A version of my video guide for this game. We’ll all collaboratively find and post video guides for each character in alphabetical order. HDR is allowed, though try to find vids on ST.
This is open for contribution. In other words I appreciate any help given to me in finding guides. The holy grail of these is “Super Street Fighter II X: The Masters Guide” mook footage. This would be so awesome.
Tues, August 31, 2010- Guide Started!! IT WAS TUESDAY!!
9/1/2010- Sirlin Guide. Renda Cancel option selects. Super Turbo.net url.
9/13/2010- SSF2 Gamest Mook added. All basic get-you-started character guides from fighter101.net added. h
Silrin’s Guides. The man who seems to know everything but pronunciation lol.
Game Design, Psychology, Flow, and Mastery - Blog - Street Fighter Tutorial?Videos
These will get you started.
Super Turbo. Net: super-turbo.net !
A basic breakdown of every character. What to start a match with, pokes, etc. Also there is the yoga book hyper on there, somewhere. That thing features every single hitbox and every bit of frame data for every character. UPDATE: the ybh stuff is in the wiki as well now. the wiki is awesome go there then here.
Renda OS’s: [media=youtube]VIw1yThIMJA[/media]
These allow you to either throw or combo into a special/super move with a certain input… Unfortunately Ryu and Ken’s J. HK Os’s are missing.
Gamest Mook part one, Super Sf2- Shoryuken - Gamest - Super Street Fighter II part 1
Great if you use the old characters. Also great if you use the new characters since this covers baits and mind-games for the old ones, which should still be usable. Watch and observe.
In general, the st forums and the wiki are excellent for st. Though I REALLY wanna find some good option selects, and those aren’t there.
Part 2: [media=youtube]OG8I_sLWFbc[/media]
Shows how to get 75% damage with old 'Rog off of one headbutt hold. Provides info also for Vega and Sagat, as well, along with the Shotos and new challengers, and how to use normals to successfully dodge other normals.
Part 3:[media=youtube]bcQLFgf-Zj8&NR=1[/media]
Not quite sure what this is about, but it does show off how invincible moves work. I would need to know Japanese.
Part 4: [media=youtube]tvcW3U76jTo&feature=related[/media]
All about combos. Includes, among other things, Vega stun and knockdown combos-which set up wall dive, mind you- and a Balrog 100 percent combo.
Part 5: [media=youtube]Gx_L0ueWL5E&feature=related[/media]
More combos. Starts off with Old Bison. Slash Dictator. Focuses on dizzies/redizzies.
Part 6: [media=youtube]IessY1sTSro&feature=related[/media]
Old char. vs old char. matchups
Part 7: [media=youtube]a7QPnWCbCgM&feature=related[/media]
More old ssf2 match examples.
Part 8: [media=youtube]5SdNj9QxQDg&feature=related[/media]
yet more ssf2 matches. I guess they went for the full set of Combinations. All 256 of them.
For those of you who are anal, each character has to go up against 16 other characters, including him/herself. This is true for every character. So, this is 16 characters times sixteen matches a piece, which is 16 squared or 256.
Part 9: [media=youtube]l67wwhW_aRI&feature=related[/media]
Old Ken tatsu, shoryu and jab 101. Shows all his cheese. Some tidbits of Dick and Gief.
Part 10: [media=youtube]FUqMZ6tT4m4&feature=related[/media]
Char specific rushdown after a knockdown vs specific characters.
I am using the American names. Balrog is a boxer, Bison is the angry psycho Mario dictator, Vega is “El Bellezo”.
Guile: http://fighter101.net/main/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54%3Aenglish-video-tutorial-guile&catid=20&Itemid=32
Renda cancel xx super: http://fighter101.net/main/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=125%3Arenda-cancels&catid=20&Itemid=32
Ken :
Renda cancel xx super: http://fighter101.net/main/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=125%3Arenda-cancels&catid=20&Itemid=32