port check, this time succeeding.

Are you sure you are ever player 1 when the alert is visible?

Papasi and Axel, thanks for heads up on no port error. The default port was only being set for upgrading users, not new users. It’s been fixed.

I’ll support whatever the scene supports. Personally, right now the EC has really stepped up to be the ambassadors for the US ST scene. If they really feel it’s time to change, not to mention, actually take the time to maintain the infrastructure, then I am for it. It seems to me that are doing their best to keep the ST scene alive on the net. :tup: