its ok you can join but no touch only watch…
Very awesome job arranging this DG! I’ll be there for sure. It’d be sweet if the Midwest/East Coast guys came out for this as well.
Now if only we can get SBO quals out here too…
Seems like it would be worth having things ready, just in case.
I don’t really know anything about setting up streams but isn’t it possible to do our own stream, like they did with ST @ NCR last year? Since this is a side tourney, I wouldn’t count on any official stream time, though it won’t hurt to ask. :karate:
I could bring the homemade s-video splitter cable that we used at NCR.
Rufus you can also make one easily if you want to test.
Mizuki’s streaming equipment (dongle) broke, but I believe bitkid & moocus both have the same gadget.
Of course we need internet connection (preferably wired. wifi works but the result is suboptimal), someone like spooky/mizuki to man the streaming station, and someone to commentate.
Basically those people cannot really play during the tournament.
people doing the streams and commentary are the unsung heroes ^^
Thanks for the heads up on the tournament, i’ll make it and could bring my 27" crt with s-video/component if needed
any practice beforehand hit me up via pm havent played in forever
i don’t really know what equipment you guys need, but i have a 4-port vga splitter amplifier if you think it may come in handy. probably not though, huh
*nevermind, i probably can’t go. it’s just my luck that i have jury duty on the 11th of june. fucksdf;lksjdfgkl;jjfgdddddddddddd
I have a suitable capture device. I’m not sure what software people like.
on a saturday fuck those guys your going im gonna kidnap your ass then rape it
is it still rape if i enjoy it?
i don’t know how late jury duty goes, but if anything i should still be able to come and hang out after the tournament is over.
I’ve inquired about getting net access and the possibility of streaming the tourney independently, just waiting on the word/approval from Valle.
Paro-Da & Shirts: Paro…thanks for the heads up regarding the TV. I’ll let you know if we need it for the event. A session before the tournament would be a great idea…I’ll see what I can do.
Moocus & Mongolo: lol…Denjin at it’s finest!
i’ll probably be making it out to this, see you guys there!
Glad to hear it. Anyone else from the Northwest looking to participate?
Looks like sako will be rocking his ryu at revelations & NCR.
Just missing daigo & tokido (well tokido will be at CEO on june-11th. not sure if he’ll stay in the US for another week)
Everybody please come to this tourmaent and show your support for the greatest fighting game, Super Turbo! I will be there and hopefully will be playing all day if anybody wants to get some games in. Please bring your A game and no excuses :karate:
This tournament keeps getting better!
Woot. DGV/Shirts/Afro/Kuroppi/Axel/Sako and possibly Valle/Choi/Cole?
That nigga from Japan is coming??! Cesar get your beer money ready.
We already got the A games. Now this got to be streamed one way or another.
Damdai, if you want to prove that East Coast doesn’t suck, here’s your chance. But my $ is on …st coast
Whoa foreal? I think I’m going to try and make it down for this.
Fawk yeah! I was gonna drive up to support my boy genghis but now I am hella excited to go. I’m gonna get my ass beat but it’ll new better than watching sf4 all day lol
I’ll have my beer money ready but only if the Beast is ready who knows maybe i’ll bust out the Sake have some SAKE BOMBS!!!