Super Turbo Tourney @ West Coast Warzone 3

Ok, my ST boards are just chilling in the corner…it’s time to put them to use. I’ve been discussing this with Papasi for some time and we figured that running another ST tourney in Cali would be a great idea. With West Coast Warzone approaching, it seemed like an opportune time to host another tourney.

Specific Details (subject to change if players want):

Date: 1/15/2011
Location: Double Tree Hotel
100 The City Drive
Orange, CA 92868 (West Coast Warzone 3)
Time: 4pm (right after the HDR pools)
Entry Fee: $10
Format: Double Elimination Best 3/5 Games. Grand Finals: Best 4/7 games
Rules: Akuma banned…of course.

The tourney will be run on the side arena/next to the pool stations. We’ll need help from the players to make this a success.

Here’s a checklist of things we currently have:

-3 ST boards (2 Japan, 1 US)

-3 Superguns (The Superguns will be using Laugh’s PS2 to Jamma adapter. So
find/dust off that old ps2 stick/pad or get cthulhu board support for your hardware)

-1 HRAP2 ps2 stick (stock square gate)…I think Papasi has a couple of ps2 modded TE

-Papasi will be running the brackets

-1 CRT? (Papasi)

Things/people we need:

-2 CRTs (with at least S-video support) We may be able to use the staff’s CRTs once
MVC2 tourney play is over

-Additional ps2 sticks/ps2 pads

-Someone to handle the player registration (take names of all the players/handle the
entry fees)

-It would be awesome if someone could record the matches

That’s about it for now. I’ll update once more information becomes available. Feel free to spread the word to all Cali SF2 players :karate:

I’m not really aware of WCW’s history. Do they usually start and finish on time? I’m not sure how big the overlap is, or how early everyone likes to get up, but if WCW tends to run late, 11:00 a.m seems like it could work well too.

Regarding the controller issue: I can probably put together a couple of quick and dirty solderless Xbox360 SE/TE -> NEO GEO conversion kits as long as you don’t need to do button mapping. (Let me know by Tuesday of next week if you want some so I can get parts.)

Well damn, guess I’m going to WCW after all.
I will bring my American-style PS2 stick and camera. I think I can rope another player into going with me, but I think only one person can sleep “comfortably” in my car. That being said, the hotel’s WCW rate of $89/night ends today. Anyone down to split a room for a fortnight or twain?

Fudd, you should not sleep in your car. It’s January.
How many people can crash in one room?

In the words of Mr. Wizard when he answers that question every year for EVO,
“The number of people that you cram into one room is between you and God.”

Put this on the twitter since I can’t update my site since I suck =P

So what do you guys want to do after the tourney this time?

Do you guys like the team battles? Should we divide people differently?

I’m just brainstorming some ideas and see what else are fun to do.

  • team battles

  • $5 per team random matching 2v2 tourney

  • another quick tourney maybe $2-$5 per person. character lock or star cup

  • top player round robin exhibition matches

depending on how many top players attend and whether they are willing to enter (like valle might want to concentrate on sf4, idk), we can have exhibition RR tourney to decide who is really the strongest

afro legend, DGV, valle, etc

if this happens we definitely need to record it

ideas? thoughts?

all of those ideas sound super awesome. if there’s enough people, 3 on 3 would be sick. star cup would be way fun too.

i don’t know how to run brackets or anything, but if i’d like to offer my help for anything if you need it. i have a dazzle recorder thing that captures from composite or s-video if you want to use it… i don’t know if that’s of any use though.

Hi guys,

Unfortunately I’m going to have to storm in on your parade. I do not believe that myself and John Rog were ever made aware of this tournament. That being the case, I cannot allow this tournament to be ran this day. Please understand that if we were to allow this tournament to be run, we’d technically have to allow every other side tournament to have their way also. Unlike MK3 or MK vs DC, this tournament is not charging it’s entrants a venue fee, and so it would also be unfair to those guys if I allowed an ST tourney to slide by.

Also, we don’t like squeezing in our players, and so that meaning another issue we’d have is the space that this would take up. We just simply don’t have it. We already axed 3rd Strike to put in MK3 and MK vs DC, otherwise we would’ve just kept 3rd Strike anyway.

I will talk to papasi to see if we can work something out, but for now, please assume that this tournament is not going to happen.

Sorry guys.


Hi Kai,

Actually I did post twice in the WCW thread.

First is on 12-08-2010, and then I immediately sent a PM to john rog. But I never got a reply.

DGV also contacted John Rog via PM more than once. He did got a response initially but no follow up…

Maybe he is busy. I guess we should have sent the PM to both John Rog and yourself… but we did try to get in touch with you guys via this thread or PM a month ago.

But of course this is your party and we’ll respect your rules. It’s just unfortunate that we only get a chance to work this out a few days before the event.

I’ll let DGV discuss with you regarding this matter

BTW can you also let us know how the after hours event work since a group of us would want to play sf2 after hours. And how much would that cost?


since we got denied for the ballroom, can we still set something up like this in someones room? I really want some arcade action.

Same here! :arazz:

Tournament Canceled.

Just writing to give you guys an update. We’ll be canceling the ST Tournament at Warzone this coming weekend. I discussed this at length with Papasi, but in the end it would be best if we pursued other opportunities for an ST event at this time. We definitely wish the staff the best and thank them for their willingness to work with us. Hopefully next year we can make the lineup officially.

I tried to update the title thread to mention “canceled.” Hopefully the new moderator can take care of it. :karate:

OK guys so I’ll be playing MVC3 full time now…


Anyway, it’s unfortunate that we didn’t get in touch with kai early enough and john was on vacation… we hope we’ll make it happen next time.

However, although the house rule said side tourney is not allowed (meaning no 2v2, 3v3 or starcup), I don’t think team battles are tourney since there is no bracket and no money involved, it’s just for fun like casual.

DGV still has a supergun, ST board and one sanwa PS2 stick.
If any of you can bring a TV and a PS2 stick, you guys can still set this up @ the BYOC area.
I want to see that O. Ken from Vintage again.
Both young/adult and draft team battles are mad fun IMO.
Or you can try a Fireball vs Non-fireball team battle (on one side you have afro/boxer, SE/gief vs DGV/ryu., Guile bros/guile)
Just make sure someone bring a stack of PostIt and a pen.

Battosai brothers/STP, you guys are going for HDR right? And you have a regular TV? Do you want to bring it along so there are at least some arcade action?

Or if you don’t mind dropping by, I can lend my s-video TV + sanwa PS2 TE stick to you to bring it down there as well.

At the very least, you guys can still do the team battles with HDR using their setup after the pool is concluded.

Someone please record the pool play, there are so many solid players like afro legend, DGV, Battosai bros, STP, Snake Eyez, Aqua Snake, Evoanon, Valle, Justin Wong, Cesar & co etc etc.

Competition is fierce!

P.S. For those of you who want to play afterhours, you’ll need to get a wrist band from the TO. If you book a room/day, you’ll get 2 wristbands. (i.e. if you book for both friday and saturday you’ll get 4 wristbands).

So if there are 20 of you want to play @ the ballroom afterhours, you’ll need to have friends staying there for 2 nights (5 rooms).

Yeah, I definitely hope you guys get some good matches in. DGV and papasi have done a lot to prepare for setting up a tourney but I’m sure their resources will be useful at the next Cali tourney. And I’d be happy to adjust the topic title but it looks like I’m a mod in name only for the time being.