Nice job gaypasi. Should help give people visual cues on throw range in some matches, like if gief’s toe is touching fei longs he can be thrown.
Sweet, just noticed you actually did do command throws and different version, excellent work!
Nice job gaypasi. Should help give people visual cues on throw range in some matches, like if gief’s toe is touching fei longs he can be thrown.
Sweet, just noticed you actually did do command throws and different version, excellent work!
hahaha look at Hawks 720 range hahaha.
Why on earth would they have given hawk the same range as his 360 for 720 but not Gief. Sometimes ST makes you think " what in the fuck were they thinking ?"
hahaha look at the 360 for Gief vs Shotos lol.
Papasi you’re ok in my book. I dont care what people say about you. whispers “they say you take it up the ass”
Do you think that visual cue is useful in the heat of a match?
Great work Papasi! It might be worth mentioning here that Boxer’s (MP throw only?) looks a little different because the first frame of his headbutt grab has his head forward/back so that animation might make it seem a little different.
Are you sure Blanka’s throw range is better than Dhalsim’s? (I’m still not sure I understand the “factor” thing yet, maybe that has something to do with it.)
Also Ryu vs. Ryu looks a little too far, i.e. standing far HP would come out instead of a throw… maybe I don’t understand something though.
Great job grabbing all of these. I will definitely use them to pinpoint the exact ranges, especially for the nightmare throw range matchups.
Course you’re gonna have to redo the Zangief stage ones to get it complete. :o
In addition, the next step up from this would be to have the images for each character in the matchup side by side. And from there you’d want to add in the range numbers data for each. After that people can just eyeball each againt each other and get both the range to do the throw as well as the range that they will get thrown.
Yes, I do.
100% positive. even t-akiba’s data said so.
it’s not see below
Just updated all the posts with the number (as shown in pasky’s HUD at the top).
If you don’t believe what you see, you can verify it yourself
(move just 1 pixel outside of the range I indicated and you won’t be able to throw, move 1 pixel closer and you can)
redo all the gief stages yesterday.
also updated 2nd post with more details
Good work!
Here’s some variations on how to frame the pics to highlight a matchup:
I really dont think you needed to do a giant 16x16 permutation. That’s a bit ridiculous! I think just knowing how much farther you can throw certain chars than another is enough.
I sorted by distance between collision box for ryu from your images:
I also sorted by distance between ryu’s collision box and the opponent’s mid or foot blue vulnerable box (whichever was closer):
I don’t think you need to sort by the distance between collision boxes, but rather the midpoint (midpoint of one char to the midpoint of another). Each char has different widths so doesn’t that account for cases like the first in your example (Ryu vs. Honda, how Ryu has to be closer to throw Honda, but Ryu further away to BE thrown by Honda).
Sorting by midpoint between collision boxes between characters is not wise because throw length and how far you can be thrown has nothing to do with the midpoints between collision boxes. There are distinct cases where you can easily show the midpoint does not determine throw distance.
The point on a character that determines where they throw from and also where they can be thrown from is not the midpoint of the collision boxes but is instead set somewhere arbitrarily. All that really matters to someone who plays the game is relatively speaking how much different is this arbitrary distance between characters (especially when you tick throw them off a safe jump setup for certain matchups).
Here’s the list w/ a red line on the character with the closest distance relative to their collision box (gief) and a red line set on cammy’s back collision box. This may be easier to see the relative throw distance on characters relative to collision box.
Great Job!!!
there is now an expanded view of the same tabular data on str website, which is much more accurate than the one on the st wiki
If you’re talking about the throw range table on the main ST wiki article, then yeah, it’s more accurate than that.
But both that table and your data is not completelly right.
As i’ve already pointed out in a topic somewhere in 2012, Balrog range is not fixed. It depends on the character he is facing.
Talking about normal throws only, he beats both Honda’s and Blanka’s throws, but loses to Sim’s and Gief’s miserably. How’s that possible since Honda and Blanka beats Sim’s and Gief’s throws in range?
Thats because Rog’s throw range is variable. He has a huge throwbox, but against most character the throwbox only comes out when
rog is close enough, with sim and gief being cases where rog need to be almost at point blank range to the throwbox to come out.
The original topic: Boxer's Throw Range
Data gathered by myself in the wiki:
Ugh, throw range theory… This always gave me a headache… Characters have different throw ranges but then they shrink/grow depending on who your facing… etc…etc…
When I saw this thread just now I was hoping it would clear things up… It made things worse… And I can’t really tell what those images represent or how to use them. (my gut feeling is the very first post is missing something because just knowing the order isn’t enough, because you get some situations, as someone mentioned earlier, where x out throws y who can outthow z, but x does not necessarily outthrow z.
Its actually very easy to understand. Just don’t think about ranges but range advantages.
Check the throwboxes images from the wiki (go to the character page, then browse to the throw area)
The yellow box is the throwbox, and the whitebox is the throwablebox. When yellow box area crosses the white box area, a throw happens (just like the normal hurt/hit boxes).
What may be confusing is that the throw range matchups are dependent of 2 variables (white & yellow boxes edges) and not only one (the throw range is not a fixed value, like, 20. It depends directly on the boxes geometry, white and yellow). What I mean is, two characters may have throw boxes equal in size (ex: guile and chun li) but their throwable/white boxes may differ. In that example, Chunli’s white box is 5 pixels slimmer than guile’s, so she has 5pixels of RANGE ADVANTAGE against him, but their throw ranges are the same: they have the same max distance, if counted form the axis, to throw a certain character.
So what’s important in throw matchups is the range advantage/“practical range” of a throw. To get that value, just count the yellow box size from the white box’s edge. I already did this for every character, and that data is on the wiki in the “(from the throwable box)” cell.
About Boxer’s throw range, he is the only special case, and the explanation is on that post up here.
it is actually very easy to understand
yellow box - white box = your effective throw advantage as illustrated in this table
Move Distance advantage compared
to previous move
(pixels / in game counter)
-------------------------------- --------------------------------
Point Blank 0
feilong 31
thawk 2
balrog/hp 1
sagat 2
cammy 1
deejay, guile 1
ryu, ken, zangief/super 1
vega 1
zangief/lk suplex 1
chunli 2
mbison, balrog/mp, zangief/throw|mk suplex 1
dhalsim 5
blanka 5
ehonda 2
zangief/hk suplex 2
ehonda/oicho 3
thawk/360|super 7
zangief/spd 18
except for boxer’s oddity, all the images above are correct representation of their max throw distance against each characters
is any change between old and new characters ranges? or they stay the same, for example, some old characters jump slighty faster than their ST counterparts, so wondering if it applies to throw ranges as well
No, they’re the same.